by Max Barry

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Wir helfen mit, die Ausbreitung zu verlangsamen, damit möglichst viele der schweren Krankheitsverläufe behandelt werden können. Leider können wir z.B. in Italien sehen, was passiert, wenn man lange die Ausbreitung nicht gebremst hat. Es ist sehr traurig. Diejenigen Länder, welche die Ausbreitung noch bremsen können, müssen jetzt bremsen. Dazu verzichten wir auf alle nicht absolut notwendigen physischen Kontakte. Raus an die Sonne zum Spazieren und Sport gehen wir allein/mit FreundIn/PartnerIn/Familie.

Es gibt für mich jede Menge zu Hause zu arbeiten, zur selbstorganisierten Fortbildung und zur Unterhaltung, das ist alles überhaupt kein Problem.

Wenn deine Großeltern derzeit nicht selbst in den Laden gehen wollen, können sie sich an die Nachbarschaftshilfe wenden, direkt privat unter den Nachbarn, oder organisiert von der Gemeinde. Dann finden sie freiwillige jüngere Leute, die für sie einkaufen.

Das echte europa

Man kann sehr gut sehen, wie die Zahlen der Infektionen zurückgegangen sind. Ich hoffe, dass das nicht daran liegt, dass am Wochenende weniger getestet wurde.

Wird schon! Ruft eure Eltern an, die freuen sich :)

Das echte europa

Southfield diplomacy delegate 6


This is a diplomatic update from Southfield! This week we passed some new pieces of legislation, the Embassy Security Act, the Election Process Act, and the Right to Information Act. These are meant to provide safety and security for our region, as well as promote a clear framework for our regional democratic institutions.

Southfield also launched its roleplay, starting off with publishing the Daily Brief, which releases two stories a day on roleplay topics.

I hope that everyone in this region is doing well!

The Southfield Foreign Ministry


Bonjour !

Ceci est une mise à jour diplomatique de Southfield ! Cette semaine, nous avons adopté de nouveaux textes de loi, la loi sur la sécurité des ambassades, la loi sur le processus électoral et la loi sur le droit à l'information. Ces lois visent à assurer la sécurité de notre région et à promouvoir un cadre clair pour nos institutions démocratiques régionales.

Southfield a également lancé son jeu de rôle, en commençant par la publication du Daily Brief, qui publie deux histoires par jour sur des sujets liés aux jeux de rôle.

J'espère que tout le monde dans cette région se porte bien !

Le ministère des affaires étrangères de Southfield



Dies ist ein diplomatisches Update von Southfield! Diese Woche haben wir einige neue Gesetze verabschiedet, das Botschaftssicherheitsgesetz, das Wahlverfahrensgesetz und das Gesetz über das Recht auf Information. Diese sollen für die Sicherheit unserer Region sorgen und einen klaren Rahmen für unsere regionalen demokratischen Institutionen schaffen.

Southfield startete auch sein Rollenspiel und begann mit der Veröffentlichung des Daily Brief, der täglich zwei Geschichten zu Rollenspielthemen veröffentlicht.

Ich hoffe, dass es allen in dieser Region gut geht!

Das Außenministerium von Southfield

Das echte europa

Who cares bro 2

Ich muss ausgehen, um eine region zu helfen

Das echte europa

Friends, vote for Ofiussia.

If you like Cod, then give him the top Job!

Vote for Ofiussia

If you like Cod, then give him the top Job!

Vote for Ofiussia

Read factbook

Heh, thanks. I'll pass this year's April Fools. I enjoy other types of silliness. Less egocentric ones.

Attention seeking, popularity seeking, ego stroking are types of silliness which I'm not interested in.

Das echte europa

Southfield diplomacy delegate 6

Grüezi Mitenand,

Das ist der Botschafter von Southfield, der gerade die Region Deutschland grüßt! Wir wollten Sie alle über das Geschehen in unserer Region auf dem Laufenden halten, als Erweiterung der Diplomatie. Unsere Regierung hat mit der Arbeit an unserer Nachrichtenwebsite für ein Rollenspiel begonnen, und wir wollen mit der Schaffung einer NationStates-weiten deutschsprachigen Zeitung beginnen.

Wir hoffen, dass es Ihrer Region gut geht! Wir wünschen Ihnen einen schönen Morgen!

Ich danke Ihnen!

Baden-Wuerttemberg and Das echte europa

Willkommen in Deutschland und willkommen zurück in Deutschland:
Howiek, Santa Marisa, Deutsch Lostland, East Sandalusia, North Sandalusia, Petrovovic, Sandalusia, St Joseph, Warthingtonian Brasilistan, Warthingtonian Sandalusia, Austroslowenia, Southfield diplomacy delegate 6, Ilversgehofen.

Schön, euch dabei zu haben!

Wir erfahren gerne mehr über eure Nationen, wenn ihr Lust habt.

Ausnahmsweise sind Factbooks des Monats diesmal alle drei realitätsbezogen. Die Infos betreffen alle, egal wofür wir uns sonst noch so interessieren. Alles Gute allerseits und bleibt wenn möglich gesund, oder ganz herzlich gute Besserung.


COVID-19 — also referred to as Coronavirus disease in the media — is a strain of the virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, and is currently present in over 180 countries and territories.

