by Max Barry

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Region: Enadia

The Throne Crisis
Marshall Alexander promised to the Illirican troops that they will be home by Christmas, what they didn't know is that another crisis awaits them home.
17'th of November 2045
The now ex-Queen Milica has abdicated, claiming that the job of the queen is not for her. The war with the Black Sun has left her uncomfortable and scared for her life, that and the fact that she is the daughter of Imperator Alexander who is one of the most hated monarchs in Illiricium.
The Reichstag, Royal Court, Puma and the Marshall Plan have after some time decided the 3 potential monarchs to take control.
The Candidates:
Stella Ardolf, a 25 year old who has good connections with Marshall Alexander and is respected in the military for her heroism in the Illirican Civil War and the Liberation of MossW. Her plan is to destroy the Illirican unemployment problem by making the military bigger and bringing patriotism back home. (and also Kill off any Black Sun loyalists)
Lilith Schneider, she is a 27 year old who owns one of the largest monopolies in Illiricium, from supermarkets to water parks you name it and she probably owns it. She is supported by the elite that wants to introduce Lobbying to Illiricium. Her plan is to grow the Illirican economy so high that the Enadian nations become dependent on Illiricium.
Jozef Pinochet, a 47 year old who has a good history with the monarchy, supported by Otto von Luxsemburg he wants to isolate Illiricium from the world politics and only do trade with MossW, Grand northern empire and The federal government of iowa.

The federal government of iowa, Grand northern empire, and Hunetia
