by Max Barry

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by The Free City of San Francesco Bay. . 851 reads.

Treaty of Kasperia

Rule, Atlantida!

The Treaty of Kasperia effectively established the United States of Atlantis (Atlantida as the Atlantean Union), effectively creating a confederation of the nation-states of the Atlantean Community. This Treaty on the Atlantean Union and its function formalised its structure as a legal personality with coherent legitimacy in liberal authority and a council of member states with constitutional obligations to fundamental human rights. However, work on the "Atlantean Project" is not yet complete. The future of the Atlantean Union continues to be discussed in the politics, fora and agorae of all member states. Signatories of the treaty are members of the AU. Having cemented international and intercontinental relations, the AU strives to create peace and accord through political unity and economy.


On 01 Pisces 11695 HE, the four nations of Atlantis, Aleixandria, Nova-Lox, Alpenburg, and Palma Riviera and its city-state San Francesco, signed the Treaty of Kasperia. The negotiations were held in the Nova-Lox municipality of Kasperia, Chelan Regional District, Nova Scotia. Representatives of the participating nations of the continent (continuous territory) of Atlantis negotiated the common terms of allegiance and framework. The treaty formalised the "swack" (not "stark") union or confederation between the governments of these nations and their federated states. Its communion evolved from a multinational organisation of corporations to one for international, transnational, intercontinental, transcontinental and intergovernmental cooperation in relations, institutions and interactions (i.e., operations including production, consumption, exportation, importation and construction). The treaty created the Atlantean Union (AU) to promote the free movement of labour (people and workers), capital, services, and goods: the four liberties of the single market called the Atlantean Common Market or Atlantean Economic Community. With equality of people and nations being a basic principle, it united the nations of Atlantis with a common, pan-Atlantean identity and history.

The treaty was signed on the 64th (an ordinal decimal representation of 1000000 in digital binary, 1000 in quaternary, 100 in octal, and 40 in sexadecimal bases for a system of numeration) anniversary of the publication of the emphatic declaration of solidarity by the political activist and journalist Olympe des Champs-Élysées. Not wanting to create a strong union with authority concentrated in a central unitary authority, the collective Atlantean nations agreed to emphasise multilateral cooperation and bilateral reciprocation. It encouraged further strengthening of sovereign ligations and international connections, as well as political, legal, economic, social and cultural integration. Pursuant to its commitment to multilateralism, the treaty mandated that the nations be allied and associated with each other. As diplomacy in Atlantean political and international affairs, it substituted the temporary (provisional, conditional and informal) armistice and coexistence in peace as the modus vivendi ("mode, method, manner, way of living") with an obligatory (substantial, conventional and formal) instrument. A treaty is a diplomatic instrument that legally and formally contracts international actors (State Parties) in obligations with an accord, protocol, covenant, convention or pact. Its provisionality and conditionality is in contrast to a cessation of belligerent hostilities by consensus (rendition and capitulation). The treaty and union is guided by a complete and total (i.e., whole and entire) respect for the inherent dignity of human beings and fundamental liberty of natural persons. It was principally proposed by San Francesco, which continues to champion strengthening the Union, and making it more efficient, open, and democratic. Open limits and frontiers, made de jure by the creation of the AU, permitted immigrants to migrate and settle freely across Atlantis, where they could live in prominence. Migration and diffusion are the common narrative arc in human history.

The treaty established a free (as in libre not gratis) and fair (as in just and equal) economic zone thus liberalising and opening commerce between the nations. The international financial institution, the Atlantean Development Bank (ADB), was created for investment in development of capital projects that further AU politics (policy) objectives and whose interested actors (of common action) are the AU member states. A programme to fund and finance the development of Atlantean projects of culture and identity (audio and video media, e.g. the production of art, film, image, theatre, drama, cinema, television, radio, and music in addition to festivals, professionals, animation, innovation, evolution, cooperation, foundation, education, promotion, publication, circulation and distribution) by industries, companies, institutes and centres was created as Creative Atlantis. In the media sector, the public service broadcasters in Atlantis formed an alliance called the Atlantean Broadcasting Union (ABU). National frontiers of all Atlantean (Atlantic and Pacific) geographic neighbours were declared to be open and transportation connections were to further the collective benefit of the signatories of the treaty. For example, the existing rail, road, air and sea transportation systems were united. The rail and motorway union has made traveling by rail and car between the AU members the best mode of transportation. The Atlantean Motorway Union (AMU) has created normalised regulations (with controls for mechanical, electrical and technical inspections of automobiles or motorcars as vehicles and vessels for security and emissions), while the Atlantean Airway Union (AAU) regulates and coordinates air traffic. The Atlantean Railway Union (ARU) has unified the electric voltages and rail gauges. These established legal blood concentration for the limitation of intoxication from excess (immoderate) consumption. The normal measure is a massive volumetric relation (as per cent, 1 g of mass per 100 mL of volume, whilst other successive or consecutive magnitudes are 1 g per L and 10 mg per 100 mL) as a deficiency of capacity for operation that is correlated to relative risk, which is a probability of an event in an experimental group exposed to a factor of exposition related and divided by that for a control group, whilst the absolute risk is the difference of their probability, incidence or frequency in the populations. It regulates the admissible (permissible, acceptable and tolerable) limit of biochemical (physical, mental and corporal) substances with the consequences of impulsive (attentive, instinctive, intuitive, cognitive and sensitive) effects that manifest in relative (reactive) expression (active and motive conduct, and passive and emotive affect) as a disinhibition of activation of the regulation and control in the personalities of human beings (conscious actors and organisms as agents and patients of cognisance, sapience, sentience, significance, conscience and experience). Extreme doses might result in anterograde or retrograde amnesia, a stupor or torpor, and a lethargy and ataxy of a coma (κῶμα or kôma) or a carus (κᾰ́ρος or káros) as a dormant absence of conscious cognition that mortally culminates in haemorrhagic or ischaemic apoplexy (ictus).

The treaty formalised cooperation between the AU and international organisations such as the International Committee of the Red Sun (ICRS), and the United Nations (UN; OOC: the unnameable, altered and modified version of the World Assembly or WA of NS with its Compliance Commission), formed by its Charter signed in San Francesco, headquartered in New York, Nova-Lox, headed by a Secretary-General (with a secretariat as an administrative organisation of conferences, congresses and reunions), and comprised of the Assembly (its international deliberative council for general, security, economic and social resolutions, declarations or legislation, with the allocation of a vote sovereign member nation-states and not by its population) and agencies. UN agencies preside in cities (e.g., New York and Geneva) with centres of intergovernmental and international organisation as bureaus, offices, conferences and palaces of nations that include commercial services (i.e., cooperative banks). These agencies include the International Hygiene Organisation (IHO), United Nations Alimentary and Agriculture Organisation (UNAAO), International Labour Organisation (ILO), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), International Refugee Organisation (IRO), International Telecommunications Union (ITU), International Postal Union (IPU), International Oceanic Organisation (IOO), International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), International Atomic Energy Organisation (IAEO), International Meteorological Organisation (IMO), International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), International Intellectual Property Organisation (IIPO), International Commerce Organisation (ICO) and International Clearing Union (ICU). The assembly coordinates these agencies (unions and organisations) as a principal organ (like the International Court of Justice or ICJ whose judges it elects, and distinct from the Permanent Court of Arbitration or PCA as an arbitral tribunal created by conventions and treaties of peace conferences) of the UN with functional or regional commissions and commissioners (United Nations Commissions or UNCs, e.g. councils and offices for the promotion and protection of the human rights of liberty and equality). International cooperation occurs between member states of geopolitical regions (groups including the AU). The "league" or "society" of united, allied and associated nations (sovereignties, entities and authorities) of the UN administers, governs and controls territories (in mandatory, obligatory, fiduciary and temporary, not permanent, mandate, basis and status of an international treaty) with constitutions and institutions.

