by Max Barry

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The Rich Were Temporarily Unable To Get Richer

by Max Barry
Tue, 08 Sep 2020

In The Mafian Economic Republic of The Dark System, a Compulsory Consumerist State with wealth inequity like you wouldn't believe, a problem arose: The rich grew too rich. They are, in fact, so rich right now that they exceed the World Census's ability to track it. That's the thing with the ultra-rich: They always have even more wealth than you expect.

But it turns out that if you're prepared to put the screws to the middle and working classes, you can have the richest 10% of your populace pulling down 8-figure averages. This blew a gasket at the World Census and left them unable to track The Dark System on any scale at all.

A fix is landing tonight to address this and similar issues. As a result, you may notice a slight loss of precision in your Average Income of Rich, which will no longer be tracked down the last cent, but instead rounded off to your nearest standard monetary unit. This is a little easier to handle when there are 11 million of them to track (on average, per wealthy Dark System citizen).