by Max Barry

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Region: The Story of Civilization

The War Continues - Pt.2

"Those terms are absurd!"

The Duke of Viva was practically shouting now, infuriated at the terms he considered to be far too high a price to pay - indeed, he expected a reward! Even if he was, in real terms, more of a lowly count.

"I agree in full." one of the other, less narcissistic, nobles added. "Even more is being asked of Baganca than of Viva - and I a mere and lowly Count who asks for little! Voltanese greed and villipendent treatment of potential friends truly knows no end, and for us to have trusted them! ...a foolish action at best. No better than the King of Varreja."

"The coward." another Count added, shaking his head, "These are truly the terms the Admiral delivered to you?" he inquired, looking to the Count of Baganca, who gave a firm nod of confirmation.

"I cannot accept those terms."

"Nor I." a fourth man added, the Count of the smaller port city of Recce. "Especially as I presume similar terms to those inflicted upon Baganca are also listed for Recce?"


The five men sat in silence - their least important member, Count of Quarta, remaining largely silent, but agreeing in body language.

"I say we vote then." the Count of Baganca added, breaking what had been a moments silence. "On whether or not to continue our cooperation with the Voltanese. Those in favor say Aye."

A pounding silence followed, and nervous eyes quickly flickered about the room. None broke rank though.

"And the Nay's?"

A unanimous Nay rose from each of the five men.

"Then its settled. We continue our resistance to foreign power, and strive to carve for ourselves an independent realm, free of onerous demands."

The counts eyes moved back to their de facto leader - the 'Duke' - who gave a calm and assertive nod.

"Call all your men to arms. We'll need every sword we can get if we're to show the Voltanese we won't be pushed around. Even fair terms of autonomy under their sovereign might have to do, but all the same we cannot accept the current terms. I say we take decisive action immediately! Show them we cannot be ignored and will not be pushed around. Show them that the cost of acquiescing to lighter demands is much lower than the cost of fighting us."

A general murmur of agreement arose, and the Count of Braganca - a small smile crossing his face - indicated for quiet.

"I think I have the perfect plan as well...the Voltanese must truly think us cowed for already Admiral de Galla takes up residence in my manor. He seems mighty comfortable too, and has an air of feeling welcomed to him. I can whisk him away as a hostage, and you can lead a fast and immediate strike into their lands - grab them by the balls while they rest at Varreja and maybe, just maybe, they'll soften their terms."

The others nodded, most having been without their own plans. One seemingly thought through already - as the Count's had been - quickly took hold, and as dusk came about a few hours later they had ironed out all the relevant minutiae - and each left for their own holdings, to prepare for what role they would play in the coming action.
