by Max Barry

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Governor: The Republic of Puppet-2

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Republic of Puppet-2

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Most Average: 689th
World Factbook Entry



Important Links
About us | ---> LinkDiscord Server <--- | Reserve Task Force
Located on a Desert in the middle of nowhere. The Earth Kingdom is the base of operations for the Free Nations Defense Association.

FNDA is the Official Defence Agency of The Free Nations Region and Hive colloquially known as The Free Nations Federation.

You must join the Discord server to participate in active FNDA, though RTF agents may operate purely on-site.

Current RTF mission: Please send a WA nation to Hive and endorse A Puppet of My Nation and DysonsphereConstructors.

Any RMB posts that are not RTF mission announcements will be suppressed.

  1. 12

    FNDA | The Free Nations Defense Association

    MetaGameplay by FNR . 3,179 reads.

  2. 1

    FNDA | Reserve Task Force

    MetaGameplay by FNR . 127 reads.

Embassies: The Free Nations Region, Army of Freedom, and Hive.

Tags: Defender, Jump Point, Minuscule, and Puppet Storage.

The Earth Kingdom is home to a single nation.

Today's World Census Report

The Most Primitive in The Earth Kingdom

Nations were ranked by World Census officials based on the number of natural phenomena attributed to the unknowable will of animal-based spirit gods.

As a region, The Earth Kingdom is ranked 18,659th in the world for Most Primitive.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of Puppet-2Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Patronis Libertatis”

Regional Happenings


The Earth Kingdom Regional Message Board

Fnr minister of defense

Mission is in factbook until I get the template for the mission making. This is the new MOD btw.

Fnr minister of defense

New Mission:

Raidas bad! Please send a nation to weltschmerz and endorse Boa constrictor.

If this is your first mission, here is how to do it:
1) Resign from the World Assembly on your main nation if it is currently in the World Assembly
2) Make a second nation and join the World Assembly on it, and it only.
3) Send it to weltschmerz
4) Endorse Boa constrictor.

Thank you!

Fnr minister of defense

ew Mission:

Raidas bad! Please send a nation to Na Ceiltich and endorse Boa constrictor.

If this is your first mission, here is how to do it:
1) Resign from the World Assembly on your main nation if it is currently in the World Assembly
2) Make a second nation and join the World Assembly on it, and it only.
3) Send it to Na Ceiltich
4) Endorse Boa constrictor.

Thank you!

Fnr minister of defense

New Mission:

Please send a nation to C O R R U P T and endorse Boa constrictor.

If this is your first mission, here is how to do it:
1) Resign from the World Assembly on your main nation if it is currently in the World Assembly
2) Make a second nation and join the World Assembly on it, and it only.
3) Send it to C O R R U P T
4) Endorse Boa constrictor.

Thank you!

Fnr minister of defense

New Mission:

Please send a nation to Elchland and endorse Boa constrictor.

If this is your first mission, here is how to do it:
1) Resign from the World Assembly on your main nation if it is currently in the World Assembly
2) Make a second nation and join the World Assembly on it, and it only.
3) Send it to Elchland
4) Endorse Boa constrictor.

Thank you!

Fnr minister of defense

New Mission:

Please send a nation to Atrax and endorse Boa constrictor.

If this is your first mission, here is how to do it:
1) Resign from the World Assembly on your main nation if it is currently in the World Assembly
2) Make a second nation and join the World Assembly on it, and it only.
3) Send it to Atrax
4) Endorse Boa constrictor.

Thank you!

Fnr minister of defense

New Mission:

This time, we are detagging an old defender region that has quite a bit of history! Please send a nation to Cair Paravel and endorse The Military of South Asians 5.

If this is your first mission, here is how to do it:
1) Resign from the World Assembly on your main nation if it is currently in the World Assembly
2) Make a second nation and join the World Assembly on it, and it only.
3) Send it to Cair Paravel
4) Endorse The Military of South Asians 5.

Thank you!

Fnr minister of defense

New Mission:

Helping in a Delegacy Transition back home. Please send a nation to The Free Nations Region and endorse Apatosaurus ii.

If this is your first mission, here is how to do it:
1) Resign from the World Assembly on your main nation if it is currently in the World Assembly
2) Make a second nation and join the World Assembly on it, and it only.
3) Send it to The Free Nations Region
4) Endorse Apatosaurus ii.

Thank you!

Fnr minister of defense

New Mission:

Finally, a detag! Please send a nation to Firing Line and endorse 1st burger regiment.

If this is your first mission, here is how to do it:
1) Resign from the World Assembly on your main nation if it is currently in the World Assembly
2) Make a second nation and join the World Assembly on it, and it only.
3) Send it to Cair Paravel
4) Endorse The Military of South Asians 5.

Thank you!

New Mission:

Move to Hive
Endorse DysonsphereConstructors and A Puppet of My Nation

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