by Max Barry

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Screw it, I'm just going to ignore the election for now.

So unless someone wins, don't expect me to focus on it for now.

Bottas and Zhou are not having their contracts renewed for next year.
I reckon Bortoleto will take the open seat.

Azassas wrote:he will try to convince you how evil Project 2025 is

A texan woman died because of the overturning of Roe V Wade which meant she couldn't get an abortion in time. Project 2025 not only supports but advocates for the expansion of anti choice laws. You can be pro life personally, but I don't think you should be able to force others

Hello and welcome to The North Pacific!

United States of Dictators wrote:
The cous ladgellstan, Pondanya, Farts stink badly 2024, Gallofrance, The chinese communistic party, Hablexy, Queen Ravenna Fontainon, Legioclia, Lovinana, Banana sprite challenge, Latitudinar, The peoples republic of pandas, Tria Ales, Cards60, Greater czech0slovakia, Hispano germanic alliance, Ibra, CGB, Jerrysburgensun, Sectopia, Allobrogian Savoy, Nueva castilla la mancha, Velgaria, Abrahimia, Testng43, Thri, Ontario ii, Rizzy gohan, Oblitare, Newedge, Roblox sinsk, Talispax, The long gone nation of hesstenberg, Kawosaki, Vireatfal iii, Pueraid, Cal cu la tor 8, Norineari, Varimotza, British clia wilonis, Nameofthepeople, Silverlingh, The Grand Athena And Nike, Banana Barbarians, Reformed brloneinkoacker, Huwon, Norodia i, Icd, Helshiscolithamtonsk, Cargerion, Spanita, Brother of gold, -banana-, Kenjino, The Turkic Peacekeepers, Norodia f, Beran empire, Spotsylstania, Rape victims llc, Fino new, Bluestar realm, The tosh, Democratic republic of maronia, Social republic of belorus, Iphone16pro, Ojoe cate, Uphoria, Based Trumpistan Rostoria, Rebublic of hurestan, Le krusty krab, Free greandarvustandis iii, Cabaniet, Cal cu la tor 17, Better c0untry, Zuboland, Norden Jarnviter, Lololllll, United Union of Stomper, Great somalian dadnimada, Evers Fal, Lnouvel, Citze zephis, Daggyw Archipelago, Willie and louie, Diego gercia, Cebokia, The dynasty of aculon, United republic of maronia, Gunazia, Ussrtu, 13cart, Minetaria, Makarapa, Russia Republics, Belarusyponchik808, Super gras, Kyr is ligma, Western kihans, Scale gar, New thebalish, GINOMINO, True sebland, Dagivil, Selia pandistostilko

Are you lost or confused on how the game works or what to do in our region? Telegram our Gameside Advocates or the Minister of Home Affairs (>> me <<), we will be more than happy to help! In the meantime, check out the TNP Handbook to get a first hand idea of the region.

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Post by Cojembia suppressed by GridLand Empire.

Wellesley wrote:Tariffs are bad for the economy, it only kills local industry not foreign ones, china can just sell to other markets he just handed this century to China. Also his peace proposals for Ukraine is basically just to strip away their independence as a country to Russia, throwing Ukrainians under the bus. His plans for tax cuts have no bearing in reality at all , there's no numbers to balance the budget. His peace proposal for Gaza is just for Netanyahu to go "finish the job" resulting in the continued slaughtering of palestinians. He plans to appoint RFK Jr as CDC head, a vaccine conspiracist that resulted in a resurgence of polio. Trump spread libel about Haitians eating cats and dogs on live television. There are no redeeming qualities to this man.

