by Max Barry

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Region: Arkonos

War and Conquest in Tylos
Fall of Angkan

329 ATF
Expansion ⅘

The sun rose over scorched lands, the remains of the Avernian fort still smoldered with smoke plumes visible in the distance behind them. Altun’s army had advanced beyond and now sat encamped in view of the Avernian city. The end of this road was finally near. Altun stood atop a hill observing the city. He still wanted the Avernians to see reason and surrender, but they seemed determined to fight to the end. Or perhaps they would simply wait for the end in their city.

Altun looked back toward the smoke in the distance. He did not want to burn the city, but he would if he decided it was necessary. Belos approached and Altun nodded to the man as he neared.

“Not a bad looking place. That tall one in the center must be the palace, or whatever they might call it here?” , Belos said, gesturing ahead.

Altun nodded as his eyes followed. The city was large and had many tall buildings but the one in the center stood out in both width and height. Altun suspected the ruler lived there, or it could be a temple if they were similar to the Khemakh of Dhorvas.

“I’d rather not burn it.”, sighed Altun.

“Me either. Hot enough in this place as it is.”

Altun chuckled and nodded. The gates before the Avernian city opened and a lone runner emerged, riding for the Dhorvasi army.

“Well, let us see what they chose today.”, Altun said and began to walk back to the commander yurt.


Altun met the runner before the yurt, his commanders were all present. Idwer was there too. A tall Avernian approached and paused before the yurt. The warrior, Altun assumed it was a warrior, looked tired but did their best to pretend otherwise, standing tall and proud. They spoke aloud and Altun was surprised to hear Savoset, albeit very hard to identify. Rimaq translated.

“The Rhoka demands you depart from our lands. Your sacrilege against the people of Angkan is intolerable.”

“This is not possible, as your leader likely knows.”, Altun said in reply.

The Avernian scoffed. Altun suspected he may have smirked but was not sure they were capable of such an expression with their elaborate beaks.

“The Rhoka foresaw this possibility. If that is the way of it, then the Rhoka challenges you. We will settle this in the honorable way, leader against leader. If the Rhoka triumphs, your army will depart these lands.”

Now it was Altun’s turn to chuckle and a large, tooth filled smile crept along his face.

“Your Rhoka is arrogant, indeed, if he thinks such a challenge holds any merit, or holds any value to me.”

“You lack the hono..”

“Your armies have been laid to waste, your fortifications and territory conquered or destroyed. A challenge between leaders in single combat implies there is equal value in the balance. There is not. You have nothing left to offer but your lives here. Your Rhoka must submit to Dhorvas, here and now. To do so will guarantee the survival of your people. Or you may fight, and we will lay waste to this city. Your people will suffer and die, but the Rhoka’s pride will endure to the last.”

Altun’s tone was harsh and direct. The Avernian runner could not help but look intimidated. For a moment, they tried to speak but no words would come forth. Instead, they turned and ran back for the city.


A cry of rage erupted in the hall of the grand temple of the Rhoka as the runner relayed Altun’s words. Similar shouts echoed from others in the room. The Rhoka turned to the golden armored Avernian.

“Chatri, lead our forces to meet the barbarians. They must be taught a lesson!”

Chatri let out a war cry in response and made to leave the room. Many others followed him. There were not a great many warriors left in the forces of Angkan. Many had perished defending the fort that was the last defense before the city. This did not seem to dissuade the warriors as blood cries and chanting filled the air. Elsewhere the other castes sought refuge in their homes or other structures. Once the warriors were all gathered, Chatri led them forth through the gates and into the field to meet the Dhorvasi.

The battle raged on all sides. The Avernians had only a few thousand warriors remaining but they fought with the ferocity befitting those with nowhere left to run. Rimaq had insisted his Savoset soldiers lead the fight while Altun held half the army in reserve. Altun had thought it might be from some misguided sense of a slave’s duty, but such was no longer the case for Rimaq. He now had reasons of his own for fighting. In a way, he felt he owed a debt and this was in some way a means of repaying that debt.

He also wished to prove the worth of the Savoset. They were not soldiers merely because they were slaves in Natachac but capable warriors in their own right. An Avernian lunged a spear toward Rimaq but he deflected the strike and cut his sword across the Avernian’s face. They buckled over screaming as Rimaq dove his blade into their gut, silencing them.

All around him his fellow Savoset were slaying the Avernian warriors, though the ground held many of his fellows as well. Rimaq felt a blow from behind and stumbled forward, dropping a knee to the ground. As he turned to see his new assailant, an Avernian in golden armor shoved him to the ground. The warrior raised a sword and swung it down. Rimaq rolled right and lunged to his feat, tackling the warrior.

The Avernian clawed at his face but Rimaq held. He grabbed a nearby shield and struck the warrior with it repeatedly ,at last bringing the edge down on the throat of his squirming enemy. The last breaths of fight faded. Rimaq leaned on the shield and forced himself up and charged forth for his next foe.

Altun had little trouble entering Angkan after the battle. Rimaq’s soldiers had fought well and hard and he left them to rest while his forces occupied the city. Rimaq himself insisted on entering the city with Altun. A few stray warriors opposed them but they were otherwise free to secure the city. Altun ordered strict discipline enforced and anyone caught looting would be dealt with harshly. He made his way to the large structure at the center of Angkan. It seemed to be both a temple and a palace. The idea almost amused Altun. At last he reached a central chamber and forced the doors open. The Rhoka was inside. The ruler of Angkan looked fearful as Altun approached.

“As your last warriors defend your city, you hide here, in this room?” Altun demanded.

“I am the Rhoka! I must preserve for the sake of the city!”

Altun understood nothing, the Rhoka was speaking in an Avernian language. The Rhoka seemed to notice as well for they then spoke Savoset. Rimaq translated.

“Sounds more like cowardice. Your city is lost. Whether you submit now or not is no longer of consequence. Take him.”, he ordered.Several soldiers moved to apprehend the Rhoka.

“You attacked us! You work with Savoset! How can you speak of cowardice?”

Rimaq again translated. Altun shook his head as he turned to the Rhoka once more.

“You could have approached us. Instead you attacked us, picked our soldiers off. It might have been you marching beside us. It was you who set the terms of our present association.”

With that, the soldiers hauled the defeated ruler away. Angkan was now in Dhorvasi hands.
