by Max Barry

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Region: Lerodas

Scrambled Dreams: Part II
Jean had been running errands for most of the day. Going between offices, meeting local clients in person, doing all that human relations stuff that the text books valued so highly. He did enjoy it as well. In fact he loved it. But he had studied human relations for his work so he still saw a bit of irony in it. The whole dealing with people thing and how it was very much a game. A Game that everyone played, that everyone was part of. The human condition wrapped up in a four letter word that made everyone think of children screaming profanities at stranger through microphones.

Closing the door behind him Jean had successfully retreated into his office and closed the shutters. Work was starting to pick up after the government's stimulus package which generated endless questions. In truth it was more noticeable at his father’s bank but some didn’t pick up on the difference.

The digital photo frame on his desk were cycling through a series of pictures of Claire making silly faces in her sportswear. Jean smiled and spoke out to get the attention of the digital assistant. “Kyo, call Brice Lazarski.”
“Calling, Lazarski & Co Accounting...” replied a synthetic voice from seemingly out of nowhere.
The call connected. “Brice speaking...”
“Brice! Hey, it’s Jean at TnL.”
“Jean, my boy, how are you?”
“Oh it’s fine. Never a dull moment, thanks for asking. Sun still shining in Yuukohama?”
Brice laughed. “Don’t remind me, it’s awful. It’s bright. You can see colors everywhere. If this goes on for much longer I suspect Leah will start thinking that I have a soul!”
“Yeah we can’t have people getting their hopes up like that. Wouldn’t be proper.” Jean laughed. “How’s work then?”
“Oh, same old. The stimulus package is creating some more work for us. Everyone whats to know what they can do and if they can do this and that.” Brice droned on. “Is there something with the insurance?”
“No, just making small talk. Wanted to check on in how things are going.”
“You planning a visit? Got this nice restaurant that just opened nearby.” Brice laughed. “I’m gonna balloon if I keep eating there!”
“Sounds like I got something to look forward to! But no, I’m… I’m not really calling on a business issue...You’re not having any trainees now right?”
“No, Thomas, our latest, quit last week. He was done with his exams and were moving over to Zinkanzen. We usually don’t have any trainees until the schools starts back up. Why?”

“I kinda wanted to ask for a favour, just to give a girl a shot at an interview, if you could, nothing more.”
“Boy, you sound awfully mellow, why don’t you give me the rundown?”
“Well, To be perfectly honest it’s my partner Claire. She butchered her graduation exams pretty hard and well, the pressure got to her so she’s pretty stressed out right now.”
“She studied economics right?” Brice asked, not that he didn’t remember.
“Yeah through Lavoro U so it’s pretty high on the prestige list.”
“Meh, there’s only so much you need to know to get started. Those high prestige Us are just pretentions.” Brice rumbled unimpressed.
Jean smiled from ear to ear. “Yeah as a former Lavoro graduate I can agree. But Claire haven’t really taken it well. She knows here stuff, I know cuz I’ve studied with here on the weekends. She’s my little bright girl but she isn’t exactly study material. She needs to do the work. So I told her that I knew you for a solid firm and that I would ask for an interview. I was hoping that if she could just cool off a bit and get some proper work done for a bit she could go back for the re-exams next year.”
“Are you breaking up with her?” Brice grunted
Jean laughed. “Who do people keep asking me that? No, I’m trying to look after her… she’s… frustrated.”
“You should just get her pregnant, that will calm her down… OUCH!!”
“You alright there, Brice?”
“Yesh, was Leah, threw some office equipment at me.”
“Go team.” Jean quipped.
“Oh you snotty bastard.” Brice grunted. “Tell you what. I’ll take her on and in return I’m dragging you out on a foodie night the next time you’re over.”
“I only asked for an interview, I don’t expect you to let her on you you don’t feel it.” Jean protested.
Brice grunted. “And I’m saying that our foodie night won’t be over until we’ve reached enlightened self-hatred!”

Spiritualiza, Aatelisia, and Ciezka
