by Max Barry

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General Star (Governor): The Peoples Dictatorship of United Peoples Republik

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Peoples Dictatorship of United Peoples Republik

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Most Authoritarian: 305th Most Patriotic: 405th Most Conservative: 497th+26
Lowest Crime Rates: 527th Most Advanced Law Enforcement: 562nd Largest Agricultural Sector: 594th Most Corrupt Governments: 628th Most Advanced Defense Forces: 720th Most Secular: 1,066th Highest Average Tax Rates: 1,174th Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 1,178th Most Politically Apathetic Citizens: 1,235th Largest Governments: 1,245th Most Extreme: 1,298th Largest Trout Fishing Sector: 1,447th Most Valuable International Artwork: 1,593rd Healthiest Citizens: 1,601st Largest Manufacturing Sector: 1,828th Largest Information Technology Sector: 1,832nd Most Popular Tourist Destinations: 2,091st Most Advanced Public Transport: 2,145th Highest Poor Incomes: 2,260th Most Advanced Public Education: 2,305th Most Beautiful Environments: 2,321st Most Scientifically Advanced: 2,341st Smartest Citizens: 2,415th Most Eco-Friendly Governments: 2,566th Highest Average Incomes: 2,600th Best Weather: 2,635th
World Factbook Entry

National Jucheist | White Juche Region subscribe ong


Just as there are countless stars in the clear sky, there are also countless dreams in our hearts. If we continue working with full determination toward these dreams, united singleheartedly, we can achieve anything we dream of and be the masters of our own destinies.


This is the map of The United Peoples Republic created by The Peoples Dictatorship of United Peoples Republik . It has 0 estimated diplomatic weight behind it, the most in The United Peoples Republic. It is one of 1 maps of The United Peoples Republic.

Embassies: Fredonia, The Embassy, The Solar Union, United Britain and Nicholas Empire, Chocolate territory, The Allied Nations, Landland, Pecan Sandies, True Waskaria, Mitteleuropa, Guinea Kiribati, Hurricane 12, Assembly of Socialist States, Sozialists United, Moscow Kremlin, The Algirian lands IV, and 1 other.Occupied Mars.

Tags: Anti-Capitalist, Anti-General Assembly, Communist, Conservative, Fascist, Imperialist, Isolationist, Minuscule, Socialist, and Totalitarian.

The United Peoples Republic contains 4 nations.

Today's World Census Report

The Largest Governments in The United Peoples Republic

World Census agents lined up at public agencies around the world in order to study the extent of government in nations, taking into consideration economic output, social and cultural significance, and raw size.

As a region, The United Peoples Republic is ranked 1,245th in the world for Largest Governments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Dictatorship of The National Allied StatesPsychotic Dictatorship“Rule With Fear and oppression.”
2.The Peoples Dictatorship of United Peoples RepublikPsychotic Dictatorship“The people are our god”
3.The People's Republic of Benevolent ChosonPsychotic Dictatorship“Strong and Prosperous Nation”
4.The Queendom of Marie-LaurePsychotic Dictatorship“Patience is a slow killer”

Regional Happenings


The United Peoples Republic Regional Message Board

Popular YouTuber, Username: KOningNoviPoes almost 2K subs and 1.5M views
Go check it out

Sorfolk and Caeloratorina

United sogan states


United sogan states

Is anyone else active?

Post self-deleted by Staraya Moskva.

Salutations fellow Socialists. This is the O.S.S.R(OverSimplified Soviet Socialist Republic)

nah im ded

did u guys come from my yt channel?

No i was just searching for socialist regions to join and i chose this one


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