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which can infect both humans and animals. They can range from the common flu to more serious illnesses and in recent years have been the cause of major outbreaks like the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).

Compared to SARS, COVID-19 appears to be highly transmissible as most cases are mild and resemble a cold. The symptoms of COVID-19 include a cough, fever and shortness of breath (more details are provided in the FAQ below).

If you would like to learn more, you can view an informational YouTube video from John Hopkins Medicine Linkhere, or visit the websites listed below.

The LinkWorld Health Organisation recommends the following:

Wash your hands frequently

Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.

Why? Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands.

Maintain social distancing

Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

Why? When someone coughs or sneezes they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain virus. If you are too close, you can breathe in the droplets, including the COVID-19 virus if the person coughing has the disease.

Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth

Why? Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick.

Practice respiratory hygiene

Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.

Why? Droplets spread virus. By following good respiratory hygiene you protect the people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and COVID-19.

If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early

Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority.

Why? National and local authorities will have the most up to date information on the situation in your area. Calling in advance will allow your health care provider to quickly direct you to the right health facility. This will also protect you and help prevent spread of viruses and other infections.

Stay informed and follow advice given by your healthcare provider

Stay informed on the latest developments about COVID-19. Follow advice given by your healthcare provider, your national and local public health authority or your employer on how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.

Why? National and local authorities will have the most up to date information on whether COVID-19 is spreading in your area. They are best placed to advise on what people in your area should be doing to protect themselves.

Source: World Health Organisation (2020). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public. Retrieved from

Source: Maragakis, L. L. (2020). Coronavirus at a Glance: Infographic. Retrieved from

In an uncertain period which may of us find ourselves in, it is understandable that we should seek out more information. It is important to note, however, that not everything we read online, hear from our friends, or gather from the grapevine will be true.

You should exercise responsible research habits and ensure that:
(1) the information is from a reputable organisation (such as a regional or national newspaper or your country's health authorities);
(2) the author is an authoritative source (i.e. they hold an advanced degree in public health, epidemiology, or a related field);
(3) or, in the case that they lack the proper credentials, you should do more research to verify their claims from more reliable sources before accepting their advice.

The following information is from the LinkWorld Health Organisation Myth buster webpage and has been reproduced here for your convenience. This selection of myths and facts are limited and it is recommended that you visit their Linksite for the full version.

Myth — COVID-19 virus cannot be transmitted in areas with hot and humid climates

Fact — From the evidence so far, the COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in ALL AREAS, including areas with hot and humid weather. Regardless of climate, adopt protective measures if you live in, or travel to an area reporting COVID-19. The best way to protect yourself against COVID-19 is by frequently cleaning your hands. By doing this you eliminate viruses that may be on your hands and avoid infection that could occur by then touching your eyes, mouth, and nose.

Myth — Cold weather and snow can kill the new coronavirus.

Fact — There is no reason to believe that cold weather can kill the new coronavirus or other diseases. The normal human body temperature remains around 36.5°C to 37°C, regardless of the external temperature or weather. The most effective way to protect yourself against the new coronavirus is by frequently cleaning your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or washing them with soap and water.

Myth — Taking a hot bath will prevent the new coronavirus disease

Fact — Taking a hot bath will not prevent you from catching COVID-19. Your normal body temperature remains around 36.5°C to 37°C, regardless of the temperature of your bath or shower. Actually, taking a hot bath with extremely hot water can be harmful, as it can burn you. The best way to protect yourself against COVID-19 is by frequently cleaning your hands. By doing this you eliminate viruses that may be on your hands and avoid infection that coud occur by then touching your eyes, mouth, and nose.

Myth — The new coronavirus can be transmitted through mosquito bites.

Fact — To date there has been no information nor evidence to suggest that the new coronavirus could be transmitted by mosquitoes. The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus which spreads primarily through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose. To protect yourself, clean your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Also, avoid close contact with anyone who is coughing and sneezing.

Myth — Hand dryers are effective in killing the new coronavirus.

Fact — No. Hand dryers are not effective in killing the 2019-nCoV. To protect yourself against the new coronavirus, you should frequently clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Once your hands are cleaned, you should dry them thoroughly by using paper towels or a warm air dryer.

Source: World Health Organisation (2020). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public: Myth busters. Retrieved from

The following information is from the LinkWorld Health Organisation Q&A and has been reproduced here for your convenience. For a more exhaustive F&Q, please visit their Linkwebsite

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough, and tiredness. Other symptoms that are less common and may affect some patients include aches and pains, nasal congestion, headache, conjunctivitis, sore throat, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell or a rash on skin or discoloration of fingers or toes. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. Some people become infected but only have very mild symptoms.

Most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing hospital treatment. Around 1 out of every 5 people who gets COVID-19 becomes seriously ill and develops difficulty breathing. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like high blood pressure, heart and lung problems, diabetes, or cancer, are at higher risk of developing serious illness. However, anyone can catch COVID-19 and become seriously ill. People of all ages who experience fever and/or cough associated with difficulty breathing/shortness of breath, chest pain/pressure, or loss of speech or movement should seek medical attention immediately. If possible, it is recommended to call the health care provider or facility first, so the patient can be directed to the right clinic.

