Population | 1.625 billion |
Capital | Kronburg |
Leader | Karl Cunningham |
Faith | Orthodoxy |
Currency | Ruble |
Animal | Bear |
The Imperial Federation of Kronverg is a massive, environmentally stunning nation, ruled by Karl Cunningham with an even hand, and renowned for its keen interest in outer space, daily referendums, and stringent health and safety legislation. The hard-nosed, cynical, devout population of 1.625 billion Kronvergians have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.
The medium-sized, corrupt government prioritizes Defense, with Industry, Education, and Administration also on the agenda, while International Aid isn't funded at all. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Kronburg. The average income tax rate is 71.7%, and even higher for the wealthy.
The frighteningly efficient Kronvergian economy, worth 225 trillion Rubles a year, is fairly diversified and led by the Arms Manufacturing industry, with significant contributions from Information Technology, Tourism, and Beef-Based Agriculture. State-owned companies are common. Average income is an impressive 138,640 Rubles, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 2.8 times as much as the poorest.
It is a crime to offend someone's religious beliefs, midnight raids drag couples from their homes in the name of decency, binoculars sales are at an all-time high, and heretic deviants are free to practice their deviance outside of Kronverg. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a capable police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Kronverg's national animal is the Bear, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its national religion is Orthodoxy.
Kronverg is ranked 266,731st in the world and 1,025th in Europe for Most Primitive, scoring -251.09 on the Scary Big Number Scale.
National Happenings
Most Recent Government Activity:
- : Kronverg was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Lowest Crime Rates.
- : Kronverg was endorsed by The Republic of Iskalland.
- : Kronverg was endorsed by The Kingdom of Kelvenya.
- : Kronverg was endorsed by The Democratic Republic of Cagadia.
- : Kronverg endorsed The Democratic Republic of Esolia.
- : Kronverg was endorsed by The Constitutional Monarchy of Eistalia.
- : Kronverg was endorsed by The Totalitarian Regime of Tziklo.
- : Kronverg was endorsed by The Protectorate of Razoare.
- : Kronverg endorsed The Protectorate of Razoare.
- : Kronverg voted for the World Assembly Resolution "Commend Yodle".
World Assembly
Endorsements Received: 402 » Foudina, Skalliad, Woodlands, Iquerian, Northern Socialist States, Thracia and Crimea, Regnum Italiae, Cambany, Weltbeherrschung, Saarenmaa, Yourope, Saint Asperes, Elisabethshagen, Umeria, Wamia, Sax, UGBK, Rary, Sovietskogo Soyuz, Etnon, Armbruster, New Genovia, Istastioner, Calicov, Meropis, Northern German Federation, Kallvetzia, Agartia, Chronus, Ortigia, The Asten Islands, Rome Ruzalls, Maritzal, Leblancroux, Orctavia, Zantalio, Karnea, Invernessia, Konzhov, Balcem, Zaznia, The Konderland, Leiningerland, New Eestiball, Arsenial, The Full Moon, Flejan, Brujstan, Katuris, LeikANsTo, and 352 others.Red Bull Ring, United Kingdom of Karpathia, Scivonia, Slavonia and Srijem, Namsan, Leszno, Ostermarch, Kkorea, Brunolian, St Scarlett, The New Nordic Union, Berlin and Hanover, Ottterland, The Oriental Empire, Bathera, Nardin, X Country, Kluz, Fictiobourg, Bosansko-Hercegovacko Carstvo, Neurks Boodal, Thracia Republic, Bareu, Superior Saxonia, Yahlia, Quincy, Raghallaigh, Dakea, Adsil Islands, Greater Tiberia, Bastile, Agausia, Niemence, Prussia and Germany, Vientina, Troyes islands, Jahass, MagyaRomania, Wyndland, Wiener-Neustadt, Iceagea, Dauershire, Gorzi, Nea Europa, Younizia, Gor Kebab, Bananani, Ang Worspar, Spruce, Mushroom Union, Manuelian Empire, Kardjali, The AbelLandia, Woreyland, Rostatskaya, Goudystan, Dark Matter, Apocalypse