by Max Barry

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by Skaitsya. . 105 reads.

Skaijekä Foreign Policy and Relations


Skaijekä foreign policies is mainly focused on securing two things: Skaijekä interests and the interests of it's staunch allies. Skaijekä foreign policy is highly opportunistic and treaties are only signed when highly advantageous. Skaitsya is quick to capitalise on the weakness - whether economic, military, or due to instability - of other states, spurring on the establishment of pro-Skaijekä governments and the signing of advantageous treaties. Skaitsya is highly interventionist - despite having severely hampered power projection abilities. Skaitsya also seeks strong relations with other commonwealth states, despite it's portrayal of eastern Skaitsya's colonisation by the "[b]Atnaian[/b] Devils", with the word "Atnaian" being carefully chosen so as to not stir the pot of ethnic hatred. 

Skaitsya has been sure to maintain a network of spies and informants across the eastern regions of the Isles, particularly in Gael. Skaitsya's leaders see hungry wolves in every corner and are cautious to be too trusting of anyone. The defeat of the Skaijekä army under the Pacaca regime in 1940's by the Oster intelligence agency showed the Skaitsyan leadership the importance of intelligence agencies. Skaitsya is quick to silence threats to it's sovereignty wherever possible and brutally crushes ethnic dissidence.  

Skaitsya's foreign policy is quick to accept where there is benefit but never forgives. Every slight is noted, every negative action recorded for later use. It is easy to get into Skaitsya's good graces for a time if it benefits Skaijekä interests, but it is hard to stay there. Friendships are built with blood and sweat and easily come crashing down if enough mistakes are made.


[b]How to Become Friendly with Skaitsya[/b]
[list][*]Establish trade
[*]Act in Skaijekä interests
[*]Consistently show diplomatic competence
[*]Sign benefitial treaties with Skaitsya
[*]Be friendly with Skaitsya's friends and allies
[*]Continually provide benefits to Skaitsya
[*]Continually act in Skaijekä interests
[*]Be capitalistic or allow open trade with capitalist nations
[*]Allow freedom of speech, protest, gay rights, etc.
[*]Respond positively to Skaijekä actions
[*]Be a current member of the Commonwealth[/list]

[b]How to Become Unfriendly with Skaistya[/b]
[list][*]Sanction or embargo Skaitsya
[*]Consistently act against Skaijekä interests
[*]Consistently show diplomatic incompetence
[*]Use or threaten the use of nuclear weapons
[*]Be openly hostile to Skaitsya, her allies, or other Commonwealth members
[*]Suppress gay rights
[*]Be openly hostile with potential friends of Skaitsya
[*]Suppress or limit private industry or enterprise
[*]Be strictly communist
[*]Be caught conducting espionage against Skaitsya or her allies
[*]Be openly imperialistic[/list]


