by Max Barry

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Region: Geopolity

The Sobiraniya Passes the Rogue Nations Act

In an emergency vote called by Prime Minister Cyseia, the Infinian parliament has overwhelmingly decided to vote in favor of the Rogue Nations Act, with only the extremely right-wing Madaxi (independents) voting against. The Rogue Nations Act offers political asylum seekers from nations designated as 'rogue' a guarantee that they will not be sent back to where they came from. The act is a reaction to the events happening in Orange-Bourgogne. The Infinian Government considers it completely irresponsible to send any immigrant, whether illegal or not, back to a nation where they can easily face death or other kinds of abuses. In effect, immigration and asylum from a rogue nation is thus always legal. At the moment, Orange-Bourgogne is the only nation affected by the Rogue Nations Act, however, other nations could be added at any moment following a vote in the Sobiraniya.

The vote to condemn the current government of the United Kingdom was less spectacular than expected, because the governmental parties, the Social-Democratic Uniya ye Socialixa y Progressivixa and the Green Poko y Natura Partiya both joined the center-right parties in their condemnation. The little opposition against the vote mainly came from the Aliyasiya ye Ifitinixa, a center-left party, and Kommunixa Infinya, the Communist Party. Some Madaxi joined as well, arguing that it is not in Infiny's interest to alienate the Pankhurst-government from it.

Prime Minister Lena Cyseia, when asked why she would condemn a government so close to her own ideology, stated that 'Prime Minister Pankhurst has walked right into the trap that every democratic government faces, especially one with strong claims on the moral highground. It is the problem of fixation. If we stare ourselves blind at the perfect implementation of our policies, unwilling to accept pushback or recognize the views of others, our utopias will become ruthless tyrannies.'

Saudiarabia and Danmarka