Borg, German Tyrane, E s t r u s, Someseni, Agatep, Lunder, Dipretorian, Walfo, Trixeland, Basque Dominion, Southern Whateverlandia, Elania Kingdom, Quaxoglia, Lagene, Slavatania, The Champions League, United Communes of Chile, Southern Inter-pret, Myanerus, Zanthamun, Nova Escocia britanica, Europe a Nation, Pioneer Pool, Alsted, Kishniev, Toinetopia, Estellan, Slovanov, Flaminia, Ferranghia, Spami, Pinenses, Super Happy Land, Leranditale, Quicksan, Imperium Anglorum, The Templar Papal New State, Tajijstan, Nova Espana, The New Palaces, The Atlantian Republic, Pupunese, Alpine Lands, Cot Deviet, Great Clucky, Maanenland, Brakanistan, New Vorarlberg, Wooloo Unitedstrtes, Irminsulia, Stand USA, Exelandia, Ansington, Krinenia, Carignanum, Konewa, Reiserland, Lumiarae, Brytannya, Avalisk, Malchalar, East Ase Palmars, Iaepatius, Falvaard, Psikuta, Argenmenia, Tikonia, Delubia, Nuweland, Mynox, Svedria, Newex Nov Can, Ikaland, Detek Lunesta Qok, Wombelland, An Clar, The States of Texas and Arkansas, Entians, Amicities, Heritagela, Sicheslav, Jensburger, Potatopelago, Slavinorika, Nova Prussia, Der Deutscher Volksbund, Vurk, Novaspesia, Dunsteen, Wrussland, Maubo, Adhria, HELLLLL, Zhotania, Zulrich, Nagocia, Leviggo, Kebabian States, Ouidland, New Vardarland, Republique Maritime dAlpine, Vaultshire, North of Americas, Osterreich-Deutschland, Faack, Gonadez, Saint Von Artemis, Parsininsa, Caliarizomex, Robbonia, Pilipinas and Malaya, CSB SA Union, Novesjkgrevi, Communist-Denmark, Akatlar, Malyr and Haligovnia, Silversonicrand, Western Balkania, Bialopolska, Denyssia, Trilkassia, Crucia, Waffland, Sloventa, Costa Primera, Brenadin, Sirius 2b, Soveriegn, Achanisia, Castilia-Lyone, New Frangland, Independent Nation of Lumoria, Pearl Gateway, Britaria, Greedomland, Burvenchkaht, G Hound, The Sigometh Dynasty, The Commonwealth of Rylandia, Alsidia, Rusedia, United Malistan, Holy Europe Empire, Ithania, The Seven Provinces, British Gambia, Epistimi Evimeria, Rayakavkaz, Garya, Coque Borie Lethawik, Jim the Baptist, Zaarie, Destyntine, Durlia, Gdansk, Isle of Wind, Vulonia, Mallor, Edelsteinen, Outer Sparta, Ahuusa, Tax Haven Islands, Germaniej, Gildori, Xzavaria, Eastern Aurasica, Flopi Land, Larefo, Malevolodonia, Blandowia, National Sibiria, Mally Piznoopia, Sorocamirim, Como City, Kazeda, Setian Savanna, Hagenburden, Skorpiie, Soclania, Minionese, Scandivielium, Kaiseraugst, British Amsterdam, Saladonia, Francoguese, Greater Bahland, Great Whiteland, Zepstovia, Nieuw Belgium, Convilla, Uckraine, DeNorSweLand, Croatia-Bosnia-Slovenia, Vaugarde, Vicitania, Norilian, Carbon Capture, Free Canadian Republic, Saint Marinas, Luminica, Bombalanda, Bendicion, New Cerata, Alcrosnia-2, Granevia, Eirrige, Corynth, Westeri, Ludvikholm, Gonrati, East Side Lakes, Caldea, New Aust, Iles Vierges, Belius, The Tyrrhenian Sea, Sanctaury, Viladecans, Amestny, Le Aurelia, Arwintar, Canturk, Younglandia, Romanos Republic, Lower Grovaletopia, Lindenia, Luccaa, Abalucia, Galychia, New Kowloon Bay, Gerwies, Adsuri, Norfania, Queroquestan, Amerall, Bluewood Valley, Holy Pandonia, Ray Tral, Hellenic Territories, Catis, Vandila, European Associatione, Repubblica Italia Il Bel Paese, Grego, Taboritia, Slavsko, Liandrostan, Union of Eurasian Socialst Republics, Moniyans Land of Dawn, Vitriava, National Federation, Minnesotaa, The Zio, Dizgovzy, Comrades and communities, Free Sevastopol, Verdian Terram, Lidenun, Tailtearsa, Adyon, Hanuria, Aurgiot, Delphico, Gutal, Wallachia-, Brainrot-Land, Slovak communes, Union of Slavic Socialist States, Vandresia, The Western European Commonwealth, La Meuf, Foxxx, OTW, Assyrian socialist government, Mavorgon, Japhethia, Papal States in exile, Name 0 WA Account, Thebeytopia, Daitschlund, Holy Dominion of Mercatoria, Franschis, Pacronesia, Alacritus, Espanja, New Germanica, Sanacjonista Polska, BeezNeez, -floptropica-, Razoare, Tziklo, Eistalia, Cagadia, Kelvenya, and Iskalland.