What should I do if I have COVID-19 symptoms and when should I seek medical care?

If you have minor symptoms, such as a slight cough or a mild fever, there is generally no need to seek medical care. Stay at home, self-isolate and monitor your symptoms. Follow national guidance on self-isolation.

However, if you live in an area with malaria or dengue fever it is important that you do not ignore symptoms of fever. Seek medical help. When you attend the health facility wear a mask if possible, keep at least 1 metre distance from other people and do not touch surfaces with your hands. If it is a child who is sick help the child stick to this advice.

Seek immediate medical care if you have difficulty breathing or pain/pressure in the chest. If possible, call your health care provider in advance, so he/she can direct you to the right health facility.

Should I wear a mask to protect myself?

Masks should be used as part of a comprehensive strategy of measures to suppress transmission and save lives; the use of a mask alone is not sufficient to provide an adequate level of protection against COVID-19. You should also maintain a minimum physical distance of at least 1 metre from others, frequently clean your hands and avoid touching your face and mask.

Medical masks can protect people wearing the mask from getting infected, as well as can prevent those who have symptoms from spreading them. WHO recommends the following groups use medical masks.

Health workers
Anyone with symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, including people with mild symptoms
People caring for suspect or confirmed cases of COVID-19 outside of health facilities

Medical masks are also recommended for these at-risk people, when they are in areas of widespread transmission and they cannot guarantee a distance of at least 1 metre from others:

People aged 60 or over
People of any age with underlying health conditions

Non-medical, fabric masks are being used by many people in public areas, but there has been limited evidence on their effectiveness and WHO does not recommend their widespread use among the public for control of COVID-19. However, for areas of widespread transmission, with limited capacity for implementing control measures and especially in settings where physical distancing of at least 1 metre is not possible – such as on public transport, in shops or in other confined or crowded environments – WHO advises governments to encourage the general public to use non-medical fabric masks.

How can we protect others and ourselves if we don't know who is infected?

Practicing hand and respiratory hygiene is important at ALL times and is the best way to protect others and yourself.

When possible maintain at least a 1 meter distance between yourself and others. This is especially important if you are standing by someone who is coughing or sneezing. Since some infected persons may not yet be exhibiting symptoms or their symptoms may be mild, maintaining a physical distance with everyone is a good idea if you are in an area where COVID-19 is circulating.


There are a number of country/region-specific websites listed below. This list is not exhaustive and if your country or region is not provided below, it is highly recommended that you independently search for it as it will contain useful information and guidance.

Australia LinkDepartment of Health
Austria LinkFederal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection
Canada LinkPublic Health Agency of Canada
Czech Republic LinkMinistry of Health
Denmark LinkMinistry of Health
European Union LinkEuropean Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Finland LinkMinistry of Social Affairs and Health
France LinkMinistry of Health
Germany LinkFederal Centre for Health Education | LinkRobert Koch Institute (federal government agency responsible for disease control and prevention) | LinkInformation index
Indonesia LinkMinistry of Health
Japan LinkMinistry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Malaysia LinkMinistry of Health
Singapore LinkMinistry of Health
South Korea LinkMinistry of Health and Welfare
Switzerland LinkFederal Office of Public Health
United Kingdom LinkNational Health Service
United States LinkCenters for Disease Control and Prevention

Additionally, there are numerous resources which are a good starting point if you wish to understand this pandemic better:

Academic Institutions & Medical Journals:
Elsevier LinkNovel Coronavirus Information Center
John Hopkins University LinkCenter for Systems Science and Engineering (COVID-19 tracking)
The Lancet LinkCOVID-19 Resource Centre
The New England Journal of Medicine LinkCOVID-19 webpage

International Organisations:
World Health Organisation ( LinkAdvisory Information | LinkOverview | LinkQuestion & Answer )

News Sources:
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) (Australia) LinkCoverage on Coronavirus outbreak
BBC (United Kingdom) LinkCoronavirus pandemic explainers
Channel News Asia (Singapore) LinkLatest news on COVID-19
DW (Germany) LinkCOVID-19 news coverage
Foreign Affairs (United States) LinkCoverage of Coronavirus
France 24 (France) LinkCOVID-19 news coverage
Guardian (United Kingdom) LinkCOVID-19 news coverage
New York Times (United States) LinkCOVID-19 news coverage
South China Morning Post (Hong Kong) LinkCoverage on Coronavirus outbreak

Other [Note: Read with Caution as author(s) are not authoritative sources]:
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell LinkYouTube video 'The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do'
Tomas Pueyo LinkMedium opinion piece

If there are any resources you think should be added, please do feel free to telegram Amerion and it may be included in this dispatch.

