by Max Barry

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Community Director (Governor): The Regional Administration of The Kodiak Republic

WA Delegate (non-executive): The Most Serene Republic of Battadia (elected )

Founder: The Regional Administration of The Kodiak Republic

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Most World Assembly Endorsements: 17th Most Nations: 119th Most Influential: 288th+3
Most Valuable International Artwork: 1,020th Largest Black Market: 2,473rd Most Inclusive: 2,862nd
World Factbook Entry

Welcome to the Serene Republic of Kodiak!
NationStates' premier vintage democratic region!

Join our Community Discord! Link -||- Or read our Wiki! Link -||- Or listen to our anthem! LinkYT: Anthem

Recent Kodiaker News:

• Left wing coalition win snap election and select Viktor Adler (KWA) as Chancellor.
• KSDP Chancellor Jack Williams resigns after motion of no confidence led by Antonio Rufian (SHRIMP).
• Former Chancellor Hurst arrested and extradited from Avaldonia for attempted assassination of Jack Williams.

Next major election: 03 Mar (RP Year 678 AB)
Government Career Opportunities Available - enquire in Discord!

____Yeeclack classic blend - since 15 April 2008____

  1. 2,790

    NationStates Guide

    MetaReference by Amerion . 115,664 reads.

  2. 21

    Kodiak Master Dispatch

    MetaReference by The Kodiak Republic . 1,577 reads.

  3. 7

    TKR Embassy Policy

    MetaReference by The Kodiak Republic . 357 reads.

Embassies: URA, United Kingdom, Thegye, Anteria, Cape of Good Hope, Conch Kingdom, Lands End, Ridgefield, Imperial Britain, The Alliance of Queens, Unknown, and 00000 A World Power.

Tags: Casual, Democratic, Egalitarian, Enormous, Featured, Game Player, Map, Modern Tech, Offsite Chat, Regional Government, Role Player, and Social.

Regional Power: Very High

The Kodiak Republic contains 319 nations, the 119th most in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Largest Cheese Export Sector in The Kodiak Republic

Qualified World Census Cheese Masters nibbled their way across the globe to determine which nations have the most developed cheese exports.

As a region, The Kodiak Republic is ranked 10,274th in the world for Largest Cheese Export Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Most Serene Republic of PiehuDemocratic Socialists“Friendship”
2.The United Provinces of PangolastanCorrupt Dictatorship“loyalty to Lionel Messi is all you need”
3.The Military Junta of GarmiPsychotic Dictatorship“Inevitable shan't be stopped”
4.The Most United Commonwealth of CromrelandInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Work for the future”
5.The The Intellectual Order of Uga bugDemocratic Socialists“Democracy, the true way”
6.The Disputed Territories of NomanslandingLeft-Leaning College State“No man in Nomanslanding can't FIGHT!!!”
7.The Federation of Moses FederationRight-wing Utopia“Putting People First, Every Step of The Way”
8.The Federal Beherbian Council of United BeherbiaIron Fist Consumerists“Den Menschen und dem Land dienen.”
9.The Queendom of Mariya AndreyevaCapitalizt“You have the courage and power to live your dreams”
10.The Pink Holy Lucky Christmas of The CresceniaLeft-Leaning College State“Moon, Friendship, NationStates, Brains”
1234. . .3132»

Regional Happenings


The Kodiak Republic Regional Message Board

Kiwi Imperium wrote:What do you think “everybody here” means?

Buddy you’re not even ranked in jacksh*t except for AVERAGENESS. You ain’t scarin’ no one, so how about you save your high-pitched squeaks for a smaller region?

Kiwi Imperium wrote:

We send our laser eye kiwis to cause absolute destruction

And of course the least intimidating fighter godmods. Fine, two can play at this game. We create a hack-proof robot that instantly deletes everything it chooses to. We send it to Kiwi Imperium and the robot deletes the nation.

Now I’m going to sit back and not respond to this any further because that’s probably the boldest I’ll ever feel for now.

Yarumab-Corriopankt wrote:Buddy you’re not even ranked in jacksh*t except for AVERAGENESS. You ain’t scarin’ no one, so how about you save your high-pitched squeaks for a smaller region?And of course the least intimidating fighter godmods. Fine, two can play at this game. We create a hack-proof robot that instantly deletes everything it chooses to. We send it to Kiwi Imperium and the robot deletes the nation.

Now I’m going to sit back and not respond to this any further because that’s probably the boldest I’ll ever feel for now.

I think the best way was to simply ignore his bullshit, it won't affect you at all around here.

Yarumab-Corriopankt wrote:Buddy you’re not even ranked in jacksh*t except for AVERAGENESS. You ain’t scarin’ no one, so how about you save your high-pitched squeaks for a smaller region?And of course the least intimidating fighter godmods. Fine, two can play at this game. We create a hack-proof robot that instantly deletes everything it chooses to. We send it to Kiwi Imperium and the robot deletes the nation.

Now I’m going to sit back and not respond to this any further because that’s probably the boldest I’ll ever feel for now.

My man i don't think there's any reason to argue with them, maybe they're just new and not mature enough to realise that god-modding is not cool. Instead we should peacefully explain them about those stuff so instead of getting intimidated they'll actually learn to co-operate, All the sarcasm is actually funny! But remember they were once the same as you!

Withered allyway wrote:My man i don't think there's any reason to argue with them, maybe they're just new and not mature enough to realise that god-modding is not cool. Instead we should peacefully explain them about those stuff so instead of getting intimidated they'll actually learn to co-operate, All the sarcasm is actually funny! But remember they were once the same as you!

Yeah, I’m not trying to actually be serious. I just was hoping for some light drama to make my day a little more interesting.

Sabutaka wrote:interesting...

About damn time, I can finally use my bio-chemical arsenal

Endorse me back.

Kiwi Imperium wrote:Hahaha. That was a doppelgänger And our leader is safe and sound.Yezzzzz
We send our laser eye kiwis to cause absolute destruction

And you are funny! I have more military than you have population.

Withered allyway wrote:My man i don't think there's any reason to argue with them, maybe they're just new and not mature enough to realise that god-modding is not cool. Instead we should peacefully explain them about those stuff so instead of getting intimidated they'll actually learn to co-operate, All the sarcasm is actually funny! But remember they were once the same as you!

how bro felt after saying this:

Kiwi Imperium wrote:I’m declaring war on everybody here

no. i reject

nvm my democracy is back now

Yep, I have Flu A

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