by Max Barry

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Region: St Abbaddon

(Reposting these since they are relevant again)

As Jesse and Jake approached the part of the Ocean that they needed to investigate they saw two huge fleets of ships that were just out of weapon range of each other. One side was a Draganisian/Oceanic Fleet and the other side was a Trutinian Fleet.

Jake didn't like the situation. “That is a lot of ships Jesse. Where do you want us to go?”

“How about that one lone ship right in the middle of it where Gladius is waving to us.”

Sure enough right between the two fleets was a lone Draganisian ship that Jesse recognized as one of their newest Airships that could land on the water as well.

Jake. “Yea that works.”

After they landed Jesse was curious how long he had been waiting for them. “So how long have you been waiting for us?”

Gladius answered. “Long Enough. Your father told me you would be coming after you had your conversation with the Trutinian King.”

Jesse noticed he was using a kinda angry tone. “Sounds like you don't like him much?”

Gladius didn't hide his feelings about this. “He cares about his own ass more than anyone else including his family. Zed has just about had enough of him and me and Brian are about done with him as well if he doesn't turn things around and stop attacking Rowandale. We agreed to help him with this because our enemies threaten everyone but...
We can save Trutinia without saving him if you know what I mean.”

Jesse knew exactly what he meant but they had bigger things to worry about. “Will worry about him later. For now let's focus on why we are really here. There is apparently something really bad down in this Ocean Trench?”

Gladius. “Yes. An Ancient Evil that is the true thing responsible for the Fall of the Dragon Empire. And if we don't find a way to stop it the rest of Abbaddon and probably the whole universe will suffer the same fate. Follow me below deck. It's time for us to get into the Submarine that will take us down there so we can investigate it personally.”

The Yellow Submarine he showed them was small to the point where it only had enough room for the three of them but it seemed to be really advanced with the technology it had on it. Gladius told them about it. “This thing is perfect for what we need to do. It has a lot of scanning and analysis equipment that will allow us to find out certain things about what is down there and send that data straight back to Draganisia. There is also more gear in it for us to go into it.”

Jake didn't like the sound of that. “Go into it? What are you...”

Gladius answered before he could finish asking the question. “Yes I already technically know what it is but even I don't know everything about it. And this is still something you two need to see for yourselves as well so that you know what we are up against. It's time for us to go down and find out what The Deep truly is.”
