by Max Barry

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Riverigas wrote:Hello! I just arrived from a different region.

Hello and welcome! Feel free to let me know if you need any help settling in.

Ormenea wrote:Graduated, bored, revived my nationstates lolol hope you've been well, too!

That's good to hear! Yes, all is well with me, thank you.

Hey! We're Natkr and we are exciting to join this region. Do you guys have any sports in your region?

hi i'm back after who knows how many months lol

La Montevideo wrote:hi i'm back after who knows how many months lol

Good to see you again!


Have you ever found yourself deep in thought, staring out your window, wondering, “Why is it that in this great nation, we can’t just have free healthcare, universal income, and a government that tells us exactly when to pray… AND also solve the national sock shortage?” Well, wonder no more. With North American Progressive Third Way Theocratic Communism, not only will we distribute wealth equitably and keep religion and state on the same page, but we’ll finally get to the bottom of the world’s most pressing problem: the alarming and unjust imbalance in llama populations.

Let’s first focus on the important stuff—like how, in our glorious society, the working class will finally get what it deserves. We’re talking about the kind of economic equality that doesn’t just give everyone a fair share and insists that all citizens have access to free dental work (because oral health is a human right, obviously) and a mandatory weekly snack of artisanal cheese from local farms. But don’t be fooled—this is not your run-of-the-mill, second-rate socialism. Oh no. This is Theocratic Communism. The best of both worlds served with a side of righteousness. What better way to achieve utopia than with equal wealth distribution and weekly prayer sessions in the national religion- Jehovah’s Witness Islamic Buddhism, led by our Pasimam Lama?

Some of you might be wondering, “What does faith have to do with running a country, especially when we still don’t know why no one has solved the problem of socks mysteriously disappearing in the laundry?” Fear not. We’ve got you covered. Not only will our government tackle the greatest social injustices of our time, but we will also enact an executive order requiring the nationwide distribution of sock-pairing kits. You can thank us later. And don’t even get us started on the chicken nugget deficit—we will end it in our first 100 days.

North American Progressive Third Way Theocratic Communism perfectly fuses divine wisdom and practical economics. Even the Arlandian Mutiny planning to take over the government supports North American Progressive Third Way Theocratic Communism! Do you want to abolish the scourge of wealth inequality while ensuring every citizen has access to affordable potato salad? You got it. Need the government to provide a blueprint for social justice while also delivering a national solution to the crisis of potholes on every street corner? Absolutely. We’re a political ideology that cares about the big things (like universal basic income) and the little things (like ensuring every mailbox is equipped with its own SPIT container).

In our society, no one will ever have to choose between a job and spiritual enlightenment, because we’ll make sure both are mandatory! That’s right, folks. Not only will every citizen have a stable job, but they will also spend a mandatory 15 minutes a day in silent prayer with their coworkers, as guided by the Holy Office of Labor and Divine Intervention. To ensure that you’re working with a clear conscience, our state-sponsored prayer breaks will be paired with a brief 3-minute meditation on the crucial need for global hammock distribution.

But that’s not all. Our society doesn’t just work for you; it works with you—like a giant, anarchist potluck where everyone brings something to the table. Your contributions to society (in the form of tax revenue and moral righteousness) will be reflected in your Social ‘security’ number, which you can use to vote on national issues like whether “Everyone is Petea Week” should be a federally recognized holiday, or if the Department of Transportation should focus more on roundabouts and fewer on ‘traffic light accidents.’

Don’t think we’re ignoring the big, cosmic questions either. What happens when a nation’s prosperity is intertwined with the Divine Will? Easy. No more traffic jams. That’s right, folks. As part of our long-term infrastructure plan, we’ll introduce “Blessed Highways” that operate on a mystical principle we like to call Graceful Flow, which is a combination of actual engineering and divine favor. Expect .02 millisecond commutes, everywhere. And if you're stuck in traffic? Well, it's a sign that you need a deeper connection with the Universe, and we’re happy to provide the spiritual guidance.