In forming the nation-states of Atlantis in a political union or entity, it has permitted them to engage in diplomacy with the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia (with Oceania and Polynesia as the islands of the Pacific Ocean and Antarctica that is polar opposite of the Arctic). (These by chance correspond to continental "warzones" of the World of NS.) The AU member states are parties and signatories of the Antarctic Treaty (OOC: as documented by Volaworand), which actualised and regulated the international relations (territorial concessions of sovereignty and jurisdiction) with respect to Antartica for the facilitation of pacific cooperation and scientific investigation in the interests of humanity. This is also the case with a treaty governing activities in ultraterrestrial and extraterrestrial space and the utilisation and exploration of the lunar, solar, stellar and celestial corpora ("bodies") in an international and legal regime. The AU signed and ratified a UN maritime convention on the legal rights in the (Global or World, as in the mundane, geophysical and terrestrial water divided and delimited by the oceanographic, geographic and hydrographic continents) Ocean of Earth. International ("universal") treaties and conventions establish norms of conduct for state parties. Intellectual property concerns creative (literary, artistic, aesthetic, dramatic and musical) works, (physical, technical, mechanical, electrical, practical, theoretical, functional, formal, industrial, medical, pharmaceutical, textual, visual, aural, sensual, perceptual and ornamental) designs, marks, decorations, illustrations, compositions, creations, inventions and productions that are granted rights when "fixed" (engraved or recorded) in a physical medium as a mode of (analogue and digital) media of information, impression and expression for consumption. The criticism of legal academics argues that the regime implies a false analogy to property when the scarcity is artificial not natural. The "rights" are privileges of monopoly in the protection, restriction, and limitation of utilisation in the market. They protect the conceptual ideal that becomes the virtual (ideal-real) with potentialisation and the material (actual-real) with actualisation in realisation. The civil doctrine of the right of the author (i.e., proprietary rights and moral rights of the creator and inventor) extends to interpretive and derivative works (e.g., attributions, transductions, adaptations, communications, publications, distributions, representations, recitations, reproductions, replications and copies) and differs from the common economic (commercial, as opposed to cultural, contextual and experiential) copyright. LinkRegistration provides incentives and benefits, in the private and public interests, for innovation and contribution of personality in the domestic political jurisdiction. In Atlantis, recompense (as compensation) for the cultural value and the diversion of potential income (rent and profit) in the loan (prest and imprest) of works by public and educational libraries is provided by the Atlantean national governments. (See the Linkresearch project at the Australian university in Melbourne, a Victorian second city to the primary Sydney of "New Wales" or "New Albion" and where Max Barry studied, that is named for the civil engineer John Monash, whose family name is a variation of the German Monasch from the Hebrew מְנַשֶּׁה‎ or Mənašé for "one who causes [another] to forget, obliviate" to which the fictional Bluth family adds "never forgive" or pardon.)

The UN as UNESCO was the sponsor and is the depository of the convention signed in Loxerdam that implemented the International Committee of the Blue Shield (ICBS). It publishes the Index Translationum to document an international bibliography of translations. UNESCO promotes intellectual cooperation in international exchange of academicism and scholasticism with scientists and artists. It published statements by authors from the histories and studies of (structural and cultural) anthropology (in comparison to the functional, social and communal disciplines), biology, ethnology and ethnography with Israel Ehrenberg as the editor, revisor and reporter to demonstrate "race" as a fallacy (illusion, fiction and construction). The UN offices, similar to diplomatic missions, enjoy extraterritorial status that formalises immunity of property, physical space, and individual (natural) and corporate (juridicial) persons, irrespective of nationality, from the personal and territorial jurisdiction of legal and state sovereignty of the locality. This is a cessation of the obligation of prosecution and transference of sovereign territory to the represented state or the international law of nation-states. In an application of extraterritoriality, some states and international organisations exercise universal jurisdiction where criminal actors are pursued (in extradition and prosecution) without regard of nationality or locality. These crimes are considered violations of international norms are obligatory erga omnes ("in relation to all") and peremptory ius cogens ("cogent law") for the entire international community of states. Universal jurisdiction, as an exercise of legal authority, differs from territorial jurisdiction (internal of frontiers) and extraterritorial jurisdiction (external of frontiers) of a sovereign state in its assertion of transnational, supranational and international laws. The principal office of state's diplomatic representatives to another sovereign state is the embassy (legation), usually, but not necessarily, located as a chancery in the receiving nation-state's capital city. The ambassadors to foreign states (strange and alien nation-states, or sovereign states with a common nationality of citizens that are either overseas or overlands) are appointed by the national head of government with its ministry (administrative office).

An ambassador (legate), as the superior order of authority of a diplomat (plenipotentiary minister and plenipotent agent), represents the state via the national head of state as the accredited resident representative on diplomatic assignment to a strange host state. As members of the diplomatic corps (French: corps diplomatique; abbreviated as CD), they control or produce (direct, execute, lead and guide) the conduct of a mission as its responsible chief. Led by a consul, consulates are inferior diplomatic missions that are normally located in secondary cities peripheral to the primary capital of the receiving state, are subordinate to embassies, and are designated to protect foreign nationals in the host state not the bilateral relationship (entente or détente) maintained by the embassy. Ambassadors are appointed by a letter of credence (French: lettre de créance), a correspondence (written in French, the lingua franca of diplomacy) addressed from the national head of state to the strange head of state that asks or bids (petitions, demands, solicits and requests) them to offer or concede credence to whatever the ambassador may declare or dictate in the name of the national state. A chargé(e) d'affaires, of lower rank, heads an embassy in absence of an ambassador. The embassies and consulates, and their territory, staff, and vehicles are afforded diplomatic immunity from arrest and prosecution in the host state. Diplomats and diplomatic staff can be declared persona non grata by the host state at any time and for any reason, in which the national (central, imperial, global or federal, not municipal, provincial, local or regional) government must recall the diplomat. The host state must permit and protect free communication between the diplomats of the mission, envoys, emissaries, and official administration, which is facilitated by a diplomatic cable, sack or burse (cf. the cases similar to the ministerial despatch boxes that contain and transport confidential, private and secret information of the Government in affairs of the Sovereign, Parliament and their ministers in the parliamentary chamber) escorted by diplomatic courier (messenger). Diplomatic documents include dossiers of communiqués: memoranda, addenda, agenda, messages, reports, letters, epistles, studies, declarations, statements, codices, and protocols. A nonce (from Latin nuntius, as an evangelist or angel of an evangel) announces these informative notices.

