by Max Barry

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by The Account of Alcris Founder. . 46 reads.

Government & Elections

Alcrisian Politics 101

_ Getting Started

Alcris can be classified as a semi-direct democratic republic. Its Governmental Council is made up of seven equal power-sharing councilors that are elected by the people via a regional election held once every three months. Each of these councilors have different responsibilities, and they all vote on regional laws. More information about the council and its offices can be found below.

Alcris also has a tradition of direct democracy. All changes to the constitution must be presented to and voted on by the public through constitutional referendums. In addition, the people of Alcris have the ability to vote on and create laws themselves via regional initiatives. Referendums and initiatives take place once a month.

If you're a citizen, all you need is your voter ID, and you'll be able to participate in regional politics as little or as much as you want. Should you need your voter ID, please contact our Interior Councilor, Arnyvonna.

Regional Votes

_Regional Vote Types

Alcris experiences many different types of votes throughout the year. We have our elections, where the people vote on who is in the regional government; our initiatives, where our citizens vote on adding, changing, or removing laws from the Alcrisian Legal Code; and our referendums, where Alcrisians vote on changes do our regional constitution.

Lets take a look at the various types of votes individually.


Elections are votes within Alcris that decide who gets to be on the Governmental Council this term. Terms last three months, and the votes are ranked-choice votes. Once elected, the new councilors will then decide amongst themselves who is in which office. While it isn't a codified law, councilors usually pick their office based on their voter share (i.e. the person who had the most votes in the election chooses first). Information regarding the seven councilors and what they do is provided below.

To run in an election, you must either have a party declare you as an official candidate, or you must declare yourself as an independent candidate. Declarations for candidacy may be made from the first of the preceding month to the Friday before the campaign week for party nominations and Sunday before the campaign week for independents. If you're confused, don't worry, we make announcements for each of the end dates.

Click here to go to our elections dispatch!

Our next election is on:
2 June, 2024
The deadline for independent candidates to announce their candidacy for the above election is:
The deadline for parties to announce their candidates for the above election is:

_Initiatives and Referendums

Alcris has a deep tradition of direct democracy. Citizens are allowed to make, propose, and vote on initiatives and referendums that change the very way the region operates. However, what's the difference?

Initiatives are petitions that citizens vote on that, if accepted will add, change, or remove a law from the Alcris Legal Code (a link to the legal code is provided right there). Initiatives can overrule the council, but they cannot overrule the constitution and are subject to constitutional review. Out of the two types of public law votes, initiatives are more common.

Referendums are petitions that amend the region's constitution itself if they are passed. Referendums are the only way the constitution can be amended. As they change the constitution itself, they are not subject to constitutional review. As the council is unable to overrule any referendum except by proposing another referendum, this type of petition is much more impactful than an initiative.

If you want to propose your own initiative or referendum, you must provide the following information to the Interior Councilor:

  • You must clearly describe the law, whether it is an initiative or a referendum, and what the law would do.

  • You must provide the name of whoever is proposing it (usually yourself, however you might be applying for an initiative for someone else).

Once the above information has been provided to the interior councilor, they will make a google form and provide you the link to that form. Once you receive that form, you must have 12 people apply their signature to that form by the 20th of each month in order for your petition to make it to the following month's vote. In Alcris, petitions are always voted on on the first Sunday of each month.

Click here to go to our petitions dispatch!

Our next round of initiatives and referendums are to be voted on:
7 April, 2024.
The deadline for new petitions to make it on the ballot for the above vote is:
30 March, 2024

Political Parties

_ Political Parties: A Quick Rundown

Alcris has a vibrant political sphere, and as such, we have plenty of political parties to fill our politics. A comprehensive list of what the parties are, and how to participate in them, is located here. However, the long story short is, we currently have four registered parties: the Unity Party, Protectorate Party, the Moderates, and the People's Progressive Party. As of now, all four parties have seats in the council.

In order to join a political party, reach out to that party's leader through whatever means works best. To find out who the party leader is, check the manifestos of our parties, found on our party information dispatch.

Click here to go to our party information dispatch!

_ Government Council

The Government Council of Alcris is made up of 7 citizen representatives, called "Councilors". Each Councilor is the head of an office, serving a specific role to assist in the function and betterment of the region. Every three months, citizens elect the five members of the council through a ranked choice electoral system, with the top five nations gaining votes becoming official council members. The councilors then negotiate amongst themselves on which nations obtain which offices on the council. Councilors may be a political party member, or an independent.

Click here to go to our government agenda and archives dispatch!

More information on the individual Council Offices are found below.

The Council Chair holds the powers of Richtlinienkompetenz, which essentially means the Councilor has the power to set the broad guidelines of government policy - for example setting embassy targets, defining what the regional approach to foreign policy is, and establishing which regional programs will get priority in the new government.

Portal Dispatch: Here

Contact: Greater Aidia

The Interior Councilor is tasked with administering citizenship exams, registering and overseeing private and public institutions such as newspapers, organizations, political parties, or other groups, as well as updating regional records and platforms such as the regional website and forums.

Portal Dispatch: n/a

Contact: Arnyvonna

The Community Office is the head of all things community, and community interaction. This means that organizing special events, organizing the recognition of regional holidays, certain media and general community accessibility can fall under this portfolio.

Portal Dispatch: Here

Contact: South korasha

The Foreign Affairs Councilor accepts regional embassies, represents the region abroad or appoints ambassadors to other regions, and overall acts as Alcris' voice to other regions.

Portal Dispatch: n/a

Contact: Ventus Prime

The Legal Affairs Councilor is responsible conducting criminal investigations of nations accused of crimes, representing the government in court and handling the government's interactions with the judicial branch, and further acts to oversee the registration of private advocates for court proceedings.

Portal Dispatch: n/a

Contact: Gelenia

The Roleplay Councilor is responsible for moderating the roleplay of Alcris, as well as overseeing the lore, map, and other details pertaining to roleplay in the region.

Portal Dispatch: Here

Contact: Averra

The Security Councilor ensures the security and safety of the region, managing border control, as well as ban lists, suspensions, and other fields of that matter.

Portal Dispatch: n/a

Contact: Myeon


© Property of the Government of Alcris

The Account of Alcris Founder

