by Max Barry

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by The Office of UDS Dispatch Office. . 38 reads.

UL-001 Standardization and Formalization of Legislative Formats Act

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Standardization and Formalization of Legislative Formats Act
Sponsored by Glaciosia

BELIEVING that the new era of our Republic requires a strong foundation;

UNDERSTANDING that the inconsistencies in our laws have caused confusion in the past;

AFFIRMING that measures should be taken to remedy this;


Section 1: Definitions

  1. “The committee” shall refer to the Joint Committee established in Section 2, Subsection a, Paragraph 1.

Section 2: Establishment of a Committee

  1. The Presiding Officers of the Senate, and the General Assembly, shall assemble a Joint Committee consisting of members of both chambers and convened to determine the correct manner in which to format the laws of the Union.

    1. The Chairperson of the General Assembly shall appoint the chair of the committee.

    2. The committee shall be referred to as the Joint Committee on the Formatting of Statutes

  2. The committee shall draft an example of the proper formatting of laws and motions, and provide a guide for legislators drafting laws.

    1. The chair of the committee shall forward the proposals of the committee to the Speaker of the Senate for final approval before being published to the public on the forum.

  3. The Presiding Officers may consult each other and, by mutual consent, reenact the processes of this section.

Section 3: Usage

  1. The Presiding Officers of the General Assembly and the Senate, upon the approval of the proposals of the committee shall inform the members of their respective legislatures.

  2. The Presiding Officers shall ensure that all motions submitted for debate in their respective chambers are in compliance with the format as established in Section 2.

    1. The Presiding Officers may reject or postpone the submissions of motions not in compliance.

    2. When rejecting or postponing a submission, a Presiding Officer must provide specific reasoning for doing so, directions on how to remedy the disqualifying features and provide a copy of the format and guide produced by the committee.

The Office of UDS Dispatch Office

