by Max Barry

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Governor: The red guards

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The red guards

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Least Corrupt Governments: 2,723rd
World Factbook Entry


Scourge of the fash on the seven seas, in solidarity with comrades from sea to sea!

We are the longest-standing active force of the militant Left on NationStates, standing at the forefront of antifascist and anti-reactionary action.

We oppose capitalism, fascism, and imperialism; our forces stand guard for vulnerable regions on the Left when they are in need.

LinkSubmit a Rate Application | LinkJoin us on Discord | LinkView our Policies
Admiralty Board:


  1. 48

    Solidarity Pact of the NSLeft

    BulletinPolicy by Inter-regional Communication . 7,159 reads.

  2. 24

    Comrades, The Red Fleet Needs You!

    MetaReference by NSLeft . 786 reads.

  3. 397

    Anti-Fascism, or, Why We Fight

    MetaReference by The international working class . 16,175 reads.

Embassies: Antifa, NSLeft, Anarchy, North Korea, The Communist Bloc, The Internationale, The Leftist Assembly, The Social Liberal Union, The MT Army, Commie Flotilla, Korean Peoples Army, Korean Peoples Navy, Argentina, The Red Fleet Conning Tower, Das Kommune, Fascist and Imperialist Union, and 133 others.Volksgebied van Boere en Afrikaners, United Socialist Republics, Anti Nazi Alliance, Union of Socialist Soviet Republics, Libertarians, Communist Republic, Anti Authoritarian Alliance, A m e r i c a, Confederation of Free States, Federacion Comunista Iberica, The Federal Islands, NationStates Communist Victims Memorial, Greater German Reich, Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, Alliance Against Nazis, The URAP, The NSIA, Bunicken, International Socialists, Communist, Communist International, Alt Right, A Territory of The Iron Order known as X, The Elite Region of Global Command, united socialist states of indi, Nations for Total Fascism, The Alternative Right, The Fascist State, Reichsfolk, THE TRUMP WARRIORS, The Region Of Allied Nations, REATO, The Iron Confederacy, Free American Empire, The Fourth International, New Leftist Union, The Greatest Reich, Fascists Parade, The Rainbow Fleet, Confraternity of Nationalist States, I r o n P a c t, The Flotilla, The Republic of Rhodesia, International Socialist Party, Right Wing Paradise, Republic of Chad, The Capitalist Union, The Republic of Northern Powers, The United Federation of Fascist States, Apartheid South Africa, NationStates Monarchists, Fascism United, Nuevo Amanecer, The Coalition of Fascist Nations, Guardia Imperial, PCMPCMPCMPCM, Confederacy of Layem, Sacrumterra, CHURCH OF CHRIST, Lausania, Imperial White Fleet, Brebina, Great East Asian Alliance, Pacifico setentrional, Asatruisches Kaiserreich, third position and right wing militants, third position militants, League of International Fascists, Libertatem Libertatoe Vodka Distillery, Sturmabteilung, Greater reich of alvarez, Mitteleurope, Yakubia, The Order of St George, Kathedrale des thomas von aquin, Beljiotena, Borenzoist fashs, The Gulag, Greater siberia, Alamo, The conservative assembly, Byzantium empire, Komsomol, Silver Legion of the ISV, White contra brotherhood, German workers union, Kingdom of Judea, Hagia Sophia, Geheime staatspolizei, Portugal comunista, New fascist separatists, Oilville, Drynia, Orthodoxy, The national union of fascist nations, Catholic Right Union, The Berlin Pact, Big Bend, North bulgaristani military command, Arcem, Leibstandarte, Spartan Empire, Folk Socialist Action, Western Empire, The Kingdom of Westminster, The allied states of faygo heaven, Latin League, Scath, Ottoman Army, TRF, The New Liberal Republic, The league of liberal nations, National Christian Armed Forces, Vulenkeim, The mccarthy bloc, The Steel Pact, Fort of solitude, Thefreedomrealm, Nova Roma, Continental German Empire, Temple of Fortune, The second black order, White Quebec Region, Kingdom Of Albion, The New World Fascist Alliance Military, Republic of Genzi, League of Christian Nations, Oath Keepers, Patriot Front, National Front, The Coalition of NS Fascists, The Communist Pigs, and ZOV.

