by Max Barry

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Region: Abydos

Qon wrote:

What means politically correct?I go and say,sorry,to sodomite,you are what do not love girl,but love to open part.....jakhq,no i said about use of God's created rainbow,as flag,as what it used,and it says-you opress sodom gomor,i go,And abou word ""gay"" it is used in medieval as happy,meaning happy,you can see in old multfilms they said gay nature,meaning happy nature,sodomites changed it,so if scribe wrote -King was "gay" today- that meaned -King was happy today-,sodom gomor changed it so you read and catastrophic wrongly understand,that king was sodomite,and word gender,it meaned kind, before sodom gomor changed it,and if you eo not know,men in my co7ntry beat that,and suppress,because we are men,not floor wash cloth,Qnd my whole question is this,i can normal play here,or i will see here sodom gomor?I go from your created site,site part or what it,or remain?