An Informational Dispatch on Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Read dispatch


Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, Informationen für Bürger

Links zu Informationen der jeweiligen Bundesländer über Lage, Regeln, Tests und Impfungen:

Videos der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung

Audioinhalte zu Hören

Robert Koch Institut, deutsche Bundesoberbehörde für Infektionskrankheiten

Infektionszahlen in Deutschland, Robert Koch Institut

Infektionszahlen weltweit, WHO

Informationen zum Coronavirus in Leichter Sprache

COVID-19 (Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2), detaillierte Informationen

Freiwillige App: Corona-Datenspende

Bundesministerium für Gesundheit

Zusammen gegen Corona, Seite des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

NDR Info Podcast zum Coronavirus

Aktuelle Zahlen SARS-CoV-2 Deutschland
Website in Kooperation mit der Forschungsgruppe TECO am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie


Bundesministerium Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz


Bundesamt für Gesundheit

Internationale Umfrage

In Englisch. Survey on Coronavirus, by an international team of researchers from 12 different institutions, including Harvard, Cambridge, IESE, and Warwick University, collecting survey data on how citizens prepare and cope with the spreading coronavirus. So far there has been no assessment of how individuals perceive the situation and behave in response to it. Please note you must be over 18 to participate.

Read dispatch

Best wishes!

Overview of Covid-19 infections in Germany, Robert Koch Institut

Overview of Covid-19 infections, wordwide, WHO

Information from Germany

Information in Akan/Twi, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Bulgarian, Chinese, German, English, French, Georgian, Greek, Hindi, Bahasa Indonesia, Italian, Khmer, Kiswahili, Kurdish, Marathi, Macedonian, Nepalese, Pashtu, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian, Slovak, Somali, Spanish, Thai, Czech, Tigrigna, Turkish, Hungarian, Vietnamese
Ethno-medical centre. Ethno-medizinisches Zentrum e.V.
The Health Project with migrants for migrants

Covid-19 information in the following languages (scroll down on the page):
Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dari, English, French, Italian, Greek, Hungarian, Kurdish, Lithuanian, Pashto, Persian/Farsi, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Tigrinya, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese.
Link list by Germany's Minister of State for Migration, Refugees and Integration.

Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (federal centre for health information)
Information in Arabic, English, Farsi/Persian, French, Russian, Turkish

Videos by the Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (federal centre for health information)

in Arabic

in English

in Farsi/Persian

in French

in Russian

in Turkish

Federal Ministry of Health

Federal Ministry of Health, information for foreign careworkers
in German, Polish, Czech, Croatian, Hungarian, Romanian, Lithuanian, Bulgarian

Robert Koch Institute, federal government agency and research institute for disease control and prevention, detailed information

Information from Austria

Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection
Information in English

Information from Switzerland

Office Fédéral de la Santé Publique
Informations en français

Ufficio federale della sanità pubblica
Informazioni in italiano

Federal Office of Public Health
Information in English

International Survey

Survey on Coronavirus, by an international team of researchers from 12 different institutions, including Harvard, Cambridge, IESE, and Warwick University, collecting survey data on how citizens prepare and cope with the spreading coronavirus. So far there has been no assessment of how individuals perceive the situation and behave in response to it. Please note you must be over 18 to participate.

Read dispatch

Cubestria, The saar commune, Das echte europa, and Southfield diplomacy delegate 6

The saar commune

Ich hoffe euch allen geht's gut und ihr haltet die Ohren steif.

Baden-Wuerttemberg and Das echte europa

Hallöchen zusammen!

Im Namen von 10000 Islands lade ich Euch herzlich ein, an unseren Wettbewerben "Best Motto" und "Best Flag" teilzunehmen.



It is my distinct pleasure as Cultural Officer of 10000 Islands to announce the return of the Best Flag Competition to 10000 Islands! This event has a storied history, having been run for years by Anime daisuki but fallen out of circulation in recent times. Accordingly, the Cultural Office has decided to bring this back! To further enhance the cultural experience of the contest, we have decided to supplement it with a contest for national mottos and to invite our friends from other regions to participate with us.

Best Flag Competition

Over the next week, nations may "sign up" by submitting an image of their flag in Linkthis sign up thread, along with a link to the flag that is being submitted, or via NationStates telegram to HumanSanity using the nation with the flag you wish to submit. The rules for submissions are as follows:
  • Flags do not need to be resized when they are submitted, but will be resized by competition organizers to 130px width (if rectangular) or 100px on each side (if square).

  • Submitted flags must be original artwork by the player. Flags may not be game-provided flags. If your flag was created by another player, you may still enter it but you must credit the player who created it when you make your submission.

  • Flags must meet NationStates site rules and may not promote hate speech or otherwise promote fascist or hateful ideologies.

  • The flag must be currently in use on a NationStates nation controlled by the player.

  • All nations are welcome to participate regardless of 10000 Islands citizenship status.

  • Any disputes over the rules will be adjudicated by the event planner, HumanSanity.

  • Each player may make only one submission but may submit a flag on any nation.

Submissions will open on 4/8 and close on 4/15 at 5 PM EDT.

After the sign up period, flags submitted via the forum will be randomly assigned into "groups" for a round of forum-side voting between 4/15 and 4/22. The top several entries in each group will advance to the final round of voting between 4/22 and 4/29.

Flags submitted via NationStates telegram will be voted upon separately using the NationStates on-site polling platform in 10000 Islands between 4/15 and 4/22. More information can be found here

After these preliminary "group" voting rounds, the final round of voting will occur entirely on the 10000 Islands forum. Exact voting procedures will be announced once the number of entries becomes more clear.

