by Max Barry

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Region: Council of Constructed Languages

Factbooks kind of out of date but here's an updated form of the possessive plus to be

They are my parents
Root: Patro
My parents: Patrìe
They are parents: Patrùn
They are my parents: Patrèhùn (I is dropped because it's obvious we're in the possessive so we only need the 1PS "E" to facilitate pronunciation)

We are his/her parents = Patrìhùm/Patrìhùmo

Viriam is my friend = Viria amicèhù

They are not your clothes! = Vestìshùnx!

In my religion my god is good = F'relijionìe bonidiosèhù

You are their teacher = ensenwìnhùs

Switzerland-but nationalist