In customary international law, states possess immunity from the legal proceedings (process and prosecution) in the courts (tribunals and authorities) of other states. This is to protect the sovereignty of the state and the consent of its sovereign by making them immune to the jurisdiction of a foreign (strange) state. This differs from the immunity of a sovereign (e.g., a government of a state, including a President or an Emperor) in the domestic legal jurisdiction or adjudication. The jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) extends to present heads of state and government of member states as individual persons. For crimes that are not violations of international law, states assert the defence of functional immunity (ratione materiae) for actors of the functions of state, whilst personal immunity (ratione personae) is conceded to those of an official capacity. The latter is immunity of a functionary in their personal activities from arrest or detention in the criminal, civil and administrative jurisdiction of the other state. The ICC prosecutes international crimes (criminal offences) of individuals with legal independence from the UN, whereas the ICJ is a civil court that resolves disputes and conflicts between states. An exception may be made if the crime is subject to

  • universal jurisdiction,

  • absolute prohibition, and

  • responsibility or obligation that cannot be derogated (i.e., the fact that international laws are non-derogable norms).

The excuse or justification of immunity is not a permissible defence in charges where the criminal acts are committed by human actors, not states. The statute establishing the ICC as a permanent institution (a public service of society, community and humanity) with legal personality and capacity to exercise its functions and authority in its international jurisdiction (the territory of State Parties). Five crimes are admissible to the jurisdiction of the ICC. These serious crimes (committed by individual actors of a state, party or group) are:

  1. the crime of genocide,

  2. crimes contra humanity,

  3. war crimes,

  4. the crime of aggression, and

  5. the crime of ecocide.

Genocide, analogous to homicide of persons with individuality (individual personality), is the physical (mental and corporal) injury of sapient (and sentient, significant and cognisant) human persons (e.g., the existence of people as an ethnic genus or a civil population that a family is a reproductive member and a cohesive participant) on the basis of an identity of the group or collectivity. For the protection of innocence, international conventions on prevention and punition define genocide of a "racial" (national, tribal, social, communal, political, cultural, ethnical, sexual and religious) group (with a conceived innate characteristic) in international legal terms by a resolution adopted by the UN Assembly. The crimes include (en)forced (systematic, structural, extrajudicial, extraordinary and selective) conditions of action—execution, oppression, subjection, coercion, deportation, deprivation, detention, abduction, prosecution, persecution, imposition, infliction, appropriation, extermination, destruction, elimination, annihilation, contravention, violation, mutilation, castration, sterilisation, exploitation, extortion, extradition, asportation, caption, capture, torture, rapture, rapine, servitude and transfer. Because of the Atlantean influence upon international law, the suppression of memory (the impression of expression and the imagination of information in the mental conception, cognition, recognition and representation of conscience) is also a crime contra humanity. War refers to armed conflicts of actors (e.g., nation-states). Aggression refers to the deliberate use of armed force (military invasion and occupation, and hostile domination and submission in an organisation of hegemony) by a State in conduct against (contra) the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political autonomy of another State. The commission (perpetration) of severe, adverse, extreme, excessive or extensive act of destruction (with the recognition or intention that it is probably irreversible or incurable) of the natural, vital or terrestrial ambient (the biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere and celestial or extraterrestrial space) is ecocide. Acts that interfere with the court process (investigation and prosecution) are offences contra the administration of justice.

The concept of international law was advanced by the schools of Hispanic Salamanca (from Helmantica in an association with Salamis) and Lusitanic Coimbra (from Conimbriga for "the castro of the Conii" in reference to the Celtic Iberian Cynetes in Portugal, probably for "hounds"). As an intellectualism of the Renaissance, it was replaced by the humanist concepts of the experimental and mathematical Scientific Revolution. Francisco de Vitoria (who influenced Hugo de Groot of the Dutch Netherlands) extrapolated legitimate political sovereignty in society to the virtue of legal justice with the common good of the public states of nations (each a city, community or commonwealth of individual persons where a nation is analogous to a corporation or association). His disciple, Francisco Suárez, divided ius gentium (popular customs of conduct) into the supranational ius supra gentes, the international ius inter gentes and the (intra)national ius intra gentes. They considered ius gentium to be included in the positive ius civile of animal humans (artificial convention compared to the natural, universal and real), which is in contrast to the ius naturale of Nature. Domingo de Soto and Luis de Molina considered servitude conventional (civil), Linknot natural to the material (corporal) and spiritual (mental) rights of liberty in the spatial and temporal cosmic order. The political, economic, legal, practical and theoretical ideas of these pedagogical and theological intellectuals were influential in Atlantean universities, regimes and paradigms.

The adherents and members of the schools argued that war is one of the most evil actions suffered by humanity. As the ultimate recourse, they argued war ought to solely prevent a grander evil such that diplomatic dialogue and discourse (i.e., question, negotiation, discussion, mediation, resolution and reconciliation) is sempre (always, all tides and ever more) preferable in disputes and conflicts. In the absence of a viable alternative, they defined the necessary casuistic cases of a permissible "just war" (bellum iustum) to be defence from and prevention of aggression (attack and assault). The legitimate motivation (sufficient intention that is neither vain nor futile) necessitates that the response (violence) is commensurate, proportionate, popular and the punition (penal imposition) of a culpable party or authority for malevolent and maleficent injury (i.e., coercion, oppression and domination, which is not benevolent and beneficent). This doctrine of military ethics provides criteria of moral justifications for a war to be judged as just. It is relativist and consequentialist in its considerations and limitations of battle where combatants moderate (control, restrict and respect) their conduct (armed force) with the presumption that their enemies will similarly act in reciprocity, exchange and correspondence (e.g., mutual assured destruction as an equilibrium of strategy where possible annihilation acts as an incentive dissuasion). It requires that belligerents distinguish (discriminate) combatants from the civil population in the estimation of necessity (responsibility, culpability, proportionality and legitimacy in relation to the imperative objective). Prior to these discussions was the dharma-yuddha (Sanskrit in the Hindu epic of the Mahabharata(m), which contains the Bhagavad Gita, as an important scripture similar to the Ramayana(m)) that established just cause and proportionality in conduct (means, method and mode). The Geneva Conventions, as international humanitarian law augmented by human rights, are moral conduct (e.g., the protection of innocents) of war (ius in bello), which are independent from the justifications for war (ius ad bellum). A lex pacificatoria is proposed to introduce ius post bellum, which concerns the indemnity (e.g., reconstruction, remediation, reparation, recognition and compensation) subsequent to capitulation. The right of angary (ius angariae, from ἀγγαρεία or angareía as the office of an ἄγγᾰρος or ángaros, e.g. a messenger or courier of despatches) recognises requisition of neutral property and material of strangers by belligerents (upon payment of due compensation, renumeration or restitution for an indemnity to parties) that is transiently within their territory (jurisdiction and occupation) and that is required or necessitated by peremptory contingencies and supreme eventualities of war (i.e., utilised, used and sequestered for its operations, conflict, conduct and effort). Related to ahimsa (nonviolence), absolutist pacifism opposes war as not acceptable (in terms of ethics) with a rejection of realism (where states are actors that act to preserve their egotist and rational interests in international relations).


