by Max Barry

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Region: New Warsaw Pact

Arburg wrote:I'm pretty new to Nation-States, though I played about two years ago for a week. Can someone fill me in on the purpose of regions and what influence is?

Regions are simply communities of nations, each nation is by default placed into a Region. It is impossible to be region-less (as far as I know, that is). For the most part regions are generally centered around a specific "theme" or idea. For example you have (perhaps too many) Communist/Socialist regions filled entierly of nations (and thus players) who for the most part feel strongly about their region and ideals and generally stick around becuse of it. There are all kinds of these regions ranging from all kinds of ideas such as Communists/Socialists-Monarchists-Conservatives-Liberals, Fascists, and more. These regions are what I call "Political Regions" ,or regions that subscribe (for the most part) to a specific ideology, however there are also other types of regions such as this one the NEW WARSAW PACT which has no such unifying ideal. This is simply just a community of people who tend to do all sorts of things and get along ,these kinds of "Community regions" are the most common. There are also others such as "Arts" and "RP" regions which may vary in themselves on what exactly they are. Por ejemplo (for example) Arts can range from Classical Literature enthusiasts to fervent Japanese Animation (or "Anime" as they tend to insist it be called) fans. Where as RP regions can be regions entirely devoted to Role-playing.

*Regions are simply "Communities" or collection of nations
*All Nations (and thus players) are in a region, to be Region-less is impossible
*Regions usually have a central theme around them such as "RP" Regions "Socialist" Regions, or "Japanese Animation" Regions
*Our Region is simply a community with no unifying ideal "Instead it is simply what it is" ( I don't know how to describe this region)

There's also a whole "Raider" and "Defender" (R/D) thing that I don't really know anything about but I'm sure someone more knowledgeable can explain to you .

Influence is (from what I understand)is gathered overtime and is used for Region Officers/Positions although I'm not entierly sure about this either, so anyone else feel free to explain if you would like.

