by Max Barry

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by Noladea. . 1,777 reads.

Regional Community News: Issue #25 LGBT+ Spectrum and Un-hue.

Regional Community News: Issue #25 LGBT+ Spectrum and Un-hue.

Hello this is Noladea and here is your Regional Community News!




: A webcomic that details the life of a transgenderd person named Ryan Rain, its very well written and I hope you give it your time of day, :)

LGBT+ Spectrum by Demon catz

I want it to be known before you read this that I am not an expert on this topic. All of this article is based off of my personal experiences, opinions, and a bit of research. I personally am transsexual (Male to Female).

This is my first major writing on NS, so I apologize in advance for grammar and spelling mistakes. I also apologize if the article seems unorganized or "unclean".


LGBT stands for "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transsexual (transgender)". It can often be described as the "LGBT Spectrum", and I will often refer to it as that.


Homosexuality: Homosexuality is, put simply, the sexual attraction to members of the same sex.

Bisexuality: Bisexuality is, in a nutshell, sexual attraction to both members of the same sex or/and opposite sex.

Homosexuality in Nature

One of the most common beliefs about those who are Gay, Lesbian and Bi is that they are "Unnatural". This, however, is untrue. It is scientifically proven that homosexuality and bisexuality is infact common in nature itself. Animals such as Penguins, Dolphins, Bats, Whales, Sea Leopards and many more have been seen carrying out homosexual practices.


People often don't know the definitions or difference between Transgender and Transsexual. Many people don't even know that they are technically the same thing.

Transgender- denoting or relating to a person whose self-identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender.

Transsexual- a person who emotionally and psychologically feels that they belong to the opposite sex.

Sexual Reassignment Surgery

Very often people don't understand the process of Sexual Reassignment Surgery (SRS). Very often I have seen comments such as "Getting your dick chopped off" or other similar things. This, however, is incorrect. The preexisting sexual organ is not simply 'removed' or 'chopped off'. For example, in 'Male to Female' SRS, the scrotum is used to form the labia of the vagina, as it already contains the proper nerves for sexual stimulation. I am not going to go into more detail about SRS surgery, as specific details may be harmful to those faint of heart. I will, however, include links to useful articles.


Male to Female-

Female to Male-

"Coming Out"

When "Coming out of the closet", many things should be considered. I recommend starting off by telling a close friend. Make sure that your friend is accepting to the LGBT(Q)+ community first. If you are a school student, I recommend telling a school counselor. Many people say that school counselors are not helpful, as they are not trained in that field. I, however, disagree with this. A counselor is trained to provide emotional support, meaning that they will be able to help you deal with stress, provide help with self-acceptance and can even provide tips on coming out to family. Coming out to family can be difficult, especially if you have a family that does not support/accept members of the LGBT(Q)+ spectrum. I recommend having a supportive person with you when you tell your family. For example, when I came out to my family, I did so in the presence of my doctor, as I knew they were supportive.

It is best to come out at a young age, as you can get the help and support you need as soon as possible.


NS Support

In case you didn't know, there are a few places on NationStates where you can find support. I recommend finding time to pay a visit to the region Gay. It has kind, supportive members that are all over the LGBT spectrum.

I also recommend checking out a Transgender Forum. A good one to start off with is this one: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=357060
Also, feel free to Telegram me anytime (Demon catz), or visit me in my region, Superiorem Merionem Region. I support everyone on the LGBT spectrum, and I am always willing to talk!

Suicide Prevention

Being a member of the LGBT spectrum isn't easy. It is stressful, confusing, anxiety inducing, depression causing and much more. Many members of the LGBT Spectrum turn to suicide or self harm as an escape.

[Align=justify]DO NOT DO THIS! You might feel unhappy, insecure, broken, etc. But in the end, you need to realize that life gets better.

Look on the bright side of life, :3

Think about your friends, pets and family.

Think about your favorite books, movies and games. Think about the sunrise and the sunset. Think about things that make you happy in life.

If this doesn't work, use a suicide hotline. People will always be willing to talk and help you, and they won't stop until you get the help and support you need.

