by Max Barry

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Region: Yggdrasil

Thembria SSR wrote: Oh are you in Portugal? I thought that was an island state near the Philippines till I met someone from there on this site.. Boy was he upset about that.. Us 'Muricans are very bad at Geography.. even when it comes to our own country! Met quite a few Americans that didn't know Arkansas has mountains.. Most think all the land around here is flat with no hills or trees.. Not all of us central states look like Kansas..

The philipines... what tha... *facepalm* Portugal was born in 1143, we were the pioneers of the Discoveries, we were the only European nation that didnt burn the Templars (The Templars still existed in Portugal until the 19th century), we were the first global empire of the world, from Brazil to Japan, and longest lasted colonial empire from 1415 to 1999, we were invaded 3 times by the French army of Napoleon and we won all 3 invasions, we are the largest cork producer in the work (53%, second is Russia with 12% i think), we have the oldest mutual cooperation alliance still in active with England since 1373, we abolished slavery in 1751 (and didnt made a civil war about that), we were the first nation to abolish the death penalty, we had the longest lasted dictatorship in the world from 1926 to 1974 and made a Colonial War against the independent movement in our colonies (not proud of that), we made a bloodless coup d'etat to finally bring democracy in Portugal in 1974-1975, in 2001 we decriminalized all kinds of small amounts of drugs that a citizen had in his possession (if guilty you would do a mandatory reabilitation and in worst case scenario a small fine, no jail time) and it worked, putting Portugal as the nation to almost win its war on drugs... and the next UN secretary-general will be Antonio Guterres... a former prime-minister of Portugal and former president of the Socialist Party.