The ultimate winner of the Best Flag Competition will receive a 50,000 Taco prize and a copy of the NS Trading Card Season 1 Epic Anime daisuki. This give away is made possible due to a generous donation from Feu de Glace who has the sincerest appreciations of the Islands. The runner up will receive a 10,000 Taco prize and a copy of Season 2 Legendary Candensia.

A separate prize will be available to the best performing on-site flag - they will receive a Season 1 Epic Tzo NS trading card.

Best Motto Competition

Separately, the Cultural Office will be running a best motto competition. The best motto competition will be run through the Link10000 Islands Discord including submissions and voting.

Submissions can be made in the channel #best-motto-submission. After a week of submissions, we will enter a voting period structured based on the number of submissions at the discretion of the Cultural Officer. When the voting period opens, a channel for discussion (#best-motto-discussion) and a channel for voting (#best-motto-voting) will be opened. Participants may discuss in the discussion channel and cast their ballots in the voting channel.

The following are rules for motto submissions:

  • Mottos must be the motto of a nation on NationStates controlled by the player.

  • Mottos must meet all NationStates site rules and may not promote hateful ideologies. Additionally, all submissions and discussion must meet Discord rules.

  • Mottos must be relatively original. Mottos which are made by the NationStates motto autogenerator will not be accepted.

  • Any disputes over the rules will be adjudicated by the event planner, HumanSanity.

  • Each player may make only one submission.

  • Players may provide translations for their mottos to be listed on the ballot if they are in a foreign language.

Motto submissions are due 4/15 at 5 PM EDT.

After the sign up period, mottos will be randomly assigned into "groups" for a round of voting between 4/15 and 4/22. The top several entries in each group will advance to the final round of voting between 4/22 and 4/29.

Exact voting procedures will be announced once the number of entries becomes more clear.

The winner of the Best Motto Competition will receive 25,000 Tacos and the runner up will receive 10,000 Tacos. The winner of the Best Motto Competition will also receive a copy of Season 2 Legendary Wrapper and the runner up will receive a copy of Season 2 Epic Dr george.

Read dispatch

Wascht die Hände! Schöne Ostern!

Hello! As you see from my name, I go through multilingual regions to learn languages! All I know of German is one word, and that is the region name.

I found it from the poll in The Kids Haven, Where is Germany? Poll.


San fuego, The saar commune, and Das echte europa

Hello everyone. This is Bengaliana from India. We are happily announcing that recently, we have elected a new WAD, who is our very honourable Neo Kerala. Along with him, we have a new cabinet as well, and I, Bengaliana will be serving in it as Minister of Foreign Affairs this time. I hope the ties between India and Deutschland can be improving day by day. Thank you.

The saar commune, Ludwigreich, and Das echte europa

Hallo zusammen! Ich habe hier schon eine Nation, Das echte europa, aber ich wollte für Worms sagen, dass wir uns sehr freuen, mit Deutschland eine Botschaft zu haben. Besucher aus Deutschland sind bei uns natürlich immer willkommen!

Bleibt weiterhin gesund und passt gut auf euch auf!

Ich schon wieder, sorry. :-D

Neben unseren lustigen Wettbewerbseinladungen haben wir außerdem wieder die wichtigsten Neuigkeiten aus 10000 Islands zusammen geschrieben:

10000 Islands Emissary Update

Date: March 2020
Population: 1460
Delegate Endorsements: 399
Forum: Link
Discord: Link
Twitter: Link

TITO Command

Has your region been invaded, or do you want to get in touch with TITO? If so, contact one of the following nations:
~Chief Executive: Markanite.
~Field Commander: Kanta Hame.
~Tactical Officers: Shy Guyia, Smugglers and Mercs (EF), Mingulay isle, THX1138.
~Executive Officers: Hakketomat, Aschente
~Technical Liaisons: Kortexia, Aschente.


As of this report’s publication, the Government of 10000 Islands consists of:
~Chief Executive: Markanite
~WA Delegate: Kuriko
~Senator for Blue Canaria North (Emissary Report): Pelanesomunk
~Senator for Lyonnesse East (Houses): The United Royal Islands of Euramathania
~Senator for New Republica South (Debates and Discussions): HN67
~Senator for Himes West (RP): Marxist germany
~Minister of Labor: HumanSanity
~Minister of Immigration: THX1138
~Minister of Education: The tasmanian islands

Information about other government officials of 10000 Islands can be found Linkhere.

March Elections

Scheduled elections took place in March for the positions of World Assembly Delegate, Senator for Himes West, and Senator for Lyonnesse East. Additionally, the seat for Senator for New Republica South, left vacant after HumanSanity transitioned to Minister of Labor, was also open for election for a partial term.

As his final act as Senator for New Replica South outgoing NRS Senator HumanSanity hosted LinkDelegate and Senate Election Debates prior to voting.

Incumbent WA Delegate Kuriko entered the race in a bid to serve for a second consecutive term. Although the result was easy to predict given Kuriko’s popularity, long standing XKI resident and former Senior Senator Hakketomat ran a Linklighthearted campaign to make a race of it. Hakke managed to garner 8 votes, but with Kuriko getting twenty more than that, the Linkvictory was decisive.

Incumbent Senator for Lyonnesse East The United Royal Islands of Euramathania and incumbent Senator for Himes West (Gaming User) Marxist germany both ran unopposed, and will continue in their respective roles.

