by Max Barry

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Region: The Moderate Alliance

Christian confederation

Holy Roman Empires2 wrote:San Francisco, March 26, 2021
The city has erupted in violence, declaring Nancy Pelosi as the president of the united states. Trump ordered his generals to air lift 100,000 men to san Francisco.
March 28: The soldiers arrive at the city by the bay. One young lieutenant sees a chance, he sees that much of the defences are facing some hills. The rest of the defences are facing towards the bay ( however little in number.) He sees that if he can knock out the " bay defence" he can overrun the city. Fourteen ships under the cover of dark attack, over running the " bay defences" in less than an hour. The law enforcement, and other citizens are given weapons to attack the loyalists from within while 40000 men lay siege.
Rebel headquarters: What? What! No more avacado toast? We surrender!

Atlanta Georgia March 28th 2021
The rebals have taken much of the City and suberbs.
Govnor Kemp still has control of the GA national guard, state patrol, and most of the Atlanta PD.
Loalists have control of the state capital, olimpic Park, aqwerium, Coke, Georgia power, and airport.

There is bloody room to room, floor to floor, building to building, street to street, block to block, district to district.
Before the librals hold a last stand at a commie block.

Ronald reagan the ghost