Under North American Progressive Third Way Theocratic Communism, we believe that everyone should be free to pursue their dreams, whether that dream involves creating a utopia or finally solving the South Pacific-wide issue of cake vs pie, Everyone will have access to top-notch education, unlimited access to cheese at government-funded Cheese Bars, and, of course, the unalienable right to adopt as many ankle haters as they can care for. Each family will be required to take part in the Great Llama Exchange Program, to help promote inter-species understanding and Llama-based solidarity.

So, if you’re tired of the same old political systems that only address half of your needs (like basic healthcare, or affordable housing), then it’s time to join the revolution. Come for the universal basic income, stay for the mandatory prayer breaks, and never leave because your socks will finally be paired. North American Progressive Third Way Theocratic Communism is here, and we’re finally making the world— a better place.
If you want to, please like this dispatch I need clout

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Same factbook, 20% more informative!

    DISTRICS (States)
    -Capital (as of 1/22/25)

    2: Los Cambrios-Xolo
    3: Asaki-Faladay
    4: Shi’ma-New Quara
    5: La Sartegräd- La Wasse
    6: Xoatska-Mongra
    7: Kir- Kir city
    8: Fincia-Finciapolis
    9: Lãs De’Cambrias-Halemandra
    10: Mayeton-Shura
    11: Maro-Maro Bay

    13: Western Mayeton-Hryzshar

Read factbook

another factbook for your entertainment

The Constitutional Republic of Zhuanghwei

Civilian Flag

Coat of Arms

Motto: "Not today, satan!”

National Anthem: "Groed van Solauha"


Population: 1.258 billion
-Density: 623 people per km²
-Urban: 36.4%

Lifespan: 90.54 years

Capital: Kur’ash
Largest Cities:

    1. Maro Bay
    2. Gerad-Victoria (Victoria)
    3. Kur’ash

Official Language: None

National Language: Hweili

Demonym: Zhuang


Land Area: 1.24 million km²
(700,000 mile²)
-Mountains and foothills: 48.3%
- Plains 30.7%
- arable/settleable land: 21%
Water Area: 200,000 km²
-EEZ (200 miles)

Highest Point: Mount Cusa
2,970 m ( 9,740 ft)

Lowest Point: Maбке Flat
Height 47 m (below sea level) (154 ft)


Federal Republican democracy
under President:

- President: Mahia Ukēro
- Vice President (VP): Malan Kavoa
- House Speaker: John Paige
-Head Justice: Fatima Ahmed

Legislature: “Parliament”
- Senate (Upper House)
- House of The People (Lower House)

Independence from: UK
Date of Independence: June 8, 1859
National Day: June 9


125 Trillion Denaris (₰)

87.32 (very high)


Income: ₰100,046

Tax Rate: ~70%

Currency: Denari ₰

Conversion rate: 1₰= $0.965 (USD)

Time Zone: UTC +7 - +9

Internet TLD: .zh

Ethnic Groups

    Hweili (63%)
    Olopois (27%)
    Other (10%)

The Republic of Zhuanghwei

    Zhuanghwei is a vast and diverse country located in The South Pacific, boasting a population of approximately 1.258 billion people. It has a high population density, about 623 people per square kilometer, and urbanization is a high 92.1%. The capital city of Zhuanghwei is Kur'ash, and its largest cities include Maro Bay, Gÿnshy (Gunshey), and Kur'ash. Zhuanghwei is unique in that it has no official language, but its national language is Hweili, spoken by most of the population.

    Geographically, Zhuanghwei is characterized by a diverse landscape, with 48.3% of its land covered in mountains and foothills, and 30.7% plains. The country has 21% of its land area suitable for settlement or agriculture. It has a total land area of 1.24 million square kilometers (700,000 square miles), and water bodies cover around 200,000 square kilometers. Its highest point is Mount Cusa, which reaches an elevation of 2,970 meters (9,740 feet), while the lowest point, Maбке Flat, lies 47 meters below sea level.

    Zhuanghwei is a federal republic with a democratic system of government, and it gained independence from the United Kingdom on June 8, 1859. The country celebrates its national day on June 9 which is celebrated by a military parade and 3 days off work for all citizens. The government is headed by President Mahia Ukenşa, with Malan Kavoa serving as the Vice President. The country's legislative body, the Parliament, consists of the Senate (upper house) and the House of the People (lower house), and the Head Justice is Fatima Ahmed.