Tags: Anarchist, Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Fascist, Commended, Communist, Defender, Feminist, Game Player, Governorless, Independent, Invader, LGBT, and 7 others.Non-English, Offsite Chat, Offsite Forums, Password, Serious, Small, and Socialist.

The Red Fleet contains 6 nations, the 3,734th most in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Largest Cheese Export Sector in The Red Fleet

Qualified World Census Cheese Masters nibbled their way across the globe to determine which nations have the most developed cheese exports.

As a region, The Red Fleet is ranked 20,430th in the world for Largest Cheese Export Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The SL Admiralty Proxy of III Lyrical Int BrigadeLeft-wing Utopia“ˇNo pasaran!”
2.The Republic of Courelli in TRFNew York Times Democracy“La volontŕ del popolo č la legge suprema”
3.The Red Fleet Administration of GaeslanDemocratic Socialists“Pax ignescens!”
4.The Armed Forces of Zulankan Outpost 49Liberal Democratic Socialists“ˇHasta la Victoria Siempre!”
5.The Republic of New MisleyLiberal Democratic Socialists“Ego veto custos mei fratris sum.”
6.The Revolutionary Flagship of Podria in The Red FleetLeft-wing Utopia“Pax ignescens!”

Regional Happenings


The Red Fleet Regional Message Board

The red guards


In its first operation since the defense of The Internationale, The Red Fleet struck down five fascist regions at minor update on April 26, including two regions classified as observer regions by the Right Wing Uprising.

Hitler Incorporated, Greater Reich of New Germania, The Celtic Federation, The United Nations Of Rowania, and The Anti Globalist Alliance all sustained direct hits from The Red Fleet's torpedo salvo. After six months without an operation, The Red Fleet gave an impressive showing by timing its entry into the targeted regions to accuracy within one minute.

We expect the Fash to try to twist this as a meaningless operation, but they know what it means to have an active and mobile Fleet back in the waters. :)

Participating in the raid were Admiral Misley as point and trigger, and Sailor Kryftland as endorser. For his participation, Kryftland is promoted to Senior Sailor.

Want to join us in future operations? Fill out a Rate Application on our forum!

ˇNo pasarán!

Admiral of The Red Fleet

The red guards

Operation Alba Rosa

Led by Misley and the Nautical Brothers and Sisters of The Red Fleet, the Alliance Against Nazis has been refounded.

Alliance Against Nazis has long been an anti-fascist region, formerly founded by Comrade K-714. Following comrade K-714's retirement, the region was refounded by The Red Fleet and Syndicated Red-Black Tendencies before the founder again ceased to exist.

The region's importance as a late-updating region (currently the 176th-to-last region to update) gave it military significance as a lucrative launch point for anti-fascist forces. Similar launch points are used by many invader and defender organizations in NationStates, though none before AAN have formally been established for use by Antifa.

Solidarity provided by The MT Army, North Korea, In The Flesh, Alliance Of Armed Nations, and Argentina.

Antifa Soldiers Involved:

Sorry if I missed anyone - thank you all for the support during a somewhat lengthy but fruitful mission!

"Scourge of the Fash on the seven seas, & Solidarity with Comrades from sea to sea!"

Admiral of The Red Fleet

The red guards

Capture of NAZI EUROPE

NAZI EUROPE, once the crown jewel of Right Wing Uprising, has been refounded in the conclusion of a month-long operation initiated by Lone Wolves United, The North Pacific, and the United Imperial Armed Forces. The Red Fleet worked in conjunction with these militaries and other raiders and leftist and antifascist military forces to bring down NAZI EUROPE, and the efforts of all involved antifascist soldiers has been recognized by the Admiralty Board with the presentation of the medal "Antifascist Unity in NAZI EUROPE."

More details can be found in this dispatch:




On June 3, 2014, NAZI EUROPE, one of the largest Nazi regions on NationStates and a founding Gold-level member of Right Wing Uprising was invaded by forces from The North Pacific and The United Imperial Armed Forces. The next day, The Red Fleet and The MT Army joined the invasion force.

