by Max Barry

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Region: 21st Century Rome

The holy grika empire wrote:Today as battles rage on in the province Guland The territories of the grika empire are ravaging the farm land and killing innocent people. As the empress and Council Member Hun ride out of the palace to get to safety a man on top of the palace roof. Started shooting down at the empress and council member hun. The man was later captured and identified as guhop Bishop. Since prisons are banned in the Grika empire instead the empress sentenced him to 4 years of extreme touter. As the inquisition axis is fighting along side the military The territories of the grika empire reached one of the uranium mines and set off a bomb. 100000 people were killed in the bombing. Colonel Valentina Busa or as she was most commonly known electro the girl who controlled electricity. She was a former project rebirth participant. She speaks out saying “It was always my duty to fight for this empire and I always will even if it means death. No one will stop me from fighting. Even if I am still not allowed to use my powers I will FOR THE GRIKA EMPIRE.” The empress still disapproves of her using her powers in battle. Live right now from the palace the empress says “People of the Grika nation. I know most people disprove of Valentina Busa using her powers for combat. But she is fighting for a cause. She wants to uphold the nation. Let the nation live longer. She has courage to use her powers even I told her not to. But courage dos er erase fears courage helps us face our fears. And without courage this Empire wouldn’t exist. When the CW1 came we had the courage to fight for our land. AND TODAY WE WILL HAVE COURGAE TO FIGHT TO FIGHT FIR WHAT WE AHVE ERANED I SAY WE TAKE OUT THE TYRANNY OF THE TERRITORYS AND WE WILL CRUSH THEM FOR THE GRIKA EMPIRE.”

Superhero soldiers...?

Novos romanos and The holy grika empire