The subnational territories of each federated (non-unitary) member state were granted the ability to cooperate individually as well between the nation-states. This afforded greater autonomy to these entities (especially San Francesco). It was stipulated that the respective member states would have to ratify and legislate to adhere to the treaty's provisions for increased autonomy. This has been a source of contention between members. Palma Riviera has gradually decentralised and granted its autonomous communities increased sovereignty over their affairs, reaching the point where San Francesco has demanded "independence". The autonomy of legal jurisdiction and administration (authority and solidarity) relates to autocephaly in a communion. The totality of citizens of AU member states are entitled to AU citizenship, which offers (furnishes) rights, liberties, and protections stipulated in AU law. This includes the freedom of residence in any and all AU member state. AU citizenship is in addition to national citizenship, granting the right to the freedom of movement, settlement, and employment across the AU. AU citizens are free in commercial contract and mobility to negotiate and transport goods, services, property and capital through international (AU) frontiers and in national (domestic) markets. Citizenship confers the right to vote in and run as a candidate in local elections in the country where a person has residency as well as the right to consular protection by embassies of other AU member states when a person's country of citizenship is not represented by an embassy or consulate in the country in which they require protection.

Collective security provisions were assembled in the Treaty to create the Atlantean Defence Union (ADU) as an inclusive, internal and general military force (not an exclusive, external and special alliance) of cooperation and mutual assistance. The AU, although ostensibly with military defence, is a pignus (pledge) obligated, determined and dedicated to pacifism. Atlaspol (or the Atlantean Police Office), which cooperates with the ICC and the International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol), was created to combat crime through police cooperation. Like Interpol, Atlaspol circulates international alerts that notify member state police of accused criminals as an analogue to an arrest warrant issued by a judge or magistrate, i.e. a court or tribunal order directed to a constable or police officer per rule of law. Atlaspol is only entitled to arrest suspects or act with prior approval from competent authorities in the member states through the extradition process. The Treaty established the following areas as common politics and supporting competences between member states:

  • horticulture, agriculture and fisheries (e.g., Codex Alimentarius created by the UNAAO and IHO for nutrition, sanitation, production, and victual);

  • regulation of trans-Atlantean industrial constructions (i.e., energy, transport including railways, motorways and airways, telecommunications including the post, the Internet, and broadcasting);

  • liberty, security and justice;

  • public sanity, surety and safety;

  • diplomacy and defence from strangers;

  • initiatives (institutes, alliances, associations, societies and academies) for artistic culture and tourism;

  • youth, sport, academic, professional and vocational training (e.g., formation, instruction and education in the Spinoza Programme and the New London Process);

  • research and technological development, engineering norms (accreditation and certification), and (outer) space programmes (e.g., the Atlantean Research Council or ARC, the Atlantean Normalisation Institute or ANI, and the Atlantean Space Agency or ASA);

  • development cooperation and humanitarian aid (e.g., ICRS and the Atlantean Voluntary Service, an international organisation that serves the values of solidarity, universal progress and evolution, in conjunction with the UN Development Programme or UNDP).


The principal objective of the AU is alleviate the world from belligerent hegemonies of power (brandished and exercised by a dominant suzerain or hegemon that controls servile, subservient and dependent states with domestic autonomy in governance and affairs). The political status of dominion is an intermediate of a state and colony. A dominion is an autonomous community of a realm with a government as a tributary polity subordinate to a suzerainty. One is neither an independent sovereignty nor a dependent territory (which is de facto compared to the de jure protectorates of territorial possession and colonial annexation by the authority of a metropolitan administration). Efforts of diplomacy were advised to be implemented in unity. The militaries of the nations unconditionally coordinate together in order to better defend Atlantis from adversaries. The AU advocates for disarmament and the use of judicial tribunals to resolve international disputes and conflicts by the abstinence from the use of armed force by nation-states. The AU as a "Group of Four" (i.e., the Atlantean Council) in the UN created a hegemony of intelligence in a "singularity" (universal polarity and global unity). This coordination and cooperation extends to the strategic control of atomic arms and nuclear energy by the authority of and the inspection by the IAEO (with norms applied by the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation and Prohibition of Nuclear Arms). The existential peril and technical (practical and theoretical) risk of these technologies used by militaries motivated this interest to secure and benefit collective humanity. Atlantean scientists (as technocrats advocating bureaucrats) and specialists (e.g., the academician and humanitarian Bertrand Russell) proposed the exchange (dissemination) of scientific information for common assurance of survival (security and surety) in political agencies (institutions of international organisation). In Atlantis, these armaments were prohibited for military violence (militant and belligerent violations) and permitted solely for public and private "schemes" (systems, processes and projects that are constructive, productive, inventive, innovative, creative, cooperative, commercial or industrial) in a diplomatic treaty of contracting parties (governments) with a social responsibility and legal obligation.

Whilst no individual members states of the AU are grand "world powers" of "great might", the AU is collectively recognised as sovereign states with the capacity to exercise (project) political, diplomatic and economic influence. Atlantean historians of international relations proposed characteristic dimensions as determinative criteria. To this position of realist theory, the dimension of actual potency (a major, superior and senior potential capacity as opposed to minor, inferior and junior) includes polarity, hegemony and the preservation and the possession of sovereignty. In the spatial dimension, influence of population and territory extends beyond the regional (local) system to the international (global) system of the world. The temporal dimension concerns the relative potency and authority to contemporary states. The recognition depends upon the status institutionalised of subjective comparison (retrospection) in normal conduct and obligations from the concert of general and national consensus in a resolution of reunion (convention of a congress and conference). Realism influenced international relations (affairs, interests, studies and disciplines) in Atlantis. As a realist perceptive based upon demographic, economic, technical, political, social, historical and practical tendencies, it provides a theoretical prescience. In academic, diplomatic, and strategic politics, it is is a conceptual interpretation and critical commentary of factual evidence in conduct that connects the actual transition from opinions to decisions. Actions in a potent crisis (such as those of sovereignties, authorities, supremacies, hegemonies, dependencies, contingencies, controversies, conflicts, debates and confrontations) include competition and cooperation, as domination and submission, for superiority and inferiority.

