by Max Barry

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Region: Capitalist Paradise

Informed consent

Casa sierra wrote:It's still a good idea to get the shot.
In the context of COVID-19? Yes.
I'm not asking you to believe EVERYTHING the government says, just the empirical data.

That's cute.
Politics and journalism do not have the same veracity as a chemistry text, and nothing filtered through them comes out wholly objective.
In a medium where forwarding the narrative is more important than its factual content, who winds up before the camera between a political officer and forensic analyst?
I have been acquainted with people on both the lab and administrative sides of institutions like OHSA and the CDC, and there is always a difference in implication between what researchers submit to their bosses, and how they then present that to us.

Dr. Fauci was a terrible medical practitioner, but is an excellent, shrewd, and ruthless bureaucrat in the right place and time to forward a wrong headed mitigation campaign with the aid of a complicit media and opportunistic social engineers.

It is all a moot point now.
Between vaccination and exposure, nine out of ten people on Earth have some measure of protection from covid.
So the only unreasonable stance to have at this point is a 100% immunization zero covid policy, because there is nothing forensic or political that points to that being anything but inhumane as Shanghai has adequately demonstrated.