On June 18, NAZI EUROPE was briefly retaken by Right Wing Uprising, only to be finally retaken by a multiregional update force on June 20 that included Antifa soldiers. Following the reclamation of NAZI EUROPE, Antifa soldiers and citizens were called upon to pile into the region, peaking at 28 nations. These 28 nations provided 1/3 of the endorsements for Tancerlo, making Antifa one of the strongest supporters of the invasion, which ended on July 7 with the establishment of a new secret password and the removal of all forces. The operation fully concluded on July 15, when NAZI EUROPE was refounded.

For their participation in this historic raid, the following nations are presented the Medal "Antifascist Unity in NAZI EUROPE" on behalf of the Admiralty Board of The Red Fleet.

Individual Medals Presented to:

* Non-Antifa personnel receiving this award for their instrumental role in this operation.

Regional/Organizational Medals Presented to:

Presented on behalf of the Admiralty Board of The Red Fleet to Antifa Soldiers, July 9, 2014.

Read dispatch

"Scourge of the Fash on the seven seas, & Solidarity with Comrades from sea to sea!"

Fleet Admiral of The Red Fleet

The red guards

Operation Under Mother's Wings

Leninist Russia, a region that has shared embassies with Antifa for over two years, was the target of an invasion by The Tripartite Pact, led by GGR's Leather-clad germany himself, through the thinly-veiled puppet The anti-communist matriarchy. This puppet is part of GGR's bizarre "misandrist" parody group, The Great Gynarchy, which presumably targeted Leninist Russia due to its former members' feminist stance.

LCG admitted ownership of the puppet in telegrams to Baronet of ancoats, who had entered the region under a fascist flag, seizing the delegacy with the assistance of a combination of Red Fleet sailors and MT Army soldiers who entered under similar disguise. The Fash failed to respond to this incursion adequately, even believing the ruse and asking the The Red Fleet and MT Army militants to endorse Tripartite Pact soldiers. Unfortunately for them, after several updates, they found themselves in The Rejected Realms!

Over the following month, the region was defended by soldiers from The Red Fleet, The MT Army, North Korea, Das Kommune, In The Flesh, and several independent Antifa comrades. Tonight, the region has been secured by a secret password, and soldiers will begin to draw down as they receive new orders from their respective commanders.

Evidence of our deception of LCG and disclosure of identity:

"Scourge of the Fash on the seven seas, & Solidarity with Comrades from sea to sea!"

Fleet Admiral of The Red Fleet

Post self-deleted by The red guards.

Post self-deleted by The red guards.

The red guards

Expansion of the Admiralty Board

Comrade Timchiland, formerly a Lieutenant in The Red Fleet, has been promoted to the Admiralty Board as a Joint Squadron Admiral.

Timchiland has been a loyal sailor with The Red Fleet since joining in January, and his contributions to the Fleet, particularly in keeping the Fleet sailing through the spring, have not gone without notice.

Comrade Esch and Comrade Vetelo have joined The Red Fleet as Joint Squadron Admirals. They are formerly commanders of the Red Army of the USSR and the USSF, respectively, and have agreed to lead future operations under the ensign of The Red Fleet.

Congratulations to these comrades for their appointments to the Admiralty Board!

"Scourge of the Fash on the seven seas, & Solidarity with Comrades from sea to sea!"

Fleet Admiral of The Red Fleet

The red guards

Capture of The Greater German Reich

On September 24, 2015, The Red Fleet stormed into the Greater German Reich arm-in-arm with comrades from across NationStates, ousting Delegate Verborgenen herrn despite Nazi attempts to bolster the region's defense.

After 36 days, The Red Fleet concluded its operation on October 30 by ejecting all remaining fascist nations, establishing a secret password, and then clearing the region of all remaining allied troops.

On November 2, 2015, the Greater German Reich was successfully refounded by The Red Fleet, permanently destroying a once-notorious bastion of Nazi players.

"Scourge of the Fash on the seven seas, & Solidarity with Comrades from sea to sea!"

Fleet Admiral of The Red Fleet

Post self-deleted by Ghillemear.

Post self-deleted by Ostalgieland.

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