Guarding public sanity from physical disorder and infection (e.g., maladies, pest(ilence)s, plagues, and sicknesses) in accordance with the IHO was included. In medical ethics, the Atlantean morals are ethical principles—a Linkcode(x) established by the statutory and regulatory medical councils of Atlantis (i.e., legal and social controls, or obligations and responsibilities)—in the AU that emphasise voluntary consent (autonomous liberty) in the decision (continuation or termination) of medical or scientific experimentation of the human subject with legal capacity and without coercion. The conduct of experiments (practices and therapies for maladies) is required to be in good faith and prohibited to cause physical (i.e., corporal and mental, substantial and spiritual, material and animal, natural and artificial, existential and essential, or somatic and psychic) sufferance (injury or incapacity) that is neither necessary nor just. The history of immunology commences with a Chinese medic (萬全 or wan / uan / van / ban / man quan / cyun / cuang / choan / toan), Mary Wortley Montagu, and Edward Jenner. Jenner lauded the philanthropy of the "Imperial Philanthropic Vaccine Expedition" that the Palm Empire directed in a public medical campaign (maritime operation by marine, naval or nautical vessel) to propagate vaccine inoculation (vaccination, which is similar to its predecessor of variolation as a form of immunisation to combat infection by infectious malady and contagion) in the territories of its realm and the populations of Atlantis (on the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans). It was inspired by the utilitarian Palmaist and Humanist ethic of relative, human and consequential benefit (common good). Compare it to the philanthropic mission of Medics Sans Frontiers (Medici Senza Frontiere, Médicos Sin Fronteras, Metges Sense Fronteres, Médicos Sem Fronteiras, Médicos Sen Fronteiras, Médecins Sans Frontières) and Medics of the World (Medici del Mondo, Médicos del Mundo, Metges del Món, Médicos do Mundo, Médecins du Monde) with engineers to assist the non-governmental organisation. The contagion was principally proposed by the Persian Avicenna in medicine (sanitary hygiene), with Andalusian and Moroccan Arab medical physicians hypothesising "minute creatures" (microorganisms) similar to that discussed by Indians (e.g., the surgeon Sushruta), Romans (e.g., the germ or semina of the Epicurean and humanist Lucretius, the author De rerum natura or "On the Nature of Things" with an atomic Universe of space and time with animal, spiritual, material, celestial, terrestrial and physical phenomena and fortuna gubernans) and Athenians (e.g., Thucydides, a political realist preceded by the historian Herodotus of Persian Halicarnassus).

Sanitary hygiene uses statistics and diagrams (partitions, decompositions and tessellations of Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet, who Fourier and Poisson introduced to Alexander von Humboldt who in response introduced him to the Mendelssohn family, and Georgy Feodosevich Voronoy, a mathematics student of Andrey Andreyevich Markov who was notable for his stochastic models) for the correlation of seminal points that correspond to a region (zone, germ or cell), which consists of a ensemble of points of the plane at a relative and respective distance of metric space not greater than that to the others. The Novan virologist (in viral epidemiology and microbiology as a molecular biology and cellular biology that is related to immunology of physiology and chemical biophysics and genetics, and that is distinct from bacteriology) Jonas Salk is a prominent figure in medical research and the scientific invention of an essential medicine (i.e., efficacious or effective as determined by the IHO to satisfy universal priority). The objective of immunisation is eradication (in a global population, if not mere elimination in a regional or local community of circulation) of an infectious malady. The experiments of Louis Pasteur provided evidence that supported microbial pathogenesis (microbial and pathogenic maladies) in the germ theory of microscopic organisms from the postulates of Robert Koch. He would state "in the field of observation, hazard favours the prepared spirits". It possibly is a reformulation or variation of Democritus who wrote, in a brief and gnomic aphorisms or adages (a literary genre of proverbs distinct from the satirical and sarcastic epigrams that frequently expressed poetic, elegiac, philosophical, erotic, amorous and homosexual themes as graffiti, which additionally differ from the epigraphs of cenotaphs or the epitaphs, chronograms and inscriptions for monumental and memorial tombs), that "(brave) courage is the origin (arche) of action (praxis), but fortune (the chance of fate) is the master (kyrie) of its completion (telos)". The son by adoption of Pliny the Elder quoted his adoptive father repeating the Latin proverb audentis fortuna iuvat or "fortune adjuvates the audacious force or fortitude" (Turnus, the legendary regent of a people descended from the Umbri and the Pelasgians and chief antagonist of the protagonist and Trojan hero Aeneas who was named in Τυρρηνός or Tyrrhênós and led the Latins and other Italic tribes in war against the Trojans, states this in Link10.284 of Virgil's Aeneid). Italo Calvino characterised Pliny the Elder "by his admiration for everything that exists and his respect for the infinite diversity of all phenomena". This Roman author expressed the relation of humans as a creator or inventor (scientist and artist) in the use and abuse of artificial inventions and natural creations. He would perish on a naval expedition to investigate the volcanic eruption of Vesuvius that obliterated and destroyed the city of Pompeii (from the Oscan pompe for "five", who were Italic people like the Latins) in the Campania felix south of Naples.

An epidemic (meaning "upon people") is defined when immunity to a morbid pathogen (e.g., a virus, bacterium, fungus, algae or protein) carried by a vector is reduced from that in endemic ("in people" or indigenous) equilibrium, with incidence (transmission and reproduction) in excess. A pandemic ("all people") occurs as an hectic consequence of the expansion of an unstable population of infection in the planetary geographic region. Historic examples of pandemics include variola/pox, varicella/herpes/zoster, influence/grippe, rubeola/measles, malaria, cholera, dengue, typhus, leprosy, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, fever (e.g., the viral haemorrhagic group) and HIV/AIDS (i.e., a severe, acute viral immune deficiency syndrome acquired by human primates with the infection of a retrovirus, which transmitted across species from simian primates in a zoonotic pathogenesis, that uses a viral inverse enzyme to catalyse the transcription of its positive polarity or sense and simple-string or chain RNA to DNA in the cytoplasm of a host for integration in the cellular genome of the cell nucleus). Legal governmental authorities are permitted to institute a temporary and extraordinary sanitary cordon of quarantine (a historical and biblical period of 40 days and 40 nights from the Latin cardinal numeral quadraginta) at the counsel and administration of functionaries of public sanity as a social, personal and individual desert of physical isolation (alienation that cloisters, sequesters, separates and segregates for medical hygiene, sanitation and protection as a complement to pharmaceutical immunisation) for the prevention of the communication of contagious and infectious pest. Pandemics fracture the social, political and economic unity (community and union) in commerce, religion, culture and systems of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services by institutions, agencies, entities and persons. Climate conditions and their consequences relate to the susceptibility and vulnerability of animal populations and distributions to maladies. The UNDP (with its administrator or executive director) and the IMO formed an intergovernmental panel (forum, group, organ, jury, committee, commission or round table) on climate change to review and evaluate scientific (ecological, biological, hydrological, geological and chronological) information and publication for potential anthropogenic (artificial, technical, political, social and economic) influences, impacts and options for adaptation and attenuation in the natural system of Earth, or the human ambient and environment. The AU classifies states of alert in the situations and conditions of a catastrophic crisis ("doomsday") by the objective (tactic, strategic and scientific) of processes and consequences in the short-term and long-term. The response to the hazard (menace and risk) of attack depends upon the extreme exceptionality (severe gravity) that varies (differs, deviates, diverges, divagates, diverts, perverts, disturbs, perturbs and distracts) from the moderate normality of the possibility, probability, potentiality, actuality and substantiality. It determines the magnitude of the defence (protection, prevention or preparation).

