by Max Barry

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by Mzeusia. . 300 reads.

No time like Tea time

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Mzeusian Tea

This dispatch contains very important facts about Mzeusian tea. We at the Mzeusian Library hope you enjoy learning about this tasty drink.

The birth of Mzeusian tea
It is not known exactly when the beverage, Mzeusian tea was created, but it was around the formation of Mzeusia, some two thousand years ago. It was originally used by soldiers the day before they were to march into battle but when Mzeusia had stabilised its position in the world, Mzeusian tea became more popular with all kinds of people and they began drinking it whenever they wanted to.

International reception
In time, other cultures have added milk and sugar to the drink, but we would like to stress that this is not Mzeusian tea and those additives only serve to worsen the drink and detract from its original flavour. Mzeusian tea is a very popular drink both within Mzeusia and outside it, most popular in The North Pacific and Lazarus.

There has been a sudden spike in the number of groups both inside and outside Mzeusia, who praise it and encourage people to drink it. It has even been used to calm negotiators and may have played a role in avoiding war between nations. Mzeusian tea is a much sought after drink but there have been strict regulations prohibiting the mass production of the drink.

How to Make Mzeusian Tea

Step one:
The correct cup is crucial to perfecting your drinking experience. If the cup means nothing to you, you will not feel like you mean anything but if you pick a cup that you got on your first birthday then you will remember all the happy times since. You could also remember the sad times but that is fine, crying over your tea is not a bad thing. For the best possible experience, there must be some sort of an emotional tie to your cup of choice.

Step two:
Once you have selected the ideal cup, you now need to get the ideal ingredients. Your ingredients are like people, if you treat them badly, they will not like you and will rebel. You don’t want your tea rebelling. Mzeusian tea calls for tea leaves that have been thoroughly looked after, the smallest squeeze of lemon juice and a tiny swirl of dark honey.

Step three:
First you must fill the cup with cold, clear water that should be left out in the sun for five minutes, preferably in the snow. Then add the crushed tea leaves and brew the tea, humming to it to comfort it. Then you must stir vigorously, add a few drops of lemon juice, stir with the same vigour, add the small swirl of honey and then stir gently.

Step four:
Take the cup of tea and, if possible, take it outside and let it cool for as long as need be. There is no need to burn your mouth. Then take the first sip with your eyes closed and take deep breaths in between sips. When you are finished the tea, reflect on the taste and be thankful for the moment of peace.

Step five:
Congratulate yourself, you have just enjoyed your first cup of Mzeusian tea

Mzeusian tea in literature
Mzeusian tea, firstly was seen on ancient pottery and plates as a soldier’s drink. Then it gained a religious connotation with it being used in ceremonies to calm people. Many heroes in epic tales have drunken it after praying to the gods and the gods themselves have partaken every now and again.

In more modern literature, it is a common sight, owing to its popularity world-wide. It has been used to poison people, burn people, revive, and refresh people. It has even been at the centre of a crime novel.

First the Tea leaves are picked. Only the top leaves on the tea plant is used.

Then the leaves are placed in a room to be dried by large fans over around half a day.

Then the tea leaves are crushed and put in a sive before allowing to ferment.

Then it is packaged and sent off.