Also, if you are comfortable, get therapy. Therapists are trained to help you out, and they won't stop until you are healthy again.

Finally, feel free to Telegram me anytime (Demon catz). I am willing to talk to you and help out in any way I can.

You might think that you are a freak because you are different. But you are not a freak. Being different is a blessing, not a curse. If everyone in the world was exactly the same the world would be a pretty boring place. Accept the fact that you are different. Accept the fact that you are NOT a freak. Being different is what makes you shine. It's what makes you beautiful.

"Life is never easy, but it's better to live it as you"

: Editor's note: Thanks for this article Nina, this is fantastically written, :3

Easter Eggs #3 by LGBT Equality

#430: Easter Egg: Please, Sir, We Want Some More Issues

Trigger: Answering the same issues many times?

The Issue

With the same old dilemmas confronting @@NAME@@ time and time again, people are demanding to know why there aren't more genuinely new issues.

The Debate

1."Well, that's because they're all twaddle,” says [violet] matter-of-factly while twirling a lighter in her hands. "I'm sick and tired of reading that garbage. I've decided to scrap the player-submitted system -- but don't tell anyone that. The endless waves of hate mail would overwhelm the server."

“player submitted issues are printed just so they can be burned by [violet]”

2."The aim of this site is to promote my novel, not the writing talents of literary wannabes," scoffs Max Barry while sipping an iced-Margarita on a yacht in the South Pacific. "I've ordered the mods to only approve mediocre issues to ensure that no one discovers there are better writers out there than me."

“it is universally agreed that the first 31 issues are the only ones with humor and charm”

3. "I've been combing through the queue, carefully examining each draft and determining its potential," sighs Sedgistan who is sitting next to an orderly stack of drafts stamped 'no way in hell'. "I'm confronted with thousands upon thousands of issues. I have to manage multiple editors and somehow still place in the Mod Olympics. Do you have any idea how much stress that puts on me? That's why it takes so long. Stop breathing down my neck. If you want to be useful, go help out the newbies in Got Issues."

“aspiring authors begrudgingly help proofread issue submissions”

4. "Huh? What's that?" says Sanctaria absentmindedly, looking up from an intimidating series of flow charts. "More issues? Well, it's your lucky day! I'm working on my next great chain. It will dwarf my last one in size and complexity. Forget everything you know about issues, every rule you think we can't break, because this chain is going to break them all."

“Players panic as they discover the newest chain can reset their populations and even delete their nations.”
5."I couldn't agree with this more!" yelps Comrade Lenyo, his arms full of drafts. "We've received over 6,000 submissions! If we just got rid of the delete button, that'd be over 6,000 more issues. Who doesn't want that? Why are we still wasting time talking about this? Why are you reading this instead of submitting more drafts for us to add? EVERY. SECOND. COUNTS!"

"Common misteaks slip threw as the Issues Editing Team adds issues by the hundread."
6. The deafening Voice of Mod booms down from the heavens, "You will receive new issues when you receive new issues. Your questioning is undermining the authority of the mods. I've deleted enough nations to know flaming when I read it. You have been warned."

“Text rains down on the head of anyone who dares to step out of line.”

Most of the nations I have noticed having this issue—and there have been many—were larger rather than smaller. The exact cutoff remains unknown.

#471: Easter Egg: Red Sleigh Down (new as of December 2015)

Trigger: Using a @@LEADER@@ named with 'Nick' in it. Nick can be the first name, the last name, the only name, and probably the middle name. I’m unsure whether compounds like “Nicky” will work. This appears to be one of the easier Easter Eggs to get.

The Issue

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through your house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. When out in the lawn, there arose such a clatter! You sprang from your bed, to see what was the matter. Away to your window, you ran like a flash, tore open the shutters, and threw back the sash. When what to thy wondering eyes did appear? Your advisers had gathered, some smelling like beer. They were shouting and arguing, filling the night with their cries; they were speaking of an emergency, that was happening high in Nation@@'s skies.