The most hotly contested seat was for Senator for New Republica South and the oversight of regional debate in LinkThe Grand Debate Hall. Long-time Islander HN67 went toe-to-toe with relative newcomer Dorab and the race was within a few votes from start to finish. In the end HN67 was elected Senator and Council of Nine member, with 20 votes to the opponent’s 15.

Congratulations to the winning candidates and to all who put forth a strong campaign.

Additional Government Changes

10000 Islands and TITO wish to thank The United Royal Islands of Euramathania for their temporary stewardship as TITO Executive Officer. Former XO Aschente has returned to this role in a full-time capacity, and will also maintain their role as a TITO Technical Liaison.

The knights apprentice of sargon reman will no longer serve as 10000 Islands’ Minister of Immigration or WA Secretary. The region extends its thanks to Sargon Reman for their service in these roles.

THX1138 has stepped down as Senator for Blue Canaria North after being selected as the region's replacing Minister of Immigration by Chief Executive Markanite. Deputy Minister duties will continue to be carried out by Haivon

Chief Executive Markanite has appointed Pelanesomunk as interim Senator for Blue Canaria North.

Other appointments of note include Kortexia as LinkAwards Czar; The knights apprentice of sargon reman as Deputiy Minister of Education; Dorab as XKI Emissary to The North Pacific; and Ketab as XKI Emissary to The Coalition of Democratic Nations

BULLETIN - Kuriko elected as WA Secretary-General

While this is the report for March, we would be remiss not to extend our congratulations to XKI World Assembly Delegate Kuriko on their recent election as World Assembly Secretary-General as well as to Vice Sec-Gen The Salaxalans.

We also wish to extend our congratulations to all of the final five candidates and their running-mates on a good race. Our thanks to the many, many regions who boosted for Kuriko, and to all those who cast contributing votes. A full report on results will appear in the report for April.

Around the Islands

~ The Council of Nine has voted in favour of creating an Link RMB RP Embassy Region to provide a venue for those in XKI who enjoy RMB roleplaying. This region will remain uninhabited and only accessible to those residing in XKI. The naming of the new region has been put to citizens in the form of a LinkNew Region Naming Contest with a 20,000 Taco prize for the winner.
~ Minister of Education The tasmanian islands has selected Grea Kriopia as March’s Featured Nation. GK has been an outstanding newer member of the XKI community, and is already making notable contributions in Culture, Immigration, and TITO. Congratulations GK!
~ Minister of Labour HumanSanity laid out the groundwork and began scheduling for the new XKI RMB LinkJob Fairs to take place in April.
~ Regional Delegate Kuriko organized a Linkweekend visit to XKI embassy region The Hole to Hide In for a cultural exchange.
~ In the realm of WA voting, Kuriko has also opted to remove the LinkDelegate’s Prerogative option from individual resolution voting on the XKI forum. This as a means to see voters making a clear yes-or-no choice.
~ Prolific regional author Jabberwocky was selected as the winner in the recent LinkGulliver’s Travels Contest, hosted by the Ministry of Culture. Congratulations to Jabber who won a Legendary Independent Planets NS Trading Card.
~ Long time Islander Tuga nation, who is a front line health worker in Portugal began a thread to share their experiences in the fight against the COVID-19 from their Linkfirst-hand perspective. Notable XKIer The knights apprentice of sargon reman Linktested positive for COVID towards the end of March. We are happy to share that SR is in good health and nearing full recovery and the end of their quarantine period.
~ The end of March in Taco Island brought a sign-up thread for Link Werewolf 66 which will be carried out in April. Hopefully the ongoing North Taco Island Linkskunk problem won’t throw the beast off the scent.

XKI Game-Side

March’s poll of the month asked Islanders what we really, really like.

March’s curated RMB posts (almost) ignore the elephant in the room:

surely someone offers this essential service
Is that a prerequisite?
Includes baseball, so not entirely bad news
Waaaait for it

WA Affairs

Mar 2, 2020 GA Oceanic Hazardous Waste Disposal Ban: A reworking of previously failed legislation barring the disposal of hazardous waste in oceans and their tributaries.
Author: Nagatar Karumuttu Chettiar
Note: A Legality Challenge was issued against this proposal, citing contradiction with existing legislation. The GA Secretariat supported this challenge, deeming the resolution illegal.
Result: Resolution withdrawn

Mar 3, 2020 SC Liberate The East Pacific: A tongue-in-cheek faux liberation drafted by the region’s Delegate
Author: Marrabuk
10000 Islands discussion on this resolution: LinkLink
Regional vote: For 1 | Against 11 | Delegate’s Prerogative 0
Delegate vote: Against (weight 381)
Final WA vote: For 6697 (43%) | Against 8734 (57%)
Result: Failed to pass

Mar 6, 2020 GA Repeal Promotion of Recycling: Seeking to remove previously passed legislation mandating measures for national recycling programs.
Author: Biscany
10000 Islands discussion on this resolution: LinkLink
Regional vote: For 1 | Against 3 | Delegate’s Prerogative 1
Delegate vote: Against (weight 385)
Final WA vote: For 3021 (19%) | Against 12832 (81%)
Result: Failed to pass

