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by The Penguinite Kleptocracy of Volaworand. . 48 reads.

Seoul Agreement (ratified)

Seoul Agreement
Signed on the 22nd of September, 2018

The Governments of Hanguk-Nippon and Volaworand, hereinafter referred to as the Parties:

SEEKING to encourage friendship and cooperation among our peoples;
BUILDING on our shared partipation in the South Pacific Regional Trade Agreement
RECOGNIZING the necessity to establish formal affairs concerning social, political, and economic dimensions of relations between our nations;
HOPING the peaceful cooperation of our states will promote stability and harmony throughout the South Pacific region;
HAVE AGREED as follows:

That formal diplomatic relations be established between The Imperial Sinjōist State of Hanguk-Nippon and The Penguinite Kleptocracy of Volaworand and that there shall be everlasting peace, friendship, commerce, and cooperation between our nations.

1) Parties to this treaty recognize the exclusive territorial sovereignty of the other and reject any overlapping or competing territorial claims of other nations.
2) Each nation shall establish an embassy, consulate or diplomatic mission in the capital city of the other, shall employ an ambassador to facilitate friendship between nations and maintain consular services for their nationals located in the host nation.
i. Volaworand will allow an embassy in the capital of Rothera and Hanguk-Nippon shall allow an embassy in the capital of Seoul.
ii. Host governments are responsible to ensure external security of diplomatic staff in their nation. Each Party is allowed to send up to a maximum of 10 armed military or internal security personnel for each consular location.
3) Shared consular services are allowed with consent of the Host nation.
i. Hanguk-Nippon recognizes Volaworand's prior agreements outlined in Memorandum of Understanding concerning the Sharing of Consular Services and so recognizes British Pitcairn Islands British Falkland Islands S Georgia and S Sandwich Islands and St Helena Ascension and Tristan da Cunha as protectorates of Volaworand.
ii. Volaworand recognizes Valthesia as a protectorate of Hanguk-Nippon.

1) Parties recognize the Passport or Document of Identity issued by the other nation as a valid and sufficient identification of travelers at all ports of entry.
2) Parties shall, subject to reasonable regulation, allow citizens of the other entry for the purposes of tourism or pleasure, business or commercial activity, and educational or cultural exchanges.
3) In all ports, stations and settlements, other than military installations, citizens of each nation may travel and reside; they shall have the right to rent or lease ground, rent or purchase buildings and dwellings, may erect dwellings and warehouses, and conduct commerce subject to local laws and the terms of their entry. Neither nation will allow a wall, fence, or gate be erected by the host government around said places of residence or commerce, or anything done which may prevent a free egress and ingress to the same.
4) Citizens of one nation accused and charged of criminal offenses in another nation shall be subject to deportation and be tried under their home nations system of justice. The Parties shall ensure their system of civil justice be open to the citizens of the other nation, to enable them to recover their just civil claims against citizens.
5) Each nation agrees to not harbor criminals of other nation and shall, upon written diplomatic request, extradite citizens to the custody of their home nation.

1)Citizens of each nation shall be allowed the peaceful free exercise of their religion in the other nation, and for this purpose shall have the right to erect or maintain suitable places of worship. No injury shall be done to such buildings, nor any insult be offered to the religious worship. Citizens shall not injure any church, temple or shrine, or offer any insult or injury to religious ceremonies, or to the objects of their worship.
2)The Treaty parties shall not do anything that may be calculated to excite religious agitation or animosity, including proselytization. Citizens whose religious practice is disruptive of peace and order, may be subject to deportation after diplomatic consultation.

1) The Parties agree to a maximum import duty of 2% shall be paid on all landed goods, and on all articles of local production that are exported as cargo, that have originate from the other Party. No higher duties shall be paid on such goods imported than are fixed by this agreement, nor shall any higher duties be paid than are levied on the same description of goods if imported in the vessels of any other nation. All goods imported and which have paid the duty fixed by this agreement may be transported into any part of the nation without the payment of any additional tax, excise, or transit duty whatever.
2) Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude the imposition of sales taxes or revenue duties which are levied equally on both imports and domestic products.
3) Nothing in this Agreement shall impact the duty free trade of goods governed by provisions of the South Pacific Regional Trade Agreement (SPaRTA).
4) The importation of environmentally sensitive flora, fauna, and other materials are prohibited and any vessel arriving by space, air, sea, or land faring vessel shall be subject to verification and inspection of goods on board and all such cargo regulated above shall be seized and either returned to the exporting nation at that nations expense or, if the value is less than the transport costs, destroyed by the local authorities.

