by Max Barry

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Region: Novus Lucidum

Odinburgh wrote:Glad for u remind us. I've been bad in participating in AoR or even keep up. Therefore I am considering meeting each of the party heads to get a briefing on things and where we each stand. I am particularly drawn GPP and UGD. I am with the UGD but not much active in party. Must be missing something here to why this. Anyways I need a fresh start to reassimilate into it again to feel engaged.

Well, New Nationale Einheit (DerKanzler) and J were talking about the same thing how Novus Lucidium can use a fresh start in AoR which is why DerKanzler joined GPP a while back because even he was not that active in AoR, but I came up to him and proposed that same thing and DerKanzler wanted the same thing so we teamed up.
He has been trying to get NL ramped up into AoR as well and I want that as well as NL can flourish in AoR and be a good power there as well due to how passionate people are here.
It would be great to have you and others in NL involved in AoR once again!!