In accordance with the UN charter principles, the member states of the AU resolve to:

  • maintain international peace and security by effective and collective action in the:

    1. prevention, reduction and elimination of the menaces to peace;

    2. suppression of aggression and violations of peace;

    3. solution of international conflict, controversy and problems of the economic, social, political, cultural, or humanitarian nature;

    4. conformity and enforcement of the principles of justice.

  • create relations of cooperation and coordination based on respect for the principal obligations of equal rights and mutual benefits;

  • promote respect for universal human rights and fundamental liberties to realise:

    1. national harmony (mutual respect and dignity);

    2. democracy (solidarity and equality);

    3. tolerance (pluralism and diversity);

    4. justice (rule of law and non-discrimination);

    5. well-being (social cohesion and personal protection).

  • assure self-determination of all peoples, with liberty and sovereignty to:

    1. choose a popular formation of a political regime and consensual authority of governmental assembly;

    2. determine political status;

    3. pursue economic, social and cultural development.

Human Rights

Signatories were required to adhere to strong levels of civil and political liberties, all without eschewing high human development. The intention was to ensure that members were liberal democracies and followed the principles of Liberalism, the modern illumination of the new world order that makes the well-being of individual humans of communal humanity principal. Nations that did not follow these norms whether by choice or necessity could be excused of the norms by consensus of the members, or expelled from the organisation. Since implementation, no nation has violated those norms. All of the nations already do because of popular and individual choice. Atlantean continue to live in some of the finest nations, where all are parliamentary republics that are full democracies. Namely, they are democracies where

  • national elections are free and fair,

  • civil liberties and political liberties are not only respected but also reinforced

  • pluralistic governments with a separation of powers exist

  • decisions of the independent judiciary are enforced,

  • governments function adequately and capably, and

  • diverse and independent media is not suppressed or censored.

These political, social, and economic rights are enshrined in the Atlantean Convention on Human Rights (ACHR). The Convention, ratified by the Atlantean Council on 03 April 1999 (14 Aries 11699 HE), applies to the institutions of the Atlantean Union and its member states when implementing Atlantean Union law. The six titles of Section I of the Convention are as follows:

  1. The primary title (Dignity) guarantees the right to life and prohibits torture, servitude, the death penalty, eugenic practices and human cloning.

  2. The secondary title (Liberty) covers liberty, personal integrity, privacy, protection of personal data, marriage, thought, religion, expression, assembly, education, work, property and asylum.

  3. The tertiary title (Equality) covers equality before the law, prohibition of all discrimination including on basis of disability, age and sexual orientation, cultural, religious, linguistic and ethnic diversity, the rights of the juvenile and the senile.

  4. The quaternary title (Solidarity) covers social and workers' rights including the right to fair working conditions, protection against unjustified dismissal, and access to health care, social and housing assistance.

  5. The quinary title (Citizens' Rights) covers the rights of the AU members state citizens such as the right to move freely within the AU. It also includes several administrative rights such as a right to good administration, to access documents and to petition the Atlantean Council.

  6. The senary title (Justice) covers justice issues such as the right to an effective remedy, a fair trial, to the presumption of innocence, the principle of legality, non-retrospectivity and double jeopardy.

As an international treaty to protect human rights and political liberties in Atlantis, the ACHR is in itself inspired by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The UDHR has been symbolically compared to tetrastyle portico of a Greek temple, with a foundation, steps, four columns, and a pediment. All AU members are bound to the articles of the UDHR and ACHR. Section II of the Convention established the Atlantean Court of Human Rights (ACtHR). Any person who feels his or her rights have been violated under the Convention by a state party can take a case to the Court. Judgments finding violations are binding on the member states concerned and they are obliged to execute them. Impunity results from the failure of states to satisfy their civil and penal obligations of the social contract in their sovereign jurisdiction to investigate violations because of legal immunities, prosecute suspected perpetrators with criminal responsibility, and assure punitive reparation for the injured person or party if the accused is proven culpable. It is the impossibility and negation of justice that exonerates perpetrators in their exemption from being subject to inquiry (research and account), justification (motive of action), and penalties (remedies of equity) as objects. Ministerial and political authorisation from the government that grants impunity violates international legal norms. This reign of legal immunity from responsibility, liability, culpability and penalty for the violation (violence of injury) in the jurisdiction and from the prosecution of the state authority occurs in the extrajudicial license for the initiation of the use of lethal (mortal) force in a police, military or secret service operations.

While the right of asylum is an ancient juridical concept, the UDHR, to which all AU member states are obliged to conform, defines it in Article 14. Inspired by the UDHR, the ACHR also affords this right in its second title (Liberty). The governments of AU members coordinate with the IRO to aid in voluntary repatriation (not forced) and local integration (acculturation, acclimatisation, adaption, adoption, admission, domestication and habitation) of people in nationalities, societies and communities. Accordingly, the national (central or federal) government will protect a person persecuted by one's own country (criminal or those accused of crime) in certain circumstances. A person in search or request of asylum, and one who is not deemed to be a refugee, may be granted a residence permit on humanitarian grounds provided strong arguments recommend or advise this, such as serious malady or difficult circumstances in the home country. In general, a refugee will be granted asylum by an Atlantean national government if they fear of persecution on protected grounds in the territory of that person's own home country (nation of origin or place of domicile or habitual residence if without a state), including race, class, nationality, gender, sexuality, religion, political opinions and participation in any particular social group or social activities. For example, LGBT rights activists and homosexuals (including bisexuals) from countries where homosexuality is illegal are welcome and encouraged to apply for asylum.

In addition, persecuted gender equality rights (e.g., abortion and female reproductive rights) activists and people persecuted by racism will also be granted asylum near-automatically. Persons who are subject to persecution in their home country or face the risk of genocide, mortal pain, torture, or inhumane or degrading treatment or penalty have the right to asylum as refugees in migration. The definition and determination of torture includes imprisonment (internment) as disciplinary incarceration through (absolute, complete, total and integral) social, sensual, perceptual and physical isolation (privation and exclusion). Prior to the national abolition of the execution of mortal pain (from Latin poena, itself from ποινή or poinḗ) as the capital penalty (punition), a mechanical apparatus or machine for decapitation was principally used in Atlantis. Normally and habitually, decapitation in the Atlantean historic tradition of the civil (penal, criminal, social, legal and judicial) institution and sovereignty was an animal separation of the heart from the head by the fall of an axe (oblique, angular and laminar blade of a sword or spade). The Enlightenment (e.g., the French physician Joseph-Ignace Guillotin) would propose the adoption the mechanism as a humane and efficient method to slaughter victims contrary to the revolutionary "À la lanterne" of instruments of violent terror and public condemnation including impalement, crucifixion and suspension (strangulation and exhaustion by fracture, ligature, pend and fork). Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions prohibits collective castigation and penal punition for its incompatibility with individual responsibility and criminal liability.


