by Max Barry

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Region: Greater Middle East

Television Centroaméricana
Ciudad de Guatemala, Centroamérica


    Alvaro Escobar: Members of the Federal Congress, what happened yesterday was not good. If we are going to continue like this it is better for us to leave right now, i ask you all to act the adults and deputies you are and demand respect for eachother. I hope today we can come to an agreement over the CICICA with terms that is respected between parties. Remember the nation is watching. Time is given to the deputies of Nuevas Ideas.
    Deputy Alvarez, NI: first i want to apologize for the way i acted yesterday it was unpleasant for me and the congress. Anyways like i said yesterday Nuevas Ideas supports and asks for the reinstatement of the CICICA. The removal was the CICICA was illegal, it violated the 12-19 accord which was signed by members of Congress and according article 14 of decree number 31-2012, it a violation to the constitution and abuse of power, therefore the removal of the international commission against impunity was unconstitutional, illegal, and a clear sign of corruption. Nuevas Ideas would like to call for a vote on whether tge Federal Congress should continue agreements on the reinstatement of the CICICA.
    Deputy Perez, PAC: The issue of the CICICA should of been resolved a long time ago. It is no longer a question for Congress to whether or not the CICICA would be needed because the nation obviously needs it. The question now is how are we going to have the CICICA come back again. I know most parties here wonr agree with us, but we have enough proof to have the CICICA brought back. During the last days many deputies or candidates to become deputies have been arrested or have had charges made against them. Recently Mario Estrada member of UCN has been arrested for drug trafficking, simmir with Jose Rosales of VIVA, Sandra Torres from UNE was accused by the CICICA and MP for illegal and outside funding for gubernatorial campaign this year. How much more proof do we need. PAC will stand with Nuevas Ideas on this vote.
    Deputy Galdamez, FCN: FCN-Nacion will stand with Nuevas Ideas and PAC with only one circumstance, FCN demamd the removal of Ivan Velasquez has head of the CICICA. The fight against corruption is very important for us and the country but with Ivan Velasquez has head if the CICICA we will not complete anything.
    Deputy Ixcamey, UNE: FCN is a party of cowards, they first wanted the CICICA gone and now they want it back under a different rule. I suppose Velasquez has had enough cases to shut down the party? These cowards who want the CICICA back are obviously doing it just for the votes for the 2019 election, they say these statements but later turn out to be liars and corrupt, UNE will not accept this.
    Alvaro Escobar: the request of Nuevas Ideas has been accepted, a vote will now be made on the topic of the CICICA.

Seats: 160, 80 votes needed to pass.
Results: 59 in favor, 54 against, 47 neutral.
No resolution made.
