by Max Barry

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Region: Refugia

Floofybit wrote:

Tell me what flavour you got and describe your cake the best you can. (Your flavour can't be the same as someone else)

Tofi looked around the room at the professional looking competitors with their "kitchen utensils" and their "clean white aprons" and "obvious knowledge about how to turn the oven on" and just like that all naieve optimism was gone. She instantly knew she was our of her depth. "Just stay calm Tofi".

Taking a deep breath she heads quickly to the pond and grabs a rod. "Fishing. Well at least this is one part of the baking process I do know how to do." She looks into the pond only to be hit by another wave of panic. "Look at all those fish. There are so many possible ingredients in there." She casts the rod into the pond. "I've only been baking for two weeks. What if I don't know what the ingredient is. We might not get it in Tovenia. What if I do know what it is but don't know how to use it." She's caught something and raises the rod. "It will take a miracle if it is something....."

She grabs the fish and reads it... and her eyes light up. Pineapple! One of the two cakes she has ever "conquered" was her Pineapple upside down cake! What are the odds of that.

She skips over to the ingredients shelves with a new found air of belief in her step. "I might not make a complete fool of myself after all. Now what is in it again?"

Returning to her station she sets to work not looking up again until it is in the oven. Then the nervous wait. Why does everyone else seem so calm?

Finally the timer goes off and she wakes from her nervous daze. She reaches up, removes it from the oven, turns it out... and it looks alright. The cake seems soft and sticky and importantly cooked and the rows of glistening yellow pineapple rings set into the top of cake still look sweet and juicy. The colour reminds her of the Tovenian flag. In a moment of inspiration she grabs a blow touch and scorches 3 fleur de lis onto the pineapple to make it a real taste of home. She breaths a sigh of relief and looks at her creation with pride. It's cooked and it looks down right, well average. "My best bake yet!"

Dyllonia, Araine, Floofybit, Liphia, and 4 othersPortmanteau, Tiralta, Eastern lancasteria, and Bey land