	[td]Explanatory Notes[/td]
	[td]Agadar is a stable nation in Gael that controls the ID area, an important trading lane. Agadar's position in Gael ensures a friendly stance that is unlikely to move in any direction.[/td]
	[td][nation=short]Athara Magarat[/nation][/td]
	[td]Student exchange treaties[/td]
	[td]Athara Magarat is a stable Commonwealth nation with student exchange treaties and several trade agreements with Skaitsya, ensuring a friendly stance. The only thing preventing a higher stance is Athara Magarat's treaties with the Kingdom of [nation=short]Upper Norseland[/nation]. Skaitsya is willing to establish further non-military treaties with this nation.[/td]
	[td]Atnaia is the leader of the Commonwealth and is a stable nation with important links to Skaijekä allies such as [nation=short]Ostehaar[/nation]. Atnaia's important resources, capitalist economic system, openness to trade along with the fact Atnaia is the leader of the Commonwealth ensures an enthusiastic stance. Skaitsya is willing to ally with this nation. [/td]
	[td]Bhikkustan's apparent instability and religious extremism severely damage relations, as does the fact Bhikkustan appears to follow a somewhat communistic philosophy. The only things preventing a lower stance is Bhikkustan's Commonwealth ties, it's hostility towards Vioraux, and the fact the Skaijekä government is largely unsure of what is going on in Bhikkustan following the coup. Skaitsya is willing to pursue further relations with this nation should it's communistic philosophy be discarded.[/td]
	[td]Callumstan is a stable nation that appears to follow a non-interventionist and non-communist philosophy, improving relations. However, Callumstan has little to offer Skaitsya in terms of beneficial relationships and trade, ensuring a neutral and somewhat uncaring stance.[/td]
	[td]Carpestan's seeming inactivity on the global stage and apparent alliance with [nation=short]Keomora[/nation] ensures a neutral stance.[/td]
	[td]Covonant appears to be a democratic nation, but offers little in the way of benefits to Skaitsya, ensuring a neutral stance. Former hostility towards [nation=short]Atnaia[/nation] reduces potential relations in the future, Skaitsya is unwilling to pursue further relations with this nation.[/td]
	[td]Dashgrinaar appears to be a stable and democratic nation, but it's apparent inactivity on the global stage severely reduces any potential for future relations. Dashgrinaar's extremely good relationship with [nation=short]Atnaia[/nation] is promising however. Skaitsya is willing to pursue further relations with this nation.[/td]
	[td]Domanania's former hostility with Vioraux is promising. However a lack of information and Domanania's apparent inactivity on the global stage hinders diplomatic progress. Future relations are unlikely. [/td]
	[td]Eurania is an extremely unstable nation. It's government seems to change every week and the nation's history of communism is extremely worrying. Eurania's possession of a nuclear arsenal is also very threatening, ensuring a downright hostile stance on Eurania. Future relations are extremely unlikely.[/td]
	[td]Eutriston is a democratic and stable nation, but it's former opposition of gay rights and possession of a nuclear arsenal ensure an unfriendly and cautious stance. Skaitsya is unlikely to pursue future relations with this nation, [/td]
	[td]Great-Imperialonia's isolationism and undemocratic nature are highly concerning. Skaitsya is entirely unwilling to pursue future relations with this nation. [/td]
	[td]Gudao's Commonwealth affiliations, strong relations with [nation=short]Atnaia[/nation], and dedication to free trade make Gudao an extremely promising nation in the eyes of the Skaijekä government. Skaitsya is willing to ally with this nation.[/td]
	[td][nation=short]Realm_of_Councilry[/nation] (Hexcon)[/td]
	[td]A lack of information and diplomatic connections with Hexcon ensure a neutral stance. Skaitsya is willing to pursue future relations.[/td]
	[td]A lack of information and diplomatic connections make anything more than a neutral stance impossible at this point in time.[/td]
	[td][nation=short]Jahe Davmwoem[/nation][/td]
	[td]Jahe Davmwoem's instability, backwards policies, and general hostility severely strains relations with Skaitsya. Skaitsya is unwilling to pursue future relations with this nation.[/td]
	[td]Keomora's interventionist and moralising stance on warfare severely hampers relations, despite the nation's seemingly democratic and capitalistic nature. Skaitsya is cautious of Keomora but is willing to pursue future relations.[/td]
	[td]Khionia ([nation=short]Nights Edge[/nation])[/td]
	[td]Khionia's isolationism is worrying and the nation's position within the perceived  Skaijekä sphere of influence make Skaitsya unwilling to pursue future relations. [/td]
	[td]Linaviar's opposition to imperialism is promising, but a lack of diplomatic connections force a neutral stance. Skaitsya is willing to pursue future relations.[/td]
	[td]Miklania's military power is not to be ignored and the nation's democratic system of government is promising. Friendly relations with [nation=short]Atnaia[/nation] further augment this and the nation's Commonwealth connections are a positive addition. Skaitsya is willing to pursue future relations.[/td]
	[td][nation=short]New Aapelistan[/nation][/td]
	[td]New Aapelistan's military power and influence is not to be ignored, however it's communistic and undemocratic government ensures an unfriendly and cautious stance. Skaitsya is unwilling to pursue future relations with this nation.[/td]
	[td]Norstham's apparent inactivity on the global stage and a lack of diplomatic connections ensure a neutral stance, despite the nation's apparently democratic government. Skaitsya is willing to pursue future relations with this nation.[/td]
	[td]Intelligence sharing treaties, Defensive alliance[/td]
	[td]Despite recent past conflicts, Ostehaar's democratic and capitalistic system of government is highly promising and an established alliance make Ostehaar extremely valuable to Skaitsya. Intelligence sharing treaties also have a positive effect on relations. Despite past conflicts, Skaitsya is willing to pursue further treaties with this nation.[/td]
	[td]Perawin's openness to trade and position at the edge of the perceived Skaijekä sphere of influence ensure a friendly stance, despite Perawin's treaties and friendship with [nation=short]Upper Norseland[/nation].[/td]
	[td][nation=short]Polar Svalbard[/nation][/td]
	[td]Polar Svalbard's democratic government and similar culture ensure a borderline friendly stance. However, a lack of diplomatic connections prevent anything more than a neutral stance. Skaitsya is willing to pursue future relations with this nation.[/td]
	[td]A lack information and Segentova's apparent inactivity on the global stage hinder future relations. Skaitsya is unwilling to pursue future relations with this nation.[/td]
	[td]Taziristan's undemocratic, theocratic, and warlike government hinder relations, despite shared interests. Skaitsya has provided aid to the nation's conflict with [nation=short]Upper Norseland[/nation], however this aid was sent out of mutual hatred for that nation. Skaitsya is somewhat willing to pursue future relations with this nation.[/td]
	[td][nation=short]Upper Norseland[/nation][/td]
	[td]Upper Norseland's religious extremism, hatred of Skaitsya, and past conflicts with Skaitsya make the KUN the most hated nation of the Skaijekä government. Skaitsya is willing to go out of it's way to harm this nation's interests and jumps at every oppertunity to directly attack the KUN, such as when [nation=short]Taziristan[/nation] invaded the KUN. Skaitsya sees future relations as completely impossible and many members of the Skaijekä government pray to their various gods daily that the KUN will collapse.[/td]
	[td]Vancouvia's democratic government and similar culture encourage friendly relations. However, a lack of information and Vancouvia's somewhat imperialistic actions within the perceived Skaijekä sphere of influence makes Skaitsya somewhat cautious about Vancouvia, eliminating the chance for a friendly stance. Skaitsya is willing to pursue future relations with this nation, however.[/td]
	[td]Verdon's position in Gael and apparent stability is promising, however a lack of information and diplomatic connections makes a friendly stance impossible. Skaitsya is somewhat willing to pursue future relations with this nation.[/td]
	[td][nation=short]Pacific_Peace_Union[/nation] (Vioraux)[/td]
	[td]Vioraux's childish and stupid leadership, ridiculous and backwards social policies, plutocratic form of government, and it's complete diplomatic incompetence destroys any hope of good relations and ensures a hostile stance on the nation. Skaitsya is entirely unwilling to pursue future relations with this nation.[/td]
	[td]Xrevaro's commonwealth connections are promising but a lack of diplomatic connections and information make any thing more than a friendly stance impossible at this moment. Skaitsya is willing to pursue future relations with this nation.[/td]


Credit to [nation=short]Atnaia[/nation], [nation=short]Vancouvia[/nation] and (presumably) [nation=short]Polar Svalbard[/nation] for format and inspiration.

