That's true. R we removing them? I do have word that their are multiple nations that run sat words
Let’s telegram governor then
I’m planning to give Drakonheimist independence as their services are no longer needed.
Hello. I am a representative of an interregional organisation known as the intercontinental defence accord. I have been told you also are defending and liberating frontiers. We are uniting defenders to make one grand counterstrike, ending all black hawks occupations and all wolfist occupations. Our biggest goal is to launch a counter-raid, and possibly end the black hawks region. Are you interested in joining the organisation?
I believe The Raiders Commune has already addressed this
I believe you meant Commonwealth of National Renewal. If so, would you mind explaining this?
Are you here just to recruit? If you want to join Vertu, you also need a capable WA member amount to help with missions. The same applies for the Frontier Defense Force.
First of all not sure what happened with that. from my understanding New wesland proposed this idea, our regions leaders Inner Ama Iamasia and
Valokstal didn't know. New wesland is not with our Region anymore, you will need to speak with
Inner Ama Iamasia he is the acting president, for what they discussed.
Dispatch has been updated after purge-
Region | Representative(s) |
Drakonheimist does not need a "Representative" if they are a colony. Please remove them.
Volga River has 1 week to grow their region and elect a WA delegate or they will be given observer status instead.
Not only do they need a WA member, but a WA delegate. Regions without delegacies cannot help our cause or provide necessary services.
Since I don't think we could accomplish that I am withdrawing from Vertu. I will keep this nation here for now (nothing personal against anyone here and it's been a pleasure being here)
Who is your main region?
Main nation?
You control a region with 47 nations, why don't you bring that one in instead?
Those are mostly alts.
Ok VERTU, understand this:
While The Liberation Army Coordinator is an alt, it's an alt of
The Workers United, which I use for RP regions.
I started The Liberation Army because I didn't like how small region's histories of the past and dreams for the future were being crushed by massive groups of what are essentially griefers.
I started The Liberation Army with the hope of stopping, or at least resisting them.
I, evidently, failed.
Early on in the region's existence, we adsorbed a region called the Great NationStates Commonwealth, made up only of New Khemet and
Poladonia, and in exchange they would get officer roles. I have decided to let them keep those roles even after they've left, because, as
New Khemet said, they still largely consider themselves members, it doesn't even matter at this point anyways since we're already dead, and because while they were still in the region, they were some of the most active members we had.
And just so you know, my WA nation is Weltrepublik I, as I like to stay in the field.
New Khemet was our WA delegate before they left.
I would recommend joining the Frontier Defense Force-
A mutual defense force made to protect frontiers and vulnerable regions everywhere
FDF Mission Archive
A list of member regions and their commander
Asian Cooperation Pact - Bobs best friend
Vultune - Emergency Response Nation
THE W0RLD - Morractia Lern
Tinga - Undecided
Federation Of Sovereign States - Undecided
The Democratic Trade Planet - ArkAlpinic
The order of magnissia - E empire of the setting sun
Metropolitan Union/Metropolitan Union Frontier - Undecided
United Democratic Nations - Undecided
Holy Boheran Empire - Undecided
The Frontier Defense Force(FDF) was created in order to protect frontiers and other raider-vulnerable regions.
The FDF works by commanders of different member regions finding frontiers/regions in need, or regions in need of help reach out to us, by contacting Bobs best friend and Davioof. We then have all volunteers move to the region in need and endorse the dethroned delegate and/or an FDF representative. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE THE FDF TO REGAIN POWER IF YOU HAVE BEEN DETHRONED BY A LAWFUL ASSEMBLY
If you are a high ranking member of your region, with an office, you can, if your governor gives approval, ask for your region to join the FDF. This will give you priority when we are attempting to defend regions. You do not have to be a frontier to join the FDF. You can also joined as an unaffiliated party. We operate on a system of volunteers, so just because your region is a member of our alliance does NOT mean that you have to join us. However if your region is a member of our Pact and you want to help defend frontiers, then just send Bobs best friend a telegram to get your nation added to this dispatch. However, you must have World Assembly membership, otherwise you cannot help defend against raids.
Volunteers are required to follow the orders of Commanders IF it does not conflict with the orders of their region. Volunteers are required to be active, especially during update times, the optimal time that raiders raid, that we must be alert.
Asian Cooperation Pact Volunteer Army
Commander- Bobs best friend
Lieutenant- Inmir Yes Duraggland
Vultune Volunteer Army
Commander- Emergency Response Nation
Lieutenant- Tongaloo
Lieutenant- Intergalactic Colony of Bharatiyavaram(Siberian Black League of Omsk)
Lieutenant- Avia Pelicania(Pelicania Lound)
Major- Space Country Of Disadvantaged
Major- Kinider
THE W0RLD Volunteer Army
Commander- Free Libertalia Pirates Republic(Mercian Legions)
Lieutenant- Morractia Lern
Lieutenant- New Khemet
Lieutenant- Dackians
Tinga Volunteer Army
Commander- Of The Revived Soviet Union
United Democratic Nations Volunteer Army
Federation Of Sovereign States Volunteer Army
Holy Boheran Empire Volunteer Army
The Democratic Trade Planet Volunteer Army
Commander- ArkAlpinic
Lieutenant- Resiliencea
Unaffiliated Volunteer Army
The order of magnissia Volunteer Army
Commander- Transcoucasia(E empire of the setting sun)
Metropolitan Union Volunteer Army
Empire of the Super Titan Dragon - Asian Cooperation Pact Suprem Leader
Bobs best friend - Asian Cooperation Pact Grand Admiral
Davioof - Vultune WA Delegate
Pelicania Lound - Vultune Founder/Prime Minister
Siberian Black League of Omsk - Vultune World Army Officer
Kinider - Vultune Vice Delegate
Space Country Of Disadvantaged - Vultune Internal Affairs Officer
Wanderer from Nowhere - THE W0RLD Minister of Foreign Affairs/Vice President
Morractia Lern - THE W0RLD Minister of Intelligence
CHAOS EMPIRE - THE W0RLD Minister of Defense
Qinglang - Federation Of Sovereign States Prime Minister
China Free State - Federation Of Sovereign States President
Arkapolis - The Democratic Trade Planet Leader
Infcom - The order of magnissia Supreme Leader
E empire of the setting sun - The order of magnissia Foreign Minister
Sernet - Metropolitan Union Head of Senate/WA Delegate
MU Frontier Founder - Metropolitan Union Frontier Founder
Kolatis - United Democratic Nations WA Delegate/Minister of WA Affairs/Minister of Elections
Atlanc - Tinga wa delegate
Emergency Response Nation - Vultune WA delegate
Cthulhuland - Asian Cooperation Pact supreme judge, Holy Boheran Empire governor
as unaffiliated with your alt
That region is welcome to join instead.
dear allies.
I wish to inform you that the W0rld wishes to lead an attack on The Grand Patriot Empire of Algerheaven soon. This will be a good chance for Vertu and it allies to become more known on the international stage. Im not asking you to send your whole army (esaailly if you are a fronteir) just 2 or 3 WA members from every region would be nice. If we take the region over then we will discuss plans.
Please inform me first about this operation. I belive Dackians will lead it.
Thank you
Vice President of THE W0RLD
Is this a defense mission to defend a frontier previously attacked, or a raiding mission? The ACP will condemn the latter. The FDF is in the middle of a defense mission in Holy Boheran Empire, if this is a defense mission we will send agents to help you after Holy Boheran Empire has been stabilized.