The Debate:

1."We have an unidentified flying object violating our air space!" pants your Aviation Minister Aaron Falopian, turning a shade of purple, clearly out of breath from running all the way to your house. "It's not responding to our hails - you know, I don't think it even has a radio. We've issued numerous warnings to turn back too. This could be an armed drone, or some drunk yuppie, but I don't care what it is - the moment it crossed our borders, it became a security risk! I highly recommend that you allow us to shoot this terrorist down.

“children across Nation@@ are mourning the loss of Santa Claus after the military shot down his sleigh”

2."Don'tcha know that you're talking 'bout Santa Clauseee!" slurs concerned parent Mia Eliot, stinking to high heaven of sherry. "D'yareallywant t'shoot down Santa in front of the innocent eyes of @@ADJECTIVE@@ childers? Do you really want to kill the Christmas shpirits? Let the flying thing come in. It's Santa Clauseee! The childers of Nation@@ will - *hiccup* - thank you for it."

“the government is lax about national security during the Christmas period”

3."I think there's an easier way to ensure security but doesn't ruin the holidays," muses your partner, also awoken by the commotion outside. "Just like any visitor to Nation@@, make Santa go through all the necessary hoops. Visas, taxes for his imported goods, and those flying reindeer of his probably have rabies and should definitely be quarantined. Santa might not appreciate being strip searched, but hey, that's the price of security."
“Rudolph has been put down after fears he had foot-and-mouth disease”

4."Are we forgetting that Santa Claus is a wanted criminal in Nation@@?" asks overzealous police officer Wil Christensen, brandishing a picture of Santa's mug shot. "The guy has literally countless breaking and entering, looting, and animal cruelty charges against him. Let's also not forget the hundreds of elves he's enslaving all year round. For all we know his so-called "gifts" are nothing more than anthrax-laced candy. And I hear his reindeer shoot lasers from their eyes! We must stop this threat before it's too late. Then he can face the full wrath of Nation@@'s justice system!"
“Santa is trading presents for smokes while awaiting sentencing for crimes against humanity”

5."Are we really taking this Saaanta thing this seriously?" yawns your teenage, social justice warrior daughter. "I hate to be the one to say this, but Santa isn't real. He was invented by the Seppsi soda company to deceive little children and boost their sales. If you really want to get into the spirit of the season, you should be less of a scrooge and spend more on social welfare, combating homelessness, and reducing the poverty levels. It's easy to do, especially if you order every working citizen to forfeit most of their month's salary in tax. Sure they won't be able to afford loads of toys, but Christmas is way too commercialised now anyway. The poor and homeless need money more than I need another Max Barry doll."

“homeowners often burn Christmas trees just to stay warm”

6."Not real, you say?" questions a large, jolly man sporting a white beard, red hat, and thick boots who just slid down your chimney. "I can assure you that I'm the genuine article! Now all of this talk about shooting down my sleigh only proves what I've long suspected - Nation@@ has been very, very naughty. Why, your crime rates are so high it sent my Naughty or Nice Detector haywire! Your unfeeling ways has killed your Christmas spirit. I'm afraid that you are all on my naughty list and will get no presents this year - only coal. Ho, ho, ho!"

“smog covers @@CAPITAL@@ as the populace burns record amounts of coal“

Recommendation: I generally choose option 2 as the least objectionable and least aggressive. 1 is the warlike choice. I find 3 and 4 objectionable. 5 and 6 could have negative effects on your environment.

The Pros and Cons of Internet Porn written by LinkKenny Soto submitted by Krypton Nova


Author: Kenny Soto

Date: February 23, 2012


OPINION: The pros and cons of internet porn

It seems hard to believe that there was a time when internet pornography didn't exist. Just like water flows freely into our homes at our beck and call, so does free porn. Jenna Jameson, James Deen, and Sasha Grey have become household names (and, in some cases, best-selling authors). At any given moment, your deepest fantasies -- and those acts you couldn't even think up in your wildest dreams -- are available at your fingertips.

