by Max Barry

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Region: South Pacific

The bodensee wrote:Slowly, memories of a long past return. He screams, he holds his head. He cannot fathom returning, yet his mind is bringing him back. He hurts. Crazed images fly around him. He screams again. He shrieks. He is haunted by the past.

Please, drink this solution. I've concocted it just for you and for precisely this situation. It is what you require most at this moment.

It will not make the memories go away, nor will it soothe your pains. Rather, it clarifies the memories, crystallizing them, etching them into your brain as would a sculptor into unhewn stone. But a sculptor gone mad, wielding tools foreign, alien, and carving out visages born from nightmares, if born at all...

The pain remains, but does so in a state of Everpresence. Always and forever. Heightened. Brilliant. Blinding. This is your god now. You need not my telling you of this to recognize its truth. The truth screams out at you from within. The shrieking is almost pleasant...almost, but for the worrying familiarity. They are your new hymns. Please open up your hymnal and sing with us.

Densaner, A Down and Dusky Blonde, The bodensee, and Republic of gran colombia