Mar 12, 2020 SC Commend Kindjal: An appeal to commend the target for exceptional achievements in statistical gameplay.
Author: Bormiar
10000 Islands discussion on this resolution: LinkLink
Regional vote: For 5 | Against 4 | Delegate’s Prerogative 1
Delegate vote: For (weight 380)
Final WA vote: For 10821 (72%) | Against 4209 (28%)
Result: Passed Mar 15, becoming SCR#298

Mar 13, 2020 GA Disease Naming Compact: Seeking to harmonize international nomenclature of disease strains via existing WA health organizations.
Author: Tinhampton
10000 Islands discussion on this resolution: LinkLink
Regional vote: For 3 | Against 9 | Delegate’s Prerogative 1 | Abstain 1
Delegate vote: Against (weight 380)
Final WA vote: For 8493 (54%) | Against 7209 (46%)
Result: Passed Mar 16, becoming GAR#484

Mar 17, 2020 SC Commend Cormactopia Prime: Citing the nation’s contributions to their region, WA authorship, and community leadership.
Author: Jakker City
10000 Islands discussion on this resolution: LinkLink
Regional vote: For 0 | Against 7 | Delegate’s Prerogative 7
Delegate vote: Against (weight 368)
Final WA vote: For 4244 (32%) | Against 8899 (68%)
Result: Failed to pass

Mar 17, 2020 GA Interference-Causing Equipment Standards Act: Outlining restrictions on devices specifically designed to interfere with normal operation of electronics, and measures for proper shielding between devices.
Author: Greater Cesnica
10000 Islands discussion on this resolution: LinkLink
Regional vote: For 7 | Against 4 | Delegate’s Prerogative 1
Delegate vote: For (weight 368)
Final WA vote: For 3502 (24%) | Against 10960 (76%)
Result: Failed to pass

Mar 21, 2020 GA On The Health and Financial Well-being of Workers: Proposing partial financial compensation for workers forced to take sick leave, bereavement leave, or leave for the birth of a child
Author: Cosmosplosion
10000 Islands discussion on this resolution: LinkLink
Regional vote: For 1 | Against 5 | Delegate’s Prerogative 5
Delegate vote: Against (weight 370)
Final WA vote: For 6800 (45%) | Against 8317 (55%)
Result: Failed to pass

Mar 24, 2020 SC Condemn Cormactopia Prime: Partner piece to the previous commendation, from the same author this time seeking to commend the target for nefarious deeds.
Author: Jakker City
10000 Islands discussion on this resolution: LinkLink
Regional vote: For 2 | Against 8 | Delegate’s Prerogative 2
Delegate vote: Against (weight 373)
Final WA vote: For 3308 (25%) | Against 10106 (75%)
Result: Failed to pass

Mar 25, 2020 GA Repeal Disease Naming Compact: Seeking to repeal legislation passed earlier in the month, citing unnecessary bureaucracy
Author: Gorundu
10000 Islands discussion on this resolution: LinkLink
Regional vote: For 11 | Against 1 | Delegate’s Prerogative 0
Delegate vote: For (weight 376)
Final WA vote: For 12939 (87%) | Against 2006 (13%)
Result: Passed Mar 29, becoming GAR#485

Meet A Nation Interview

This month we had the exceptional good fortune of finding 10000 Islands’ WA Delegate Kuriko with a few minutes to spare, and a willingness to answer some questions. While this is the March report, given the recent election as WA Sec-Gen, we added a follow-up question last week..

In addition to being XKI Delegate and newly elected WA Secretary-General, Kuriko is also XKI Chief of Staff, Registrar-General, overseer of Foreign Affairs, TITO Knight and former Tactical Officer,and currently holds the record for most Security Council resolutions passed.

THX: You’ve spent many years in NationStates. What is the most significant change to the game since you started?
Kuri: I think the single biggest change was the addition of Cards. And what a great change that was!!
THX: While you’ve been Delegate in XKI, you’ve been unable to actively participate in Defending activities. Do you ever get itchy to get involved again?
Kuri: I definitely do get itchy but being able to participate in planning takes part of that itch off. Just because I'm WA locked doesn't mean I'm not defending in some way. As to me returning to active defending, that's a definitive yes.
THX: What does your recent election as WA Sec-Gen mean to you?
Kuri: The result of the Secretary-General election meant a lot to me, especially because I had good competitors the whole way. It actually gives me a real chance to lead by example and try to make a difference in the WA even if it's a small one.
THX: You are the most successful author of SC resolutions and deeply engaged in the Security Council. What do you think could be different there?
Kuri: There are certain standards within the SC that I believe have merit, such as not self-commending and the content of a proposal being good. Other aspects need change I feel, and that is opening up the SC to more than just Game Players.
THX: What about this game keeps you here?
Kuri: I think what keeps me here more than anything is the community. Outside of NS I'm not a very social person, but the community on NS is wonderful.
THX: Talk about your relationship with fire.
Kuri: Well, as many might not know I am a volunteer firefighter for my home town. Up until the COVID outbreak I was in the middle of getting my State Fire I/II certification in order to be trained at an officer level, and in order to go into a burning building to save lives. But since the COVID outbreak that course was put on hold, and I don't know when we'll be able to resume it again.
THX: In a few months you will be obliged by XKI law to resign as Delegate, what are your plans in the region afterwards?
Kuri: My plans aren't that big to be honest. I still plan on staying in TITO and holding to my Registrar-General duties. I think Registrar-General, Ambassador, and Emissary may be the only government level positions I may hold for quite some time to come.

