by Max Barry

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Region: Equilism

Sellas wrote:Hi, my name is Sellas and I am Prime Minister of Holy Utopian Empire.

In the spirit of historical reflection and forward-looking optimism, we embark upon the most noble endeavor of rebuilding Holy Utopian Empire. Inspired by the values of unity, justice, and prosperity, our mission is to revive the once-great empire, fostering a society where compassion and enlightenment reign. Through collaborative efforts, we are striving for a utopian vision. As we embark on the mission to rebuild Holy Utopian Empire, we do so with a firm commitment to break free from the shadows of past leaders whose actions did not align with the principles of unity, justice, and prosperity. We categorically disassociate ourselves from the deeds of those leaders who sowed discord and division. Our vision for rebuilding Holy Utopian Empire is grounded in a sincere dedication to fostering an inclusive, just, and enlightened society. Through a commitment to transparency, accountability, and the well-being of all citizens, we aim to build a foundation that stands as a stark departure from the errors of the past. By acknowledging the mistakes of the past, we are poised to rewrite our history with a renewed sense of purpose.

Thank you

To rebuild your region, start recruiting new players
Always a great start
