by Max Barry

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Region: Capitalist Libertarian Freedom Region

I love the made-up statistics (the corrupt universities produce them in endless "studies") "only two percent of terrorist acts were motivated by religion" - if anyone really believes that they have never been to the Middle East.

And "only 2% of religious terrorism is from Muslims" - more made up statistics from some lying university study.

The problem is NOT "Muslims" - the problem is ISLAM, what Muhammed taught and what he personally did.

Most Muslims do not care a fig about all this - why should they care, they are born into the religion and recite ritual prayers (and that is about it).

But some do study Islam and seek to follow the example of the creator of Islam - not the early tolerant verses when he was helpless, but the later verses when he had created his own army.

For example that anyone who mocked Muhammed - even an old blind poet, or a pregnant poetess, should be killed.

Islam (not "Muslims" - Islam) can not be reconciled with the Constitution - specifically with the First Amendment.

Muhammed was very clear - anyone who mocked him or the religion he created must be killed.

That can not be reconciled with Freedom of Speech.

As for the far left people who control the education system and the "mainstream" media - I am sick and tired of their lies.

They, the left, think that that Islam is a useful ally against Western Civilisation (what they call "capitalism") - they (the left) do not understand that they can not manipulate Islam, it will end up manipulating them.

And then ending them.

Ditto the Rothbardians - who are following their normal policy of "enemies of the West? well the conflict must BY DEFINITION be the fault of the West".

"Blowback" - blame-the-victim.

As if Islamic attacks had not gone on for almost 14 centuries.

See Gladstone and Winston Churchill on the real nature of the problem.

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