by Max Barry

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Region: The Coalition of Governments

Kchielsovo wrote:Prosecute Stolen Valour, Says Military
Option 2:
"It is the right of all citizens to express themselves in any way they chose", claims the dixie cup-sporting Efthamia Etchistani, an investigative journalist with On Liberty magazine. "People should be free to dress in any uniform without fear of reprisal or punishment - and that includes wearing a uniform of the KAF. What better way to display to the world one's patriotism! And if you happen to get more respect or some discounts because of it, all the better. If that argument doesn't persuade you, then maybe you should ask the Vice Admiral how he won those medals. You can bet your bottom Credit that if you criminalise this, journalists will start asking serving officers that question. Do you want to have a media witch-hunt of the military?"

What is this "Vice Admiral" the reporter speaks of? I know of no such position. Clearly, s/he is insane.

