by Max Barry

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Region: The Hole To Hide In


Athejia wrote:

RP: Deija vu?

Rumors of a great magical power had been circulating around the lower ranks, at first it was dismissed as the idle chattering of bored information officers on naval vessels, but eventually the influx of reports from an area in south western Tengerina proved so numerous and consistent that it eventually warranted an expeditionary flotilla to be sent to the area. With the ship's dowsing arrays active, all pointed to the same direction, to a nation called Icewindia.

RP: Hello!

Icewindians send out Scout Planes pushing there limits upon hearing rumors of an unknown Naval Flotilla.

((OOC: So your sailing for me cause thats gonna take time chief))

Blayredeshia wrote:RP: The Adventures of Lewis Clark
Recently the East Dixia Trading Company has moved its eyes east and now wishes to eye up the lands east of the Blayredeshian border. It is because of this that the EDTC has commissioned a man named Lewis Clark and a team of assistants to map out and document the lands to Blayredeshia's east between the border and Evve Terre. Unbeknownst to Clark or his benefactors in the EDTC; he and his band of men who are lightly if even armed have just crossed into the land of Icewindia.

RP: The Adventures of- BANZAI!

So far the Cold Tundra was noted with some Cold Bogs and there is Tribal Activity however they hear hoofs of Horses alot of them fast approaching with sense of Forest Animals and Tribals fleeing as if something is coming. Roar of Engines are also heard.