1)Each Party shall offer an exchange of a breeding pair of their national animals without cost for the purpose of zoological exhibition in the other nation, or other purposes as mutually agreed. Each nation consents to supply directly or indirectly an appropriate source of animal feed at cost for the durartion of the exchange.
2) Each nation shall be responsible for the health of animals in their charge. In the event of an animal's death, the providing nation shall be compensated at no lower than the market rates in effect at the time and a replacement national animal provided in a reasonable timeframe.
3)In the event a nation changes its national animal, they agree to forfeit claim the animals in custody of the other nations and supply a breeding pair of the new animal within 30 days.

1) Exchanges of scientific and academic personnel between schools, universities, research stations, and other institutions such are encouraged and the governments of both parties will expedite the local permitting and visa process for persons involved in such exchanges. Results of joint non-military research projects are to be published jointly by the educational or research institutions of nations participating in such exchanges.
i. The Parties shall recognize the credentials issued of each others primary diploma and higher education degree programs within their domestic education programs.
2) The Parties agree not to trade material or provide any assistance in the manufacture of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons or other weapons of mass destruction. The Parties are entitled to participate in the fullest possible study and exchange of scientific information for, and to contribute, alone or in cooperation with each other, to:
i. the further development of the applications of atomic or nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
ii. the further development and application of scientific discoveries in the field of bacteriology (biology) for prevention of disease and the use of bacteriological (biological) agents and toxins for peaceful purposes.
iii. the development and application of scientific discoveries in the field of chemistry for improvement of agriculture and the use of chemical agents for peaceful purposes.

1)Treaty party governments may purchase from the other government ships-of-war, merchant ships, submarine vessels, whale ships, cannon, munitions of war, military drones, space satellites, craft and arms of all kinds, and any other things they may require. Nations shall have the right to employ, in the other nation, scientific, naval and military personnel, technicians and artisans of all kind, and mariners to enter into its service, for the purpose of facilitating this government-to-government trade. The said person's employed may not trade arms or military materials to the private sector or parties outside this Treaty. Each Nation shall disclose to the host nation government the names, nature of employment and addresses of all government contracted personnel operating in the host nation.
2) Each nation shall have the right to expel individual government contracted personnel of the other.
3) Volaworand's status as a Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty signatory requires it shall not receive the transfer from any transferor whatsoever of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices or of control over such weapons or explosive devices directly, or indirectly; not to manufacture or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices; and not to seek or receive any assistance in the manufacture of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices. Hanguk-Nippon agrees not to trade prohibited material or provide any assistance in the manufacture of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices with any citizen or agent of Volaworand.

1) Both parties to this treaty agree to share intelligence information about the threats or hostile activities of any nation or group that threatens the peace and security of the other nation.

1) Both nations henceforth shall maintain a non-aggressive military stance towards the other and not provide aid or comfort to the declared enemies of the other nation.
2) Both signatories henceforth shall, upon request, send international aid including (but not limited to) food, water, or construction equipment after massive or heavy destruction and/or casualties has been inflicted on the other country by war, military conflict or declared natural disaster.

At the desire of either party, and on fourteen days notice given in writing, this Treaty, together with any regulations hereunto annexed, or those that may be hereafter introduced, shall be subject to revision by Commissioners appointed on both sides for this purpose, who will be empowered to decide and insert therein, such amendments as experience shall prove to be desirable and unanimously agreeable to both parties. Agreements become effective when all nations agree in writing and then update their fact book entries or dispatches. If agreement has not been reached at the end of fourteen days the original terms remain in force.

1) A nation may withdraw from this treaty on one months notice given in writing. Citizens of other treaty party nations who are living or traveling in the withdrawing nation during this period shall be allowed to depart the nation without hindrance. The Treaty will remain in force during the notice period.
2) If a nation ceases to exist on it will be deemed to have withdrawn. Any successor nation will not have an automatic right to resume this Treaty.

This Treaty shall go into effect on the 23th of September, 2018. This Treaty is executed in duplicate, in Korean and English, both versions having the same meaning and intention, and posted on, or linked from, each nations fact book or dispatches on

See Also: Ratified Treaties Of Volaworand

The Penguinite Kleptocracy of Volaworand

