by Max Barry

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Region: The Western Isles

Greatest economies united

Costavozka wrote:Trashy media in Costavozka? Well. That's going to be interesting. For movies, it would clearly have to be the cheesy action-romance war films that basically straight-out encourage needless death when there were obviously easy ways to get what was needed, win, and survive at the same time. It's not even dying for a cause. Think Viking-esque need to die on the battlefield, but with no explanation as to why except for "glory". Books would have to be Twilight-style romance novels, but without any of the fantasy elements. Also, make it more like Romeo and Juliett. Television? Obstacle course game shows, but with cheesy challenges. For example, a 100% not rigged climbing wall with boxing gloves on pistons that fire off at climbing challengers. That, and "reality" TV that are just pure drama, making fun of absolutely everyone in insulting ways (to the point when it's not even that funny), filled with overused jokes, but still funny enough were people keep watching even they know its garbage.

I think my country would be a very good setting for a movie because of the forests and national parks that we have
