by Max Barry

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Region: Capitalist Libertarian Freedom Region

Western-snekistan wrote:I think many shootings that actually involve licensed/legal guns could be prevented by taking both mental health and previous convictions more seriously (school shooters and Bern victims).

The problem is that the number of offensive shootings by perpetrators in legal possession of the weapon up to that point is very small. Gun Grabbers™ like to make the case the Aurora Theater Shooter bought his guns legally. That is untrue. He failed to list his mental illnesses on is firearms forms.

Here's another problem. The instant laws are changed to allow mental health professionals to rat out patients to a government registry, the number of people seeking help will drop dramatically. From grief counseling to depression to first responders needing PTSD treatment, a significant fraction of those will not seek or accept help if they believe it could lead to the loss of their Second Amendment rights.

Western-snekistan wrote:PS: Does anyone actually read those resolutions over at the WA or is stuff just rubber-stamped like in the real world? This game is getting more and more realistic...

I read them far enough to see if they are to repeal something or not. My WA puppet almost always votes against new laws and for repeals.

Phrontisteries and Western-snekistan