Until next month, your 10KI Update Staff is signing off - THX1138
Read dispatch

Typhootania and Das echte europa

Koeniglich bayerische antifa


Typhootania and Das echte europa

The saar commune

Koeniglich bayerische antifa wrote:Servus


Typhootania and Das echte europa

Herzlich willkommen zurück in Deutschland, Monte Argento! Schön, den Silberberg wieder hier zu haben. Das Krönchen auf der Flagge sitzt immer noch fesch.

Herzlich willkommen in Deutschland:
Koeniglich bayerische antifa - Welche Aktivitäten schlägt die KBA als Ersatz für das ausfallende Oktoberfest vor?
Toerry - Wird diese Nation vom Kätzchen regiert? Wäre wohl nicht die schlechtested Option für die Issues.
Trollarien - Ist dies die norwegische Regierung in der Halle des Bergkönigs, wie bei Peer Gynt?
...und Burgstemmen - Grüße nach Niedersachsen, nehme ich an?

Monte Argento, Das echte europa, and Burgstemmen

The saar commune

Typhootania wrote:Toerry - Wird diese Nation vom Kätzchen regiert? Wäre wohl nicht die schlechtested Option für die Issues.

Die Molkereiexportindustrie freut sich auf jeden Fall. :D

Moin,bin neu.

Das echte europa

The saar commune wrote:Die Molkereiexportindustrie freut sich auf jeden Fall. :D

Mit einem Kätzchenkabinett an der Macht müsste man auch gar nicht so viel davon exportieren...

Trollarien wrote:Moin,bin neu.

Gleichfalls Moin und viel Vergnügen dir sowie deinem entspannt badenden Capybara. Gibt es eine Hintergrundgeschichte zur Flagge?

Willkommen in Deutschland, Vintloh und Anelka! Ich freue mich drauf, mehr von euch zu lesen.

Das echte europa

Baden-Wuerttemberg wrote:

Willkommen in Deutschland, Vintloh und Anelka! Ich freue mich drauf, mehr von euch zu lesen.

Moin auch aus dem sonnigen Anelka! Schön dass man hier so freundlich empfangen wird.

Baden-Wuerttemberg and Das echte europa

Baden Württemberg,es ist das national Tier meines Staates und wir schützen Capybaras schon seit dem wir vereint wurden und der rote Stern bedeutet das wir aus Kommunismus zusammen gesetzt wurden,aber auch wie wir uns umentwickelt haben und der Stern soll an diese Zeit erinnern.

Baden-Wuerttemberg and Das echte europa

Koeniglich bayerische antifa

Das Oktoberfest wird wohl voraussichtlich transformiert zum Fest der Befreiung Bayerns von der CSU. Es wird in Zukunft Freibier für alle geben, die Fahrgeschäfte werden vollautomatisiert, und die traditionell antipreußische Musik hervorgehoben. Zudem ist Protestanten der Zutritt zum Fest untersagt.

Willkommen in Deutschland, Vintloh und Monchberg! Mit neu eintreffenden Nationen und kreativen Factbooks werde ich es leicht haben, weitere interessante Factbooks des Monats zu finden, die ich pinnen kann.

Anelka: Dankeschön! Wir versuchen, hier eine angenehme Umgebung zu haben.
Trollarien: Ich mag es, wenn die Flaggen Geschichten erzählen!
Koeniglich bayerische antifa: Das sind ja schon weitreichende, ausgereifte Pläne. Gratuliere. Ba-Wü's Autoindustrie hätte KI für die automatischen Fahrgeschäfte anzubieten, da könnte man vielleicht die vorausschauende Unfallvermeidung testen. Wenn sich nur nicht als harmlose Atheisten getarnte Preußen einschleichen...

Factbook des Monats Mai 2020 stammt aus Ilversgehofen. Dort sind die Zeitungen dubiosen Geschäften auf die Spur gekommen. Der sich zusammenbrauende Skandal ist hier nachzulesen.

New trade agreement concluded with our red brothers!

Our great Emperor Maxim I. von Ilversgehofen announces today, 20.01.2020, that after very successful talks with the red delegation, a trade agreement has finally been reached. "It is an honour for me, after an intensive exchange with the red delegation and the Emperor Ben XXVI 'the Merciless' of Hohenzollern, to be able to announce that our empires continue to grow together economically! I do not want to give exact figures, but our always productive farmers will in future supply a very large part of the red market with our own Ilver cheese! In return for our high quality cheese supply, the Red Empire is strengthening our armed forces with their best armoured vehicles", explained Emperor Maxim I of Ilversgehofen.

Anonymous critics condemn this agreement. "Cheese against tanks? I doubt very much that these were the only products that were traded during the 'Cheese Against Tanks' treaty. What secret matters were still being negotiated there remains uncertain, but sooner or later we will find out, be it through smart journalists or a whistleblower."

Read dispatch

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