by Max Barry

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Governor: The Holy King-ruled Kinger of Tilonian

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Holy King-ruled Kinger of Tilonian

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Poll Activity History Admin Rank

Largest Mining Sector: 315th Most Subsidized Industry: 448th Most Corrupt Governments: 475th+24
Most Avoided: 556th Most Politically Apathetic Citizens: 580th Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry: 694th Largest Black Market: 713th Most Advanced Law Enforcement: 813th Nudest: 891st Most Valuable International Artwork: 919th Most Advanced Defense Forces: 1,222nd Most Extensive Public Healthcare: 1,282nd Largest Retail Industry: 1,561st Highest Wealthy Incomes: 1,576th Highest Average Incomes: 1,602nd Most Patriotic: 1,774th Most Advanced Public Education: 1,970th Most Ignorant Citizens: 1,996th Largest Manufacturing Sector: 2,004th Fattest Citizens: 2,201st Most Secular: 2,266th Largest Basket Weaving Sector: 2,361st Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 2,394th Most Nations: 2,538th Largest Welfare Programs: 2,607th Highest Poor Incomes: 2,663rd Largest Governments: 2,884th
World Factbook Entry

A region of hard veterans, Vulture of War is a region made for those tired of war and who want peace, though still profit of the wars of other.

Also, an embassy collector. Feel free to establish embassies and post on the RMB.

P.S. This place is run by a bisexual person (me) who supports the LGBTQ+ community. If you are anti-LGBTQ+ or have anti-LGBTQ+ ideas, please do not post them on the RMB. If you do, you will be kicked and banned.

  1. 4,216

    The Complete List of NSCodes

    MetaReference by Testlandia . 175,259 reads.

  2. 2

    The Upper Calvonia Assasination Service

    FactbookEconomy by Upper Calvonia . 34 reads.

  3. 5

    The Nine Tribes of Najovio

    FactbookHistory by Najovio . 28 reads.

  4. 4

    The Royal Family of Audrea: The Arnetts

    FactbookPolitics by Audrea . 31 reads.

  5. 1

    The Political Parties of Tilonian

    FactbookPolitics by Tilonian . 13 reads.

  6. 2

    Brief History of Tilonian

    FactbookOverview by Tilonian . 16 reads.

▼ 3 More


This is the map of Vulture of War created by The Nine United Tribes of Najovio . It has 0 estimated diplomatic weight behind it, the most in Vulture of War. It is one of 2 maps of Vulture of War.

Embassies: Kommuland, Chicken overlords, Shadow Realms, Hurricane 12, The Embassy, Gypsy Lands, One big Island, True Waskaria, World War in 1800, Anegana, AppleJuice, Fredonia, Raxulan Empire, Guinea Kiribati, Gwelchbodia, The Smelly Fart, and 56 others.Lardyland, Moscow Kremlin, Heldemnir, Tonganskijak, Interbellum Interactive Polls, The Germanic isles, Chocolate territory, The Allied Nations, Pecan Sandies, BTM Puppet Storage, Sozialists United, The Forgotten Lands, FNAF, The Mainland of Tamriel, Liravialand, Metropolitan Union, Weirdos Are Cool, The Bar on the corner of every region, Inferior, Dragon Ridge, the South Caribbean, The Grapevine, The Northern Union, Corvinia, Corvinian Archipelago Frontier, Nation states logic, Ethensia, Trashland, English Sphere, SOPHIE XEON, Ersialist Utopia, Corvinian Socialist Union, Fundemental Paper Education School, THE W0RLD, One Collective Brain Cell, Shalibvia, Corvinian Archipelago Railway Services, Trinity Legion, Corvinian Spanish Zone, Lelaris, Corvinian Conlang Union, The Holy Dominion of the Asmorian Empire, East Shalibvia, Rhode Island, The Socialist Republic, The new Atlantic federation frontier, Chaos land, Mobius, Socialist Republic of New New Foundland, The Bongos United, Ticino, Jimothy, Fifth Wall, Foxtopia, Puppet Storage of Rylland, and West Corvinia.

Construction of embassies with The Divine Beasts has commenced. Completion expected .

Construction of embassies with The Realms has commenced. Completion expected .

Tags: Anti-Communist, Anti-Fascist, Casual, LGBT, Map, Post Apocalyptic, Role Player, Silly, Small, and Social.

Vulture of War contains 11 nations, the 2,538th most in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Largest Cheese Export Sector in Vulture of War

Qualified World Census Cheese Masters nibbled their way across the globe to determine which nations have the most developed cheese exports.

As a region, Vulture of War is ranked 7,547th in the world for Largest Cheese Export Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The In love with Palyzar of AudreaCorrupt Dictatorship“All a nation needs is wisdom, bravery, and strength”
2.The In love with Audrea of PalyzarCompulsory Consumerist State“There's magic on the other side of fear”
3.The Holy Empire of AnitaranFather Knows Best State“Live, serve, die for the nation”
4.The Woof woof bork meow of TiieFather Knows Best State“Live, serve, die for the nation”
5.The Colony of Armatonisdaristani Copper-9Left-wing Utopia“Armatonisdaristani Overseas Collective Designation: 14”
6.The Queendom of Numand IslantCompulsory Consumerist State“If you're here to make friends, pack up now. -Aizawa”
7.The Very gay assassin of Upper CalvoniaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Keep you friends close, your enemies closer.”
8.The Republic of NibanzeFree-Market Paradise“You Can't Stop Progress”
9.The Nervous Wreck of ShiminkaIron Fist Consumerists“Strength, control, obedience”
10.The Nine United Tribes of NajovioCorrupt Dictatorship“Courage and strength leads to a working nation”

Regional Poll • Are u a nice snec

Poll called by The In love with Palyzar of Audrea

Voting opened 10 hours ago and will close . Open to all nations. You cannot vote as you are not logged in.

Recent polls: “Do you drive yet?”“Do you like gaming?”“Do you identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community?”

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Vulture of War Regional Message Board
