by Max Barry

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by East pacific scp. . 70 reads.


Item #: SCP-1714

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1714 is to be kept in a standard human containment chamber, with no furniture except for a standard faculty chair, a large speaker, and SCP-1714's "chair" and equipment.

SCP-1714 is to be restrained in a modified █████'s Surgical Chair. Reinforced Steel supports are to be used to keep SCP-1714's legs, arms, neck, torso, and chest completely immobile. SCP-1714's vitals are to be monitored 24/7 by Site-█'s Staff Doctors, and any rise or decline is to be immediately reported and dealt with appropriately.

SCP-1714 is to be fed 5 square meals a day by D-Class Personnel, and is to have a visit from Site-█'s psychologist, Dr. ████████.

In the situation of anger, panic, or containment breach, the song "Казачья колыбельная песня" is to be played through the speaker of the room and facility, until either SCP-1714's vitals return to normal, or MTF U-67 is able to capture and restrain SCP-1714.

Description: SCP-1714 is a Human Male standing approximately 2.3m tall, and weighing over 532 kg. Blood tests reveal he is descended from the ████████ Region. Despite his weight, SCP-1714 is not obese, and his weight has been amplified due to a mix of muscle mass and surgical implants.

SCP-1714, due to a mix of his height and augmentations, has a weak heart, and is prone to heart attacks. Use of emergency medical staff, and isolation away from loud noises have been used to limit any and all damage to SCP-1714's heart and health.

SCP-1714 has also shown signs of a deteriorating mental condition, most likely brought on by augmentations and trauma from training. As such, Site-█'s psychologist, Dr. ████████ is to visit SCP-1714 weekly and evaluate his mental condition, and prescribe Site Staff medications necessary to keep SCP-1714 in a peaceful state.


SCP-1714 was given to the organization by the ███████ Government after confinement beneath ██████ for 13 years. Under their control, dozens of outbreak attempts were made. The Organization has fortunately reduced this quite a bit, however attempts are made by SCP-1714 on an irregular basis.

The Government revealed SCP-1714 to be a failed attempt at making a super-soldier, and gave a detailed portfolio on his past.


Staff are forbidden from saying SCP-1714's real name ████ ██████████. This revelation comes after Dr. ████████ spoke his name in their weekly examination. SCP-1714 became heavily enraged, and promptly [DATA EXPUNGED] the Doctor, and caused a minor Contamination Breach.

Dr. █████ from Site-██ shall assume the role.


Proposal to O5 Council for the Termination of SCP-1714 submitted by Col. ███████.

"Proposal denied. We have too much to learn from SCP-1714 and his augmentations."
~ O5-██

Credit to New union of sovereign soviet republics for SCP Idea.

East pacific scp