Tarrifs aren't used to kill China's economy, they're used to protect local industries. American industries face difficulties because Chinese imports outclass them, if tarrifs are implemented, local industries can take time to develop until they're strong enough to compete with Chinese imports on their own, and since the US is a heavily industrialised nation with many industrial and financial corporations, this will likely succeed. For Ukraine, obviously Trump won't just throw them into Russia's mouth. His plan relies on intimidation and actual dangerous threats to Putin rather than endless war against Russia. Remember, the US didn't win the Cold War against the USSR using military dominance, but using strategic economic, diplomatic, cultural advantages to strangle it. Notice how both of Putin's attack on Ukraine happened in 2014 and 2022, when the US had no direct threats to Russia, but it's different under Trump. he can turn Putin into Soleimani any moment. The buget would be more balanced if the government stop printing and spending so damn much money and raising tax so damn high. Lowering the tax helps people do business and earn more money easier, and most of the infrastructure, public, military projects can be paid for even if tax is lower, if the government knows how to spend money properly. For Gaza, obviously Trump is going to be pro-Israel, who would expect that. But at least stopping the war, pulling out, and cutting off Iran's money for Hamas, Houthis and Hezbollah will shorten the war, even if the Palestinians aren't getting much out of it. Haitians eating dogs and cats are probably exxagerated, but illegal immigrants from 3rd world countries recking your country is a good reason to not want them here. Ok, I agree on the vaccine part. I am against fully mandatory vax, but anti-vax is just stupid.

Holy yap lil bro that's crazy

Spoiler that please
Thank you

Pffft French class?
What's that?
I prefer skipping

Did...did you just double post?

Cojembia wrote:Did...did you just double post?

We allow that now

GridLand Empire wrote:We allow that now

The rules have slightly changed...TNP has fallen...Billions must die.

Futurist State of Flassau wrote:Trump won, now what?

Party time!

Post self-deleted by Azassas.

Azassas wrote:Are Donald Trump in the tnp presidency?

No, but we do have Picairn for delegacy (ENDORSE HIM NOW!!!)

And Picairn actually doesn't lie to the people, yipeee

Futurist State of Flassau wrote:Trump won, now what?

Idk, this is the end of the world?

Azassas wrote:Are Donald Trump in the tnp presidency?


Post self-deleted by Azassas.


With tariffs that means all the cheap affordable foreign goods become expensive and who do you think foots the bill? Do you think the companies maintain the same price for their customer just so they can cut into their profit margins? Of course not. As for the goal of the tariffs, that being strengthening domestic industry, he plans to end the CHIPS act, an act that helped revitalize the us semiconductor industry.

For Ukraine, what is his plans for intimidation? Boots on the ground? Nukes? More sanctions that Russia has so far just don't care? Elon Musk, one of Trump's backers who is planned to have a seat in the 2nd Trump administration was recently outed as having Russian connections. Even then Trump's plan includes ceding territory to Russia, the direct antonym of intimidation. His VP pick JD Vance wants a DMZ and exclude Ukraine from NATO, ensuring the country is never fully independent to choose its own foreign policy. I can't believe you actually just trust his word of "ending the war in 24 hours" without any concrete plans.
As for the taxes, I think you and I have fundamentally different economic beliefs system so I'm not even gonna argue there.

And also do you know the Haitians in Springfield weren't even illegal immigrants but legal migrants working in Ohio? The true number is closer to 5000 and not the uncited ridiculous claim of 20000 Haitians. Even if they're illegal migrants does that justify to spread racist libel of them, making them "subhumans"? Do you want a return to Pogroms where minorities were demonized and lynched? The entire story was a fabrication from the get go and it's genuinely scary how many people fell for it.

As for Palestine, when you say pulling out do you mean an arms embargo? If so, do you actually believe Trump will stop selling arms to Israel? Fyi he has already stated he will give Benjamin Netanyahu to finish the job, which so far has been razing cities to the ground and making plans for new Israeli settlements to be propped up there, which is the very opposite of detente. Also you treat the Palestinians like they're getting some sort of economic contract in this war, "Not getting much out of it". Thousands have died due to the IDF's indiscriminate bombing of UN refugee camps in Gaza, Israel invaded Lebanon which is an act of aggression. The leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah have already been terminated months ago yet Israel continues to occupy the region, if their plan was to eliminate terrorists it was done long ago and they should've left.
Also how do you even cit off Iran's money to their proxies, embargo them like you've already did a thousand times before?

another useless debate. literally happening like i said

Futurist State of Flassau wrote:Trump won, now what?

Gotta go to work ugh

Azassas wrote:another useless debate. literally happening like i said

I think constructive debates are good for a healthy democracy, but I know you just want a authoritarian strong arm leader so you perceive it as useless

Wellesley wrote:I think constructive debates are good for a healthy democracy, but I know you just want a authoritarian strong arm leader so you perceive it as useless

you know nothing about what i want

Azassas wrote:you know nothing about what i want

Well, what do you want then? What do you gain from a Trump presidency

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