Some ideologues of the pan-nationalist ideology promoting Atlantean federalism have called for a further unification beyond the contemporary intergovernmental and supranational confederation, to the point of federalisation of the member states. Federalisation would establish institutions such as: creating a monetary union, international legislature, central bank, and common regulations and laws. These supporters call for creating an Atlantean Federation between the existing Atlantean Union states and treaty members. In effect, a federation composed of sovereignties would be created. The governments would agree to exist semi-autonomously under a single central government based on the Utopian principles of universal liberty, rights, equality, justice and peace, and to distribute their cognisance and resources in pacific cooperation and exploration. The proposed united federation would be a post-capitalist liberal, representative democracy and constitutional republic. The Utopian proponents seek to make a social structure with class determination and the necessitation of possessions eliminated that operates within a "New World Economy" where "the acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives" and "people are no longer obsessed with the accumulation of 'things'", and instead "work to better ourselves and the rest of Humanity". Wealth stimulates intellectual creativity in the arts, sciences, literature, architecture, technology and philosophy for humanity with necessity satisfied, mortality limited, and security assured. Others propose establishing a single (unique), common currency for the Atlantean Federation (AF) called the atlas (₳ or ATL). The atlas would be minted by and Atlaszone monetary politics (e.g., money supply) administered by the Atlantean Central Bank (ACB). The ACB, as a "Bank of Atlantis", would federalised with central banks from each member state (terrestrial and planetary sovereignty) serving as constituent banks with the authority to issue currency (money).

One proposal suggests a government of the Atlantean Commission as an executive directory with an appointed President of the Atlantean Federation, the Atlantean Parliament ("the Parliament") as the legislature of elected representatives, and the Atlantean Court of Justice (ACJ) as the judiciary system that supplants the ACtHR. The Atlantean Council would be created, replacing the existing Atlantean Council, which will bring together ministers of the executive governments (cabinets) of member states, to appoint the President from the Atlantean Parliament, whose members (MAP) elected by the citizens of member states. The Atlantean Council would instead set legislative political priorities while an Atlantean Commission would serve as the executive and governing body of the Union. Critics argue formal federalisation would create a coercive bureaucracy contrary to the popular and national sovereignty of democracy. Instead they argue to amend the treaty to promote more room for nations to pass regulations or laws voluntarily and engage as a whole. They see a common currency as economically disastrous due to the differences in strengths of economies and national economic, monetary, and fiscal politics. Others view further federalisation possible only if nations unite politically and culturally, throwing old nationalism to the wayside. The Union cannot be one solely born from economic incentive but also from democratic desire and collective volition. The prospect of democratising the AU invigorates younger generations. In the end, those who argue for further federalisation really seek an Atlantean Federation, not a more centralised confederation. The question remains whether this can be achieved considering the long separate national histories and cultural identities. In their advocacy of isolation and separation, the politicos that favour the political ideology of sovereignty and autonomy oppose international, supranational, transnational and multinational organisation. The union of a federation differs from a confederation and a devolution (decentralisation in a unitary authority of central, imperial or national state). The former is characterised by the subordination of the general government (e.g., the assembly or parliament of parliamentary republic, empire or commonwealth) by the territorial (regional, provincial, cantonal, colonial, tribal, municipal, communal and local) government, whilst the latter is by the contrary (i.e., opposite direction). The common base (social institution, constitution, composition, structure and culture) of a federal state is the intermediate form (system and process) of the respective differentiation and integration (in communion, commission, administration, representation, participation, decision, relation, execution, legislation, direction, distribution and jurisdiction).


In Cancer 11714 HE, the Atlantean Council issued a declaration committing to preserving each member's respective currencies (fiduciary monies)—the Alpenburg franc (₣, Fr, or APF), the Nova-Lox dollar ($, or NLD), the Palma Riviera lira (£, ₤, L, or PRL), and the Alexandran siclo (Σ, or AXS)—as floating Linkexchange rate currencies. That is, not a fixed exchange-rate system but where currencies are free to fluctuate in response to foreign-exchange market mechanisms. The Council, on advice from economists, saw fixing AU currencies as dangerous because removes the ability to adjust the balance of trade (the automatic stabilisers or shock absorbers that are the commercial levers on a central point, pivot or fulcrum of a pendulum or swing in vacillation, oscillation or undulation) in a political, social and economic (monetary and fiscal) union. The system of taxation (imposition and collection of income, rents and profits to depress inflation) automatically stabilises with the expense of revenue (investment of liquidity) in a distribution of burden throughout the market. The Council did not rule out the possibility of other harmonisation. A single monetary union would only be sustainable with a trade surplus recycling mechanism. This would require further federalisation of the Union (with an Atlantean Central Bank and removal of national boundaries to make the AU a single banking area with a single banking authority known as the Atlaszone) and an investment bank to recycle the capital surpluses of surplus nation members by using the surpluses to invest in deficit nations. This is described in LinkYanis Varoufakis' books LinkThe Global Minotaur and LinkAnd the Weak Suffer What the Must?, and an Linkinterview with the Financial Post. The titles of the books respectively reference the eponymous mythic creature and pragmatic political realism of monarchic imperialism where principally "the strong do what they can" described by Thucydides in the History of the Peloponnesian War with dramatisation of negotiations in Melos with a dialogue. The author of these books discuss crisis, capitalism and political economy in an Linkacademic conversation with the historian LinkIlan Pappé. Varoufakis co-authored a Linktext on game theory.

A trade deficit occurs when the value of imports exceeds exports, and vice-versa for a trade surplus. When a trade deficit occurs under a floating exchange rate, there will be increased demand for the foreign (strange) rather than domestic currency which will push up the price of the foreign currency in terms of the domestic currency. That in turn makes the price of foreign goods less attractive to the domestic market and thus pushes down the trade deficit. Under Linkfixed exchange rates, this automatic rebalancing does not occur. Additionally, the obstination (tenacity) of a central bank in defending a fixed exchange rate when in a trade deficit will force it to use deflationary measures (i.e., increased taxation and reduced availability of money), which can result in disoccupation. Finally, other countries with a fixed exchange rate can also retaliate in response to a certain country using the currency of theirs in defending their exchange rate. In light of this and inspired by LinkJohn Maynard Keynes, LinkVaroufakis proposed an ideal that would preserve AU member currencies and implement a supranational currency called a Linkbancor to be used as an unit of account in international commerce, as cleared (valued and compensated) by the LinkICU. The bancor would trace (raster and sue) the flows of equity (assets and liabilities) in the ICU accounts of member nations. An export would add bancors to the ICU account, and imports would subtract bancors. Surplus nations with excess assets and deficit nations with excess liabilities would be charged to provide symmetrical incentives to motivate them to act to balance trade. The limits of credit or debit for each member nation would be proportional to its contribution to international commerce and trade. Thus, a surplus nation could appreciate their currency to make their goods expensive (competitive in cost), whilst a deficit nation could depreciate their currency to make their goods inexpensive (economic in cost). The bancor would be an international (global) reserve currency, such that no national (local) currency would have the "exorbitant privilege" in the payment for imports. Clearing houses facilitate transactions amongst banks and other institutions of the monetary and financial system, with a corresponding promise materialising as an actual ("liquid") movement of currency (a current of money) from one account to another (of creditors and debtors). In an analogy to the laws of thermodynamics, the borrowing of money (like the use of energy) from the creditor (who lends it in the present) and the debtor (who borrows it from the future) results in entropy, which creates a Linkcycle of debt.


