by Max Barry

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Region: Kennan

Republic of guadalajara wrote:You can ask Porfirio Diaz. 30 years wasn't enough to begin industrializing Mexico and basically taking the country out of the medieval era. Yes, 30 years. Yes, he was reelected more than once. And yes, technically he was maybe a little oppressive.

Well, I know my way around Mexican History after basically studying it for three years and I have to say: "[...] little oppressive." wouldn't be the words I would use. And wouldn't call Mexico before him being in the medieval era, just a failed state and punching bag of everyone.


Great carlistan wrote:the former German Democratic Republic, that is the eastern part of Germany affiliated with the USSR was called the "Zone". Its rather impolite but still used. a Zonenmädchen would be a girl from the GDR.



Spaztislavia wrote:I heard she wants our new president to pay her a visit.

Depends on who your president is: Either a good idea or a bad idea.


Hackleberry islands wrote:[...]
Im gonna use this from now on. XD

Glad you like it!
By the way, happy thanksgiving to you as well! And all others of you, who are from the US and/or celebrate it!

Great carlistan
