by Max Barry

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by The Imperial State of Afsharid Persia. . 771 reads.

Afsharid Persia | Government

"Whenever you can, act as a liberator. Freedom, dignity, wealth — these three together constitute the greatest happiness of humanity. If you bequeath all three to your people, their love for you will never die."
- Cyrus the Great


The Empire of Afsharid Persia started out as an absolute monarchy with its founding under Nader Shah I (also known as Nader Shah the Great), but later evolved into a constitutional monarchy over time under later Shahs. This started with the Persian Constitutional Revolution.

The Revolution opened the way for cataclysmic change in Persia, heralding the modern era. It saw a period of unprecedented debate in a burgeoning press. The revolution created new opportunities and opened up seemingly boundless possibilities for Persia’s future. Many different groups fought to shape the course of the Revolution, and all sections of society were ultimately to be in some way changed by it. The old order, which Karim Shah Afshar had struggled for so long to sustain, finally died, to be replaced by new institutions, new forms of expression, and a new social and political order.

The monarch Jaffar Shah signed the constitution in 1906, but he died shortly after and replaced by Mohammad Ali Shah. The latter abolished the constitution and bombarded the parliament with British and Russian support in 1908. This led to another pro-constitutional movement. The constitutionalist forces marched to Tehran, forced Mohammad Ali Shah's abdication in favor of his younger brother Ahmad Shah Afshar who then re-established the constitution in 1909.

Today, Afsharid Persia is a constitutional monarchy, but the Shah holds wide executive and legislative powers. The Shah serves as Head of State and Commander-in-Chief. The Prime Minister however, is elected by the people. The Prime Minister forms his own cabinet, and also appoints regional governors. Together, the Prime Minister and the Majlis are free to do as they please, but any and all decisions must be approved by the Shah and the Royal Court before becoming law. The Crown Prince, or Shahzadeh, only has power in the absence of the King, or Shah.

The government is mainly secular although a few Islamic laws are still in place and Shia Islam is considered the state religion, with a lot of funding given to Shia institutions both within the country and abroad. Islamic dress code is only enforced in areas of religious significance such as the Shrine of Imam Reza in Mashhad.

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The Imperial State of Afsharid Persia