We are the first generation to have grown up with access to instant, free, and uncensored pornography. Back when our parents and grandparents were growing up, a man's (or woman's) porn collection was a dirty little secret kept out in the shed or hidden in a footlocker. The teenager lucky enough to get his hands on a copy of Playboy or Penthouse kept it under lock and key (i.e., under his mattress) until it was literally worn out.

But how has this instant access affected us personally, sexually, and in our relationships? How has this rush of material that was once considered shameful and outlawed in many communities changed the way we look at the world, our loved ones, and ourselves? How has internet porn affected our daily lives?

"I wouldn't be able to sleep at night!" said one 25-year-old male, who wished to remain anonymous, when asked what his life would be like without instant access to pornography. "How would I ever write a paper or get any work done?" said another, also 25. Just as some of us have a glass of wine to wind down after a tough day at the office or drink an extra cup of coffee or Red Bull to help us focus on writing a paper, some of us now turn to porn.

But that constant barrage of unrealistic human proportions has also changed the way we view our own bodies. The pressure to turn ourselves into sex objects is higher than ever. Think about what you've gone through physically and financially in the last year for body hair removal alone. Women regularly experience the wonder of a bikini wax, while guys know it's no longer safe to share a beard trimmer with their brother or room-mate. The hair that the fewest people see is the best-tended.

Some also opt for surgery to help complete the package. The number of breast enhancements performed each year has nearly doubled since 1997. A girl used to get a normal gift (like rhinoplasty) for her high school graduation; now she gets new boobs. And it's not just the ladies: Drug stores now feature dozens of products that claim to increase a man's size and improve his sexual abilities, and penis enhancement surgery, at the low cost of $17,000 per operation, is growing in popularity.

Still, it might not be all bad. There's a possibility that online porn is the crime fighter the world has been searching for. While anti-porn activists often point to the availability of internet porn as a cause of sexual assaults and violence against women, the number of sexual assaults has fallen about 60 percent since the mid-'90s -- the time when most of us got internet connections in our homes. Perhaps potential rapists are instead sitting at home watching The Gang Bang Theory or Breaking Dawn on their iPads, making the internet a 21st-century porn Batman.

As we sink further into the digital world and continue to separate ourselves from actual human contact, free, on-demand pornography will only further penetrate our psyche. To keep from total mind melt, I beg of you, watch with a friend, or better yet, a partner. I'm not here to tell you that we've gained or lost anything due to internet porn, but I do want to make one thing clear: The internet and personal listening and viewing devices have already segmented and destroyed our art, theatre, and music communities. Please, don't let it do the same thing to sex.

LCRUA InterRegional Art Competitions

LCRUA's councilor of culture Yymea is running a art competition,
The theme currently is ''spreading'' please send the art to Yymea if you want it submitted.

Art submitted so far:

Broken Words by Krypton Nova

Spreading of Lights made by Neprau

Want something submitted to The Regional Community News?

If you do telegram Noladea an short article, comic, drawing, or something you want to share, and it will be submitted to The RCN.

Do you want something more to do for the RCN?

The RCN is now hiring Advisors, Writers, and Journalists, if you want to join, telegram Noladea, the writer's job expects you to write an article each week or every second week, Journalist's job is to help the writers with finding information on a topic, and advisers job is to make sure everything is under control and to advertise
the Newspaper and ask regions to adopt it to theirs, My job is to submit the articles that the writer makes, put their articles in the News, and credit them for making it in the title, what are you waiting for?!?

Thanks Krypton Nova for the idea.

Regional Advertisement: LCRUA Conflicts(RP)

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Regional Advertisement: Autism Spectrum

Autism Spectrum is a place for those affected by any Autism Spectrum Disorder,
and those who are interested in the lives of those affected by ASDs.
If you're interested in joining our mission,
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LCRUAnian Agenda

*An annoying dog took the agenda

Regional Mentions

All our embassies, thank you for reading our newspaper.

Regional Community News: Region Comics Section

Never Say Un-Hue By Noladea

: Editor's note: Everyone's reaction:


Poor Theo By Ministerial

May 1st By Malutia lusia cialty

Regional Community News: Reddit Comics Section

Isolationism is the best ism! by LinkIgnus_

Thanks for reading! •v•



