by Max Barry

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Region: North Korea

OPP invade Kanonstaton to uphold court injunction

Last Wednesday I was witness to the OPP invading Kanonstaton (an area of unceded Native land in Caledonia Ontario, Canada) to uphold an Ontario court ruling. Land defenders were arrested, shot at with rubber bullets and taunted with chicken noices by the cowardly Ontario Provinial Police.

Today, all over the bourgeois news is an attack caught on camera of land defenders striking back over the weekend, smashing up an OPP cruiser with rocks and lacrosse sticks. Its funny how when the state inflicts violence hardly a peep is heard but when comrades fight back its front page, national news. The Canadian Braodcasting Corporation chose its words carefully and while it did mention last Wednesday's confrontation, it did little more than mention a "skirmish" - this is colonial violence perpetrated by the state.
