by Max Barry

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Region: Federation of Allies

Rannoria wrote:what'dja mean.

In the regional Discord, Avalonia suggested a continuous RP, spanning from one time period to another and ends whenever a great event happens or something (like the 1912 one). That's be cool IMO, and correlates well with what the reboot's goal is.

Smaller RPs also work well too. That operative RP that someone suggested a page ago is a nice one that. Of course, canonical RPs can also be made, and by that I mean RPs which would help build our lore. Events like the Great Regional War and other large ones should probably be their own, but the medieval ages one should probably be one larger RP as each nation isn't directly connected to one another if you know what I mean, and conflict doesn't spread that far.

The continuous RP would be more like any nation that RPs is automatically in it (if they want to be active), and then it goes off their NS stats and it is just modern times, but time is like fluid and passes as needed.
