by Max Barry

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Region: Renegade Islands Alliance

The restored imperial empire

Usniya wrote:Like freedom!

No, like creating a better world so freedom could actually start to matter a bit more. But to my idea for the Mercian civil war.

What I think we should do is do a HOI4 rip off of a modded American civil war. 4 ways.

One side is the Union. Typical democracy old fashioned American freedom type which occupied the middle of America.

the other is the South, which supports more centuralized power similar to fascism. Wanting to make a new Jim Crow.

The third is the Syndiclists. Communists/Socialists, who have the entire north supporting them.

And lastly, California. A left leaning haven which has all of the west coast flying its flag.

I think there's a little something for everyone in there somewhere.

Just my oppinion. Thoughts??

Flowrisa and The northern cresent
