by Max Barry

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by The Regional Nation of The Northern Light. . 11 reads.

The Vice Delegate's Weekly Update, 2021-08-15

The Vice Delegate's Weekly Update

15 August 2021

Endorsement Update

"When people ask you what happened here, tell them the North Remembers."

With Cretox officially abandoning office, Pallaith has taken over as Acting Vice Delegate in accordance with Security Council Procedures and under the relevant laws. Since a special election would not resolve two weeks before the end of term, Pallaith will serve in this capacity until a new Vice Delegate is elected in September. Under the laws of the Region, this means Pallaith is considered absent from the Court.

TNP's Admin team have partially resolved the issue about alert telegrams. Apparently, alerts use stamps and they are not supposed to. Since we use roughly 300 stamps per alert, this depletes stamps rather quickly. With a Delegate and Vice Delegate transition happening several times a year, plus normal alert telegrams, we go through quiet a lot of stamps. (If you would like to gift stamps to the region, please gift them to the regional nation, LinkThe Northern Light ) Since the Security Council has assumed Vice Delegate duties we are starting to see a gain in the number of endorsements received per councilor. There has been an overall decrease in the number of World Assembly nations playing the game and TNP is experiencing the same drop as all other regions.

The Security Council

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Jointly sponsored by the Delegate and Security Council of The North Pacific.
