by Max Barry

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Governor: The Hellenic Republic of 01 ERE Embassy25

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Hellenic Republic of 01 ERE Embassy25

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Most Stationary: 78th Largest Populations: 284th Largest Trout Fishing Sector: 963rd+5
Most Influential: 1,812th Highest Economic Output: 1,903rd Most Politically Apathetic Citizens: 2,421st Most Valuable International Artwork: 2,597th Most Ignorant Citizens: 2,632nd
World Factbook Entry

Constantinople (or Konstantinoupolis in Greek) was the capital of the Roman Empire (330–395), the Byzantine/Eastern Roman Empire (395–1204 and 1261–1453), the Latin Empire (1204–1261), and the Ottoman Empire (1453–1922).

Member of Eastern Roman Empire

NS Featured Region on May 8th, 2008

Embassies: Eastern Roman Empire and Constantinople.

Tags: Minuscule and Password.

Konstantinoupolis is home to a single nation.

Today's World Census Report

The Most Armed in Konstantinoupolis

World Census experts took their lives into their hands in order to ascertain the average number of deadly weapons per citizen.

As a region, Konstantinoupolis is ranked 21,284th in the world for Most Armed.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Hellenic Republic of 01 ERE Embassy25Father Knows Best State“Join the glorious Eastern Roman Empire !!”

Regional Happenings


Konstantinoupolis Regional Message Board

Happy Hagia Eirene resurrected from Lazarus today !!

Welcome GreaterArmenia in Konstantinoupolis !!

Greetings from Western Roman Empire and our Emperor New Caserdon to Konstantinoupolis Emperor and citizens !!

I am the newly appointed Ambassador in your Region !!

Welcome in Konstantinoupolis WRE Ambassador and welcome also to Eastern Roman Empire Alliance !!

As we do every 6 months, we will run at this month our Alliance elections for all positions according our Constitution.

Alliance Constitution can be found at

Candidacies should be submitted at the respective threads for each position in our Chat Forum till August 16th.

Elections will take place from August 16th till August 23rd.

Results will be announed afterwards.

Good luck to everyone and "Live long and prosper" !!

I created Constantinople in NS2 ...


Welcome back Romaiki Aytokratoria !!

... and RIP again Romaiki Aytokratoria !!

29η Μαΐου 1453...
Σημαίνει ὁ Θεός, σημαίνει ἡ γῆς, σημαίνουν τὰ ἐπουράνια,
σημαίνει κι ἡ Ἁγιά-Σοφιά, τὸ μέγα μοναστήρι,
μὲ τετρακόσια σήμαντρα κι ἑξήντα δυὸ καμπάνες,
κάθε καμπάνα καὶ παπᾶς, κάθε παπᾶς καὶ διάκος.
Ψάλλει ζερβὰ ὁ βασιλιάς, δεξιὰ ὁ πατριάρχης,
κι ἀπ᾿ τὴν πολλὴ τὴν ψαλμουδιὰ ἐσειόντανε οἱ κολόνες.
Νὰ μποῦνε στὸ χερουβικὸ καὶ νά ῾βγει ὁ βασιλέας,
φωνὴ τοὺς ἦρθε ἐξ οὐρανοῦ κι ἀπ᾿ ἀρχαγγέλου στόμα:
«Πάψετε τὸ χερουβικὸ κι ἂς χαμηλώσουν τ᾿ Ἅγια,
παπάδες πᾶρτε τὰ ἱερὰ καὶ σεῖς κεριὰ σβηστῆτε,
γιατί ῾ναι θέλημα Θεοῦ ἡ Πόλη νὰ τουρκέψει.
Μόν᾿ στεῖλτε λόγο στὴ Φραγκιά, νὰ ῾ρθοῦν τρία καράβια,
τό ῾να νὰ πάρει τὸ σταυρὸ καὶ τ᾿ ἄλλο τὸ βαγγέλιο,
τὸ τρίτο τὸ καλύτερο, τὴν ἅγια Τράπεζά μας,
μὴ μᾶς τὴν πάρουν τὰ σκυλιὰ καὶ μᾶς τὴ μαγαρίσουν».
Ἡ Δέσποινα ταράχτηκε καὶ δάκρυσαν οἱ εἰκόνες.
«Σώπασε κυρὰ Δέσποινα, καὶ μὴ πολυδακρύζῃς,
πάλι μὲ χρόνους, μὲ καιρούς, πάλι δικά μας θά ῾ναι».

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