    Economically, Zhuanghwei is one of the wealthier nations in its region, with a GDP of 125 trillion Denaris (₺) and a high Human Development Index (HDI) of 87.32. Despite its robust economy, employment rates are low, with approximately 50% of the working-age population employed. The country’s currency, the Denari (₺), has a conversion rate of 1₺ to 0.965 USD. Zhuanghwei also has a high tax rate of about 70%, reflecting its extensive public services and infrastructure. Its time zone is UTC+11, and it is identified by the internet domain suffix ".zh."

    Ethnically, Zhuanghwei is predominantly made up of Hweili people (63%), followed by Olopois (27%), with other smaller ethnic groups comprising the remaining 10%. The country's longevity is notable, with an average life expectancy of 90.54 years, reflecting high standards of healthcare and living conditions.

    Zhuang: This element of the name is derived from the ancient word Zhuzehase meaning solemnity, or united. This is reflected as the many different ethnic groups either native or foreign, came together to fight the British colonizers to gain Zhuanghwei’s Independence.
    Hwei: The second component, Hwei, is directly linked to the Hweili language and ethnic group. The use of hwei signifies a deep connection between the name of the country and its linguistic identity. In many languages and cultures, the name of a nation often reflects the language spoken by its people. Therefore, hwei in this context suggests that the country’s identity is inextricably tied to the Hweili language, which holds cultural and unifying significance for the population.

Painting of Maro Bay, made by Leonardo da Manatee

The Cusa mountain range

Special thanks to Volaworand for letting use this format

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27th January 1945 (80 years ago): Auschwitz is liberated — International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Background on the Holocaust

The Holocaust, known in Hebrew as the Shoah (שואה), was the genocide of European Jews during World War II. Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe, around two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population. The murders were carried out primarily through mass shootings and poison gas in extermination camps, chiefly Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor, and Chełmno in occupied Poland. The European Jews were targeted for extermination as part of a larger event during the Holocaust era (1933–1945), in which Germany and its collaborators persecuted and murdered other groups, including ethnic Poles, Soviet civilians and prisoners of war, the Roma, the disabled, political and religious dissidents, and gay men. The death toll of these other groups is thought to be over 11 million. The term Holocaust is sometimes used to encompass also the persecution of these other groups.

The Nazis developed their ideology based on racism and pursuit of "living space", and seized power in early 1933. Meant to force all German Jews to emigrate, regardless of means, the regime passed anti-Jewish laws, encouraged harassment, and orchestrated a nationwide pogrom in November 1938. After Germany invaded Poland in September 1939, occupation authorities began to establish ghettos to segregate Jews. Following the June 1941 invasion of the Soviet Union, 1.5 to 2 million Jews were shot by German forces and local collaborators. By early 1942, the Nazis decided to murder all Jews in Europe. Victims were deported to extermination camps where they were killed with poisonous gas if survived, while others were sent to forced labor camps where many died from starvation, abuse, exhaustion, or being used as test subjects in experiments. Property belonging to murdered Jews were redistributed to the German occupiers and other non-Jews. Although the majority of Holocaust victims died in 1942, the killing continued until the end of the war in May 1945.


Auschwitz concentration camp, also known as Oświęcim concentration camp, was a complex of over 40 concentration and extermination camps operated by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland (in a portion annexed into Germany in 1939) during World War II and the Holocaust. It consisted of Auschwitz I, the main camp (Stammlager) in Oświęcim; Auschwitz II-Birkenau, a concentration and extermination camp with gas chambers; Auschwitz III-Monowitz, a labor camp for the chemical conglomerate IG Farben; and dozens of subcamps. The camps became a major site of the Nazis' Final Solution to the Jewish Question.

The first gassings—of Soviet and Polish prisoners—took place in block 11 of Auschwitz I around August 1941. Construction of Auschwitz II began the following month, and from 1942 until late 1944 freight trains delivered Jews from all over German-occupied Europe to its gas chambers. The Nazis deceived the victims upon their arrival, telling them that they were at a temporary transit stop, and would soon continue to German Arbeitslagers (work camps) farther to the east. Prisoners wore colored triangles on their uniforms, the color denoting the reason for their incarceration. Red signified a political prisoner, Jehovah's Witnesses had purple triangles, "asocials" and criminals wore black and green, and gay men wore pink. Jews wore two yellow triangles, one over another to form a six-pointed star. Prisoners in Auschwitz were tattooed on arrival with an identification number.

Selected able-bodied prisoners delivered to the death camps were not immediately killed, but instead were pressed into labor units called Sonderkommandos to help with the extermination process by removing corpses from the gas chambers and burning them. Vernichtung durch Arbeit ("extermination through labor") was a policy; camp inmates would literally be worked to death, or to physical exhaustion, at which point they would be gassed or shot. The Germans estimated the average prisoner's lifespan in a concentration camp at three months, as a result of lack of food and clothing, constant epidemics, and frequent punishments for the most minor transgressions. The shifts were long and often involved exposure to dangerous materials. Those selected for death at all camps were told to undress and hand their valuables to camp workers. They were then herded naked into the gas chambers. To prevent panic, they were told the gas chambers were showers or delousing chambers.

At Auschwitz, after the chambers were filled, the doors were shut and pellets of Zyklon-B were dropped into the chambers through vents, releasing toxic prussic acid. Those inside were murdered within 20 minutes; the speed of death depended on how close the inmate was standing to a gas vent, according to the commandant Rudolf Höss, who estimated that about one-third of the victims were killed immediately. Johann Kremer, an SS doctor who oversaw the gassings, testified that: "Shouting and screaming of the victims could be heard through the opening and it was clear that they fought for their lives." The gas was then pumped out, and the Sonderkommandos—work groups of mostly Jewish prisoners—carried out the bodies, extracted gold fillings, cut off women's hair, and removed jewelry, artificial limbs and glasses. At Auschwitz, the bodies were at first buried in deep pits and covered with lime, but between September and November 1942, on the orders of Himmler, 100,000 bodies were dug up and burned. In early 1943, new gas chambers and crematoria were built to accommodate the numbers.

Of the 1.3 million people sent to Auschwitz, 1.1 million died. The death toll includes 960,000 Jews (865,000 of whom were gassed on arrival), 74,000 non-Jewish Poles, 21,000 Roma, 15,000 Soviet prisoners of war, and up to 15,000 others. Those not gassed died of starvation, exhaustion, disease, individual executions, or beatings. Others were killed during medical experiments overseen and performed by the camp doctor, Josef Mengele, the “Angel of Death."

At least 802 prisoners tried to escape, 144 successfully, and on 7 October 1944, two Sonderkommando units, consisting of prisoners who operated the gas chambers, launched an unsuccessful uprising.


Red Army soldiers from the 322nd Rifle Division arrived at Auschwitz on 27 January 1945 at 15:00. 231 Red Army soldiers died in the fighting around Monowitz concentration camp, Birkenau, and Auschwitz I, as well as the towns of Oświęcim and Brzezinka. For most of the survivors, there was no definite moment of liberation. After the death march to camps inside Germany and Austria, the SS-Totenkopfverbände (SS-TV) guards had left.

About 7,000 prisoners had been left behind, most of whom were seriously ill due to the effects of their imprisonment. Most of those left behind were middle-aged adults or children younger than 15. At Monowitz camp, there were about 800 survivors and the camp was liberated also on 27 January by the Soviet 60th Army, part of the 1st Ukrainian Front.

The Red Army had been advancing deeper into Poland since mid-January. Having liberated Warsaw and Krakow, Soviet troops headed for Auschwitz. In anticipation of the Soviet arrival, SS officers began a murder spree in the camps, shooting sick prisoners and blowing up crematoria in a desperate attempt to destroy the evidence of their crimes. When the Red Army finally broke through, Soviet soldiers encountered 648 corpses and more than 7,000 starving camp survivors in the three main camps. Items found included 837,000 women's garments, 370,000 men's suits, 44,000 pairs of shoes, and 7,000 kg of human hair, estimated by the Soviet war crimes commission to have come from 140,000 people.

Georgii Elisavetskii, a Soviet soldier who entered one of the barracks, said in 1980 that he could hear other soldiers telling the inmates: "You are free, comrades!" But they did not respond, so he tried in Russian, Polish, German, Ukrainian. Then he used some Yiddish: "They think that I am provoking them. They begin to hide. And only when I said to them: 'Do not be afraid, I am a colonel of Soviet Army and a Jew. We have come to liberate you' ... Finally, as if the barrier collapsed ... they rushed toward us shouting, fell on their knees, kissed the flaps of our overcoats, and threw their arms around our legs."

The Soviet military medical service and Polish Red Cross (PCK) set up field hospitals that looked after 4,500 prisoners suffering from the effects of starvation (mostly diarrhea) and tuberculosis. Local volunteers helped until the Red Cross team arrived from Kraków in early February. In Auschwitz II, the layers of excrement on the barracks floors had to be scraped off with shovels. Water was obtained from snow and from fire-fighting wells. Before more help arrived, 2,200 patients there were looked after by a few doctors and 12 PCK nurses. All the patients were later moved to the brick buildings in Auschwitz I, where several blocks became a hospital, with medical personnel working 18-hour shifts.

Battle-hardened soldiers who were used to death were shocked by the Nazis' treatment of prisoners. Red Army general Vasily Petrenko, commander of the 107th Infantry Division, remarked, "I who saw people dying every day was shocked by the Nazis' indescribable hatred toward the inmates who had turned into living skeletons. I read about the Nazis' treatment of Jews in various leaflets, but there was nothing about the Nazis' treatment of women, children, and old men. It was in Auschwitz that I found out about the fate of the Jews.

The liberation of Auschwitz received little press attention at the time; the Red Army was focusing on its advance toward Germany and liberating the camp had not been one of its key aims. Boris Polevoi reported on the liberation in the official newspaper of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Pravda on 2 February 1945 but made no mention of Jews; inmates were described collectively as "victims of Fascism". It was when the Western Allies arrived in Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, and Dachau in April 1945 that the liberation of the camps received extensive coverage.

Aftermath and legacy

Only 789 Auschwitz staff, up to 15 percent, ever stood trial after the Holocaust ended; several were executed, including camp commandant Rudolf Höss. The Allies' failure to act on early reports of atrocities by bombing the camp or its railways remains controversial.

Many Jewish survivors emigrated out of Europe after the war. A few Holocaust perpetrators faced criminal trials. Billions of dollars in reparations have been paid, although falling short of the Jews' losses.

27 January is a day commemorated since 2005 as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. In the decades after the war, survivors such as Primo Levi, Viktor Frankl, and Elie Wiesel wrote memoirs of their experiences, and the camp became a dominant symbol of the Holocaust. In 1947 Poland founded the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum on the site of Auschwitz I and II, and in 1979 it was named a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO.

The Holocaust has also been commemorated in museums, memorials, and culture. It has become central to Western historical consciousness as a symbol of the ultimate human evil.

Gate to Auschwitz I with its Arbeit macht frei sign ("work sets you free").

Auschwitz II-Birkenau gatehouse; the train track, in operation May–October 1944, led directly to the gas chambers.

Camps and ghettos in occupied Europe showing WW2 borders.

Romani people being deported from Asperg, Germany, 22 May 1940.

Hungarian Jews on the Judenrampe (Jewish ramp) after disembarking from the Holocaust trains. Photo from the Auschwitz Album (May 1944).

Jews from the Tét Ghetto walking toward the gas chambers located near crematoria II and III, 27 May 1944. Photograph from the Auschwitz Album.

A reconstruction of crematorium I, Auschwitz I.

Young survivors at the camp, liberated by the Red Army in January 1945.

Eyeglasses of victims, 1945.

La Montevideo wrote:hi i'm back after who knows how many months lol

Hi, everyone! I honestly don't know the last time I have posted in this message board, haha! Likewise, my time in this site has certainly been sporadic in the last few months!

Guys, what are your opinions on my main dispatch:

Flag of the Great Ming Dynasty

Flag of the Ming Army (mainly used in the Ming Protectorates of the Zhongyuan)

Great Ming Dynasty
Capital: Qianjing
Population: 375 million
Current Emperor: Zhu Jie Zhi
现任皇帝: 朱节樴
Imperial Yearname: Yongyao (Eternally Shining)
年号: 永耀
Current Year: 2035

The Great Ming Dynasty, commonly known as the Ming Dynasty or the Ming Empire


In 1644, what with the Shun taking Beijing and the Manchurians ready to invade China proper, what remaining of the Ming government met in Nanjing. There, what remained of the Ming navy was waiting. The Ming government, along with 3 million civillians and soldiers combined which were either from Nanjing or had come to escape with the monarchy, which though highly unpopular still had a lot of loyalists due to the Chongzhen Emperor's attempts in the last years of the Dynasty to save the nation (The point of divergence is the 1620, with the Tianqi and Chongzhen emperors choosing to develop naval travel more, and also trying to save the population from famine, but to no avail, as China was undergoing an ice age), as the Hongguang (emperor of the Ming rump state in Nanjing after Beijing fell). The people filled the ships, rendering each ship about half-full. They then set off, stopping at Canton, Quanzhou, and many other ports to allow more people to board. Then, all ships filled to the brim, with 7 million and a lot of supplies, the Ming dynasty left China.

They steered south, with the surviving Ming monarchy leading them. Those steering the ships, due to getting the job due to their familial relationships and corruption instead of experience, managed to miss the Phillipines completely, got caught in a storm that made them go off course, failing to reach Indonesia, etc.

According to myth, as they were hopelessly drifting east of the Indonesias, food and supplies running out, Zhu You Song, which had been the new "Emperor" who had led this operation, famously took out the 传国玉玺 (Chuán Guó Yùxǐ), also known as the Heirloom Seal of the Realm, a replica of the original one owned by Qin Shi Huang. The Hongguang Emperor, raising it, said to the heavens:

"Heavens, you once favored us, the Zhu family, to save China from the Mongols. However, we have lost this favor through our oppression and incompetency in the last hundred years. Jade Emperor of the Heavens, I beg of you, give me the mandate of heaven again, and show me land ripe for settlement, so that one day we may return and save China."

Just then, land appeared on the distant horizon. (They had reached Gulf of Carpentaria on the North Australian Coast). At this, everyone started to cheer and Zhu You Song personally kneeled down, and crying, thanked the heavens.

At what is known in our world as Darwin, Zhu You Song settled down. In the early years, due to the large population and lack of infrastructure, many died. Strive was rampant, but the settlers never lost faith in the Ming. By 1700, as Zhu You Song finally was laid to rest, having died at 80 after many long years of serving the Ming Dynasty (or what was left of it), the new capital, Qianjing (or Heavenly Capital 乾京), was more or less complete and almost as large as Nanjing.

In 1700, the newly ascended emperor (grandson of Zhu You Song) Zhu He Chi (朱和墀) declared that Qianjing was now a formidable city the likes of any great city under the Qing boot, and that the Ming's goal was now to colonise the entirety of their new home continent. Thus, the Ming extended along the coastline of Nanhaizhou 南海洲 (their name for Australia), also colonising the southern coast of the islands of the Qundaozhou 群岛洲 (their name for the Indonesian archipelago), and discovering Xinpenglai 新蓬莱 (their name for New Zealand).

In 1748, 朱和墀 died of old age after 48 years of service, and was given the 庙号 of 明高昇宗 (High Dawn Ancestor of Ming). After him, many more emperors such as: 明太文宗 (Great Adminstrative Ancestor of Ming), 明成武宗 (Martial Formation Emperor of Ming),明弘景宗 (Great Vision Ancestor of Ming),明元安宗 (First Pacification Ancestor of Ming),明恒定宗 (Eternally Stable Ancestor of Ming),and 明昭丰宗 (Prosperity Proclaimation Ancestor of Ming) ruled the Ming Dynasty, their many contributions including the removal of Dutch oppression on Qundaozhou, the colonisation of Qundaozhou and Xinpenglai, the declaration of the secondary capital 应洋 (in OTL area of Syndey+Canberra), gradual industrialisation (not westernisation, for the Ming held on to their culture firmly), defeating communisation of the economy (明恒定宗 was a fan of Marx's economic writings, though seeing Marx's ideas of culture and society as baseless and stupid nonsense), and last but not least a militaristic society (seeing the reclaimation of China proper as a great goal that had to be acheived through many generations of hard work and advancement, which differed from the usual stagnancy of Chinese dynasties in China proper). 明昭丰宗 allowed for the democratisation of the government, declaring that all important edicts and orders from the Emperor had to acquire the approval of at least half of the various court officials, of which half were recruited from the traditional way of the imperial examination, and the other half were democratically elected by the people. Nanhaizhou, Qundaozhou and Xinpenglai became littered with dozens of industrialised cities with high levels of development and amenities the level of London or New York.

By the time of death of 明苍原宗, tenth in descendance from 明高昇宗, the year was 1913 (or 545 by the 重明历, official standard calendar of the Ming Dynasty, used alongside the 年号 system), and Europe was broiling with turmoil, ready to erupt into a Great War. As the Republic of China sided with the Allies, the Great Ming Dynasty found it necessary (and also were quite aligned with) the monarchistic Central Powers. Unfortunately, from Malaya the British dealt severe damage on Qundaozhou. After the Treaty of Versailies, the Ming lost Qundaozhou, which the British happily added to their list of colonies (the Dutch never managed to establish a lasting colonial presence on Indonesia, which is kinda hard when the 神机营 has 10000 muskets pointing at you). However, in the early 1940s, as the Japanese invaded the rest of Asia, they seized most of Qundaozhou, and it was the Ming who worked with America, with America liberating the Pacific islands whilst Ming liberated Qundaozhou and also Malaya, therefore re-incorporating them into the Ming dynasty. Many Ming scientists participated in the Manhattan project, taking the chance to steal secrets from America back to the Ming Dynasty. After the defeat of the Japanese, The U.S granted Taiwan to the ROC and American/Ming gains in mainland China against Japanese occupied Coastal China; the Ming took cities like Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Nanjing, forming the Ming Protectorate Of The Zhongyuan. The Americans and Ming had made considerable gains in Coastal China but the Americans had the largest contribution followed closely by Ming and atlast by the ROC as the Ming primarily focused on aiding Allied efforts in South East Asia and the Pacific. The U.S wanting to have a counter to the CCP and U.S.S.R believing in the ROC's capability in defeating a organised Soviet backed uprising had failed to gauge the tru levels of corruption and dissent in the mainland and not believing in the capability of Ming to rule over mainland after centuries decided to back the ROC forces practical reasons in its views. This led to a large withdrawal of Ming support for anti communist activities weakening the ROC and other allied states which had recieved considerable suport from Ming giving the CCP a more lethal advantage to the CCP who swept much of the mainland in record time. The Taiwan Affair also led to a significant thaw in American-Ming relations which remained irreparable. The ROC which had received Taiwan soon had to relocate to the Island after 1948 after their catastrophic failure. It is to be also noted that though the CCP had a far significant victory against the ROC, it had also led to considerable damage due to the aerial and naval superiority of the ROCAF and ROCN were well armed and had significant moral in lieu of the Ming and American aids from WW2, in contrast to the older and bloated NRA which in spite of nominal reforms and huge aid was rotten to its core and was untrustable. The ROC was also able to protect Hainan inspite of ferocious attacks. Over the following years the PRC and ROC ceased multiple cross straits attacks which had effectedly crippled trade and presented huge strains in their domestic economy for the cost incurred on defence expenditure which brewed public discontent. Following the collapse of the U.S and much of the Western World (insert year) the Ming which had sharpening its blade for a opportunity stuck deep liberating Hainan and Taiwan, thus ending the existence of the ROC. The PRC which was significantly damaged beyond repair following the Civil War and the Straits War was caught off-guard and was not able to respond to the Western Collapse. The Ming today is an untouchable superpower and has since cultivating a string of pearls of nations to combat the rising PRC which is riding the wave of economic liberalisation. The Communist China and Russian coalition against the triumvirate of Ming, Japan and India is set to begin the bell of a new Cold War but in Asia.

