by Max Barry

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Region: Laissez Faireholm

Quayle wrote:Fast food is just one of the many industries paying poor wages. Grocery store workers, daycare workers, and ambulance drivers are among the lowest paid occupations in the U.S. You could replace some of them with machines, but doing so would further put a strain on the lower class, which by the theory of Capitalist economics, hurts the economy because there are less consumers.

How hard is it to stock shelves? You are demanding capitalists pay more than the productivity of the employees.

Quayle wrote:

There would be no such thing as reparations for workers in case of death or injury if it weren't for some form of government regulation. If there was no government and a person wanted reparations for an injury or death of someone working for a corporation, what's to stop them from saying no?

You don't need a government to have laws. You don't need a government to enforce laws. You don't need government.

Quayle wrote:

Child labor wouldn't have been necessary nor would poverty have been so prevalent if the managers and corporate heads had just given out fair wages in the first place. You had people making a dollar or less a day while men like Rockefeller had a billion.

Get real. Child labor was always necessary, and is still necessary in a large portion of the world. It is a blink of an eye in the timeline of human history and a small portion of the world when and where child labor was not necessary.

Quayle wrote:

One could argue that a group of citizens banding together to do anything is a government unto itself, but that's going into semantics. While true any government type could go in and fix a problem like that, direct democracy ensures the primary group who makes the decision is the people.

And they make dumb decisions. How many times do I have to say that what I do in the privacy of my home is no more the business of my neighbors than it is of the state?

Direct democracy has banned same sex marriage in multiple states, recreational and medicinal marijuana use in some states, and even minarets in Switzerland.

None of those bans are justified.