In a sense, the Atlantean Union is a confederation of liberal and hospitable peoples. Conjoined, they share the identity of Atlantean. This feat is most important because it is the necessary characteristic for unity and a stable Union. Today the AU remains an intergovernmental organisation of nation-states that are united in amity, and the love of democracy, human rights, liberty and justice. As allies, member states cooperate in politics and diplomacy, promote development, have open frontiers, and agree to mutually defend each other as well as establish a truly free and fair global marketplace. The AU facilitates amity and solidarity of the Atlantean people. It created the partner (friend, twin, gemel and german) association of communities (municipalities, localities, cities, communes, towns and villages) for geopolitical (international, commercial, social, cultural and mutual) connection and relation. It is analogous to a family, or the foundation of humanity, nationality, personality and solidarity in society. Undoubtedly, the Treaty has united different cultures, peoples and languages in a social community. The following table resumes (recapitulates or summarises) the official spellings (orthography) and translations (transductions) of the continental government institutions of Atlantis (i.e., the Atlantean Union of the continent itself, its executive body Atlantean Council and its chief executive representative Secretary-General).

AU or UA: Official Multilingualism








Atlantean Union

Atlantean Council




Unione Atlantidea

Consiglio Atlantideo

Segretario generale



Unión Atlante

Consejo Atlante

Secretaría General



Union Atlantéenne

Conseil Atlantéen

Secrétaire général



União Atlante

Conselho Atlante




Atlantiden Union

Atlantide Rat




Unió Atlante

Consell Atlant

Secretari General



Unión Atlante

Consello Atlante

Secretario Xeral



Atlantiër Unie

Atlantiër Raad


The adoption of Atlantean English in practice, though, is controversial as an international auxiliary language (IAL, in which Latin, Greek, Arabic, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Sabir have been used in history) was originally proposed to be the official language of the AU (supplementary to the ideological economies and lingual populations of Atlantis). The desire was for an interlingual selection of hope (prosperity, progress without despair). Its ideals of communication were influenced by the utopian idealism (positivism, humanism, universalism and internationalism) of solidarity and justice. They were countered by a Romantic ideal that language is an aspect of popular culture, instead of a diaspora in association and movement and an artificial instrument of ideology that as a neutral model is only possible by totalitarianism. The ideas of humanity exist independent of language. Thus, the debate to adopt a schematic or naturalistic artificial (constructed and invented) language designed to be apprehended (learnt) or comprehended (understood) erupted.

The function of characteristica universalis (the "universal characteristic" conceived or proposed by Leibniz) is for a general species of language (lingua characteristica) for formal expression of information and composition. Its commercial motivation of invention was the expansion of commerce and the consequential desire for common communication by merchants. The linguistic utility in symbolic (ideographic, pictographic, logographic and diagrammatic) communication is scientific (experimental and experiential), numeric, empiric, epistemic, arithmetic, axiomatic, academic, encyclopaedic, phenomenal, practical, theoretical, technical, mathematical, logical, philosophical, pansophical, ethical, physical and metaphysical concepts as the analysis and the synthesis of ideas. The interrelations, representations, constructions and combinations of abstract and concrete objects (qualitative and quantitative phenomena of quality and quantity) are expressed in a calculus, algebra or alphabet of human cogitation (alphabetum cogitationum humanarum). They are complex and simplex subject-predicate propositions with encoded verity (or falsity) of reality to be evaluated by calculus ratiocinator (computation, calculation and ratiocination) as a cybernetic abacus (e.g., an automata of a digital calculator and computer, to which Leibniz would declare Linkcalculemus or "let us calculate"). Its illustration would be by a grammatical (pragmatic, syntactic and semantic), lexical, textual and contextual notation of symbols (structures, pictures, figures, types, characters, letters, numbers, constituents, elements, points, lines and signs) of significance in the imagination of erudite cognisance.

The ophthalmologist Dr Lyudvik Lazar Zamengov (pseudonym: Doktoro Esperanto or "doctor hoper"; Yiddish: Ludwig Leyzer Zamenhof) initiated (created or invented) the constructed language of esperance, Esperanto, to collect people (Esperantists) in an international community (the komunumo of Esperantujo) by equitable communication. Esperanto is supported by the UN (UNESCO) for this objective. Its name for Atlas is Atlaso, Atlantis is Atlantido and the AU is Atlantidaj Unio. The terrestrial continent is positioned relative to the oceanic Pacific (Pacifiko) and Atlantic (Atlantiko). The language is based on Slavic sounds and Romanic (Romance Latin) vocabulary. It is partially a schematic and naturalistic language. Compare this to Vendergood of William James Sidis (a "peridromophile") and Interlingua (distinct from Latino sine flexione, or "Latin without inflection"), which is derived from the Greek and Latin of international scientific vocabulary to resemble natural languages. The Mediterranean Lingua Franca inspired the Lingua Franca Nova. The distinction between natural and artificial language debated because human language are arbitrary, conventional and institutional. An artificial language is either a priori or a posteriori in construction, invention, elaboration and allusion with respect to a linguistic vocabulary or (semantic and syntactic) grammar. They include international auxiliary languages, and others that are philosophic, mythic, poetic and artistic (fictional and experimental). Hildegard von Bingen described one of the principal of these languages (a mystic lingua ignota with an alphabet of litterae ignotae), whilst Dante proposed an ideal ("illustrious") Italian vernacular for literature in De vulgari eloquentia. Zamenhof based a universal philosophy of religious humanism on the Golden Rule of Hillel. As a pacifist, humanist, liberal, neutral, humanitarian and cosmopolitan idea, Homaranismo ("Humanitism") constitutes a reform of LinkJudaism to facilitate human relations and religions. It approximates the civil religion proposed by Rousseau in The Social Contract with the separation of the ecclesiastical and imperial states. The dogma of its doctrine declares that the entire ensemble or totality of humanity is a sole family, a society or community which contains the course of identity. Each tribal nation, as a linguistic and ethnic group of people or folk, is equal. Each human being is valued for personal value and action as a holistic part of humanity, or the common unity and coexistence of a unique mundane origin. It cultivates solidarity and tolerance, for there is unity in diversity. It identifies a natural force as the cause of the material and moral world, which each may represent individually for the fundamental principles of their conscience. The author LinkZamenhof desired to advance beyond the Romantic paradigm of the nation-state. His natal anniversary (24 Sagittarius 11587) is a celebrated day in Esperanto culture. Atlantis continues to be a social member of the international community and its cultures of humanity.