The Ming Empire has complete control over Nanhaizhou, Qundaozhou, Xinpenglai, Malaya, Nanjing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Fuzhou, Hangzhou, Yangzhou, Chaozhou and the island of Taiwan. Its main allies of South Korea, India and Japan are usually at its service.

The Ming Empire celebrates all traditional Chinese holidays, its national day on January 23rd, and Incorporation Day, when Taiwan and Hainan were anschlussed into incorporated into Ming, on 9 December. It also celebrates Lumination Day on 12 May to celebrate the first semi-automatic rifles of the Ming Dynasty, invented in 1785 by the Shenjiying.

On these three of these days, the Ming people wear red to symbolise their joy, culture and Han heritage.

The Imperial Crisis of 1854
In 1854, a prince was born- and it was found that the royal family had run out of 辈分- used for the second word of Chinese names to show the generation- for since the first emperors of the Ming there had been over about 500 years 20 generations, and now, as the 21st generation came, there were no more 辈分. Finally, it was decided to use the 60 words that had been reserved in case of such accidents by the first Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuan Zhang, all the way back in the founding of the Ming Dynasty. The 60 words, in reality three sets of twenty, were given to the core branch of the imperial family, and the 晋 and 周 due to their high numbers of descendants, the rest being ordered to either write new ones or reuse their original ones:

Core Branch: 毖初斯建节,勖好必贞铨。执准符钓正,询旼汝励虔。
晋 Branch: 荐谞演还畅,先施遂省稽。诹欢爰造就,适艺冀埙篪。
周 Branch: 慧坚忻愿确,鉴洁绰侁孜。习献增盈谧,临饶轶绩撝。

The Ming Dynasty has banned the existence of parties, though in the imperial court, the democratically elected officials tend to be more leaning towards socialist policies, and the officials recruited from the Imperial Examinations (nowadays rigorous examinations split into the Arts and the Sciences) tend to be more technocratic and liberalist.

The Ming laws are proposed by the emperor, voted on by the officials, and celebrated by the people. If the people do not like the law, it is removed.

The Ming Empire's older citizens believe in Chinese Folk Religion, though younger citizens are usually atheistic to a dangerous degree. There is the occasional burning of a temple by radical atheists.

Nowadays, the armies of the Ming Dynasty are armed with the JG-68, a rifle with 30, 50, and 100 bullet magazines though also accepting clip feed, and able to switch between semi-automatic and full automatic. More specialised units use the WS, a machinegun capable of firing 1500 rounds per minute, and the YM-2.1, a sniper rifle with camouflage and accepting clips of 10 heavy-bullets.

The Ming Dynasty's economy is government managed, with many companies adopting soviet systems instead of traditional hierarchal systems that incorporate well into the government's economic model. The Ming economy is based on the export of metals, for Nanhaizhou is abundant with ores such as gold, copper and iron, the manufacturing industry, and agricultural output in recent years, with vertical farming being a hit in the Ming Empire- a agrarian-based culture finally able to farm almost infinitely. The Ming are dabbling in environmental modification to solve the problem of overpopulation- for 90% of Nanhaizhou is desert, and the only reason the Ming can support a population close to 400 million is due to Qundaozhou and Xinpenglai.

The Ming currency is the Ming Bronze, for when the Ming first landed in Nanhaizhou, they made a new currency system where 200 copper coins was worth 100 bronze coins or 2 silver coins, which was worth 1 gold coin. Eventually, the copper and bronze coins were made obsolete, whilst it was found that gold coins were worth less than the gold they were made of, thus people who had them melted them away. Eventually, the silver coin was the only remaining currency in the Ming Dynasty. As Ming entered the modern age bank notes replaced silver coins, but the name "Ming Silver" (明银)remained.

Close Allies:
State of Japan
Republic Of South Korea
United Republics of India

Republic of Thailand
Republic of Myanmar
Republic of Greater